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IBM Topics – June 07, 2012 LUW Track

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1 IBM Topics – June 07, 2012 LUW Track
Jeff Loesch Information Management IBM Software Group

2 Presentations are now available for download:

3 Chicago IBM Information Management Team
Client Technical Specialists Robert Beal David Chiou Debra Eaton Jim Waddell Information Management Architects Jeff Loesch David Majcher Jim Strand

4 Chicago IBM Information Management Team
Sales Specialists Mark Brenner David Jones Ryan Loughrey Geoff Noth Tom Novello Jim Pagel Chris Tucker Richard Wylie 3

5 AGENDA DB2 10 LUW Galileo Upgrade Best Practices (two sessions) Melanie Stopfer, IBM The Business of Database Availability Dale McInnis, IBM  Practical Options and Trade-offs for Database Availability  Dale McInnis, IBM 

6 Speaker Bios Melanie Stopfer is a Consulting Learning Specialist and Developer for IBM Software Group. As a Certified DB2 Advanced Technical Expert and Learning Facilitation Specialist, she has provided in-depth technical support to IM customers specializing in recovery, performance and database upgrade and migration best practice solutions since In 2009, Melanie was the first DB2 LUW speaker to be inducted into the IDUG Speaker Hall of Fame and again was selected Best Overall Speaker in 2011. Dale McInnis is a Senior Technical Staff Member at the IBM Toronto lab and has a B.Sc.(CS) from the University of New Brunswick and a Masters of Engineering (M. Eng EE) from the University of Toronto. Dale joined IBM in 1988, and has been working on the DB2 development team since During this time, Dale has always focused on the DB2 Kernel development, such as backup and recovery, high availability and disaster recovery. More recently Dale has focused on designing high availability and disaster recovery features as well as integrating other IBM software products into the DB2 product, such as Tivoli System Automation for Multi Platforms, Tivoli Advanced Copy Services, and Inforsphere Replication Server. Dale is a regular speaker at the International DB2 Users Groups (IDUG) conferences worldwide, as well as DB2 Regional users groups. He also speaks at IBMs Information On Demand (IOD) conferences and is an active member of the High Availability(HA) Community of Practice (CoP) as well as the Business Continuity and Resiliency (BCR) World Wide CoP.

7 The Big Announcement …. DB2 10.1 for LUW announced April 3rd
PL/SQL compatibility, integrated time-based analytics, and SPARQL support for new "no SQL" applications, helping to speed up application development Simplified administration and optimal use of your data storage resources with multi-temperature storage Extreme scalability and availability with DB2 pureScale® Adaptive compression, helping to lower storage Flexible definitions of role and data access control, helping you improve security A suite of complementary products to manage database performance, deployment, administration, monitoring, and availability that is included in the DB2 Advanced Enterprise Server Edition See Announcement Letter

8 Recent Product Announcements (click on hyperlink for more information)
Revolution R Enterprise and IBM Netezza Analytics deliver enterprise-ready R to the data warehouse IBM Informix Genero V2.40 brings a wealth of enhancements to accelerate delivery of media rich applications IBM InfoSphere Information Server V8.7 simplified offerings for data integration, data quality, and business alignment deliver faster time to value IBM InfoSphere Data Architect V8.1 IBM InfoSphere Data Replication V and InfoSphere Federation Server V10.1 deliver enhanced data integration solutions IBM DB2 Connect 10.1 for Linux , UNIX , and Windows exploits latest features in IBM DB2 10 for z/OS and IBM DB2 for i 7.1, adds deployment flexibility and boosts high availability IBM DB for Linux, UNIX, and Windows makes it easier for you to develop database applications, and helps you speed your database application deployment IBM InfoSphere Warehouse V10.1 delivers real-time operational analytics by empowering organizations to make active, timely and informed decisions as business events occur Software withdrawal: DB2 Linux, UNIX and Windows, InfoSphere Warehouse, and IBM InfoSphere Optim Query Tuner for DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows

9 Upcoming Events …

10 Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing
Listen to the experts who develop breakthrough technology and get your questions answered DB2 – See schedule and replays available: Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing Informix – See schedule and replays available: www‐


12 Software Acquisitions since 2001
Analytics Algorithmics [Closed October 20, 2011] Clarity Systems [Closed October 20, 2010] Cognos [Closed January 31, 2008] OpenPages [Closed October 20, 2010] SPSS Inc. [Closed October 2, 2009] Industry Solutions Coremetrics [Closed August 2, 2010]  Curam Software Ltd. [Closed December 20, 2011] Datacap [Closed August 6, 2010] DemandTec, Inc. [Closed on February 15, 2012] Emptoris, Inc. [Announced on December 15, 2011] FileNet Corporation [Closed October 12, 2006] i2 [Closed October 4, 2011] PSS Systems [Closed October 12, 2010] Sterling Commerce [Closed August 27, 2010] Unica [Closed October 6, 2010] Information Management Alphablox Corp. [Closed July 14, 2004] Ascential Software Corp. [Closed April 29, 2005] CrossAccess Corp. [Closed October 17, 2003] DataMirror Corporation [Closed August 31, 2007] DWL [Closed August 2, 2005] Exeros [Closed May 5, 2009] Green Pasture Software, Inc. [Closed December 17, 2003] Guardium [Closed November 30, 2009] Informix Corp. [Closed July 2, 2001] Initiate [Closed March 1, 2010] iPhrase Systems, Inc. [Closed November 1, 2005] Language Analysis Systems [Closed March 16, 2006] Netezza [Closed November 10, 2010] Princeton Softech, Inc. [Closed September ] Solid Information Technology [Closed January 29, 2008] SRD [Closed January 7, 2005] Tarian Software [Closed November 15, 2002] Trigo Technologies [Closed April 6, 2004] Unicorn Solutions, Inc. [Closed May 5, 2006] Venetica [Closed October 7, 2004]

13 Software Acquisitions since 2001 – cont’d
Tivoli TRIRIGA [Closed April 14, 2011] Access360 [Closed October 6, 2002] BigFix [Closed July 19, 2010] Candle Corp. [Closed June 7, 2004] CIMS Lab, Inc. [Closed January 20, 2006] Collation, Inc. [Closed November 15, 2005] Consul Risk Management, Inc. [Closed January 22, 2007] Cyanea Systems [Closed July 29, 2004] DORANA from Ubiquity [Closed October 4, 2006] Encentuate, Inc. [Closed March 11, 2008] FilesX [Closed April 21, 2008] Intelliden [Closed February 16,2010] Isogon Corp. [Closed July 27, 2005] Metamerge [Closed June 25, 2002] Micromuse, Inc. [Closed February 14, 2006] MRO Software [Closed October 6, 2006] Rembo Technology [Closed June 27, 2006] Think Dynamics [Closed May 14, 2003] Trellisoft, Inc. [Closed August 19, 2002] Vallent Corporation [Closed February 13, 2007] WebSphere AptSoft Corporation [Closed January 18, 2008] Cast Iron Systems [Closed April 29, 2010] CrossWorlds Software, Inc. [Closed January 14, 2002] DataPower Technology, Inc. [Closed October 14, 2005] Gluecode Software [Closed May 10, 2005] Holosofx, Inc. [Closed September 12, 2002] ILOG [Closed December 29, 2008] InfoDyne Corporation [Closed April 29, 2008] Lombardi [Closed January 25, 2010] Webify Solutions, Inc [Closed August 1, 2006] Worklight [Announced January 31, 2012]

14 Software Acquisitions since 2001 cont’d
Lotus (WPLC) Aptrix [Closed July 15, 2003] Bowstreet, Inc. [Closed December 20, 2005] Net Integration Technologies Inc. [Closed February 15, 2008] Outblaze Ltd. [Closed April 16, 2009] PureEdge Solutions, Inc. [Closed July 25, 2005] WebDialogs [Closed August 21, 2007] Security Systems Q1 Labs [Announced October 4, 2011] Co-Sponsored Acquisitions Arsenal Digital Solutions (GTS Acquisition complementing Tivoli software) [Closed January 31, 2008] ISS (GTS Acquisition with Software content) [Closed October 20, 2006 Rational BuildForge, Inc. [Closed May 2, 2006] Green Hat [Closed January 11, 2012] Information Laboratory [Closed July 2003] Ounce Labs Inc. [Closed July 28, 2009] Rational Software Corp. [Closed February 21, 2003] Systemcorp ALG Ltd. [Closed November 19, 2004] Telelogic AB [Closed April 3, 2008] Watchfire Corporation [Closed July 20, 2007]

15 Announcements from 2011 October 24
Awards: Congratulations to the winning IBM Business Partners IBM Cognos BI v10.1 and IBM Cognos Mobile IBM SPSS Statistics 20 IBM InfoSphere Master Data Management v10 InfoSphere Information Server 8.7 IMS 12 IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS V2.1 InfoSphere BigInsights V1.3 (an IBM big data solution) InfoSphere Streams (an IBM big data solution) Smart Analytics System 7710 Smart Analytics System 5710 Smart Analytics System 9700/9710 InfoSphere Guardium Database Activity Monitor v8.2 IBM Storwize V7000 Unified Disk System October 25 IBM Content and Predictive Analytics for Healthcare IBM Case Manager 5.1 IBM Connections Enterprise Content Edition IBM InfoSphere Identity Insight v8.1 IBM Data Studio V3.1 IBM pureQuery Runtime V3.1 InfoSphere Optim Query Workload Tuner V3.1 IBM InfoSphere Optim System Analyzer for SAP Applications IBM InfoSphere Optim Business Process Analyzer for SAP Applications IBM InfoSphere Optim Self Service Center for Test Data Mgmt IBM InfoSphere Data Architect v7.6 Cognos 8.4 Business Intelligence for z/OS IBM System Storage DS8000® BAO Jumpstart for Customer Insight (Customer Analytics Diagnostic BVA) BAO Jumpstart for IMF (Enterprise Content Management Strategy BVA)






21 http://www-01. ibm. com/common/ssi/index. wss



24 DB2 Connect Virtual User Group
Optim User Group DB2 Connect Virtual User Group DB2 SAP Virtual Group

25 IBM Information Management Links
Information Management Training IBM Training Classes Information Management ‐ Downloads, Trial Offers, White Papers IBM Data Management Community IBM Data Mangement Magazine IBM Database Magazine Newsletter www‐ Integrated Data Management (Optim and Data Studio) - Data Governance (Encryption, Data Privacy/Masking (prod/test/qa), Security) Social Media Connects (facebook ,Twitter ,YouTube, Communities)

26 IBM Information Management Links
Information Management Training IBM Training Classes Information Management ‐ Downloads, Trial Offers, White Papers IBM Data Management Community IBM Data Mangement Magazine IBM Database Magazine Newsletter www‐ Integrated Data Management (Optim and Data Studio) - Data Governance (Encryption, Data Privacy/Masking (prod/test/qa), Security) Social Media Connects (facebook ,Twitter ,YouTube, Communities)


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