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Chapter 6: Blood and Lymphatic/Immune System Dr. Glotfelty

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1 Chapter 6: Blood and Lymphatic/Immune System Dr. Glotfelty
Medical Terminology Chapter 6: Blood and Lymphatic/Immune System Dr. Glotfelty

2 Blood Combining Forms Agglutin/o: clumping Hem/o, Hemat/o: blood
Bas/o: basic Leuk/o: white Chrom/o: color Neutr/o: neutral Coagul/o: clotting Phag/o: eat, swallow Cyt/o: cell Sanguin/o: blood Eosin/o: rosy red Thromb/o: blood clot Erythr/o: red

3 Blood Suffixes -cytosis: more than normal number of cells
-phil: attraction for -poiesis: formation -stasis: standing still -emia: blood condition -globin: protein -penia: abnormal decrease

4 Vocabulary/Pathology
Blood Clot (pic) Coagulate: to clot Hemorrhage: excessive bleeding Hemophilia: cannot clot Hyperlipidemia: too much fat in the blood Leukemia: white blood cell condition

5 Anemia –Most Common Iron-deficiency
Pernicious: insufficient absorption of vitamin B12 Sickle cell: RBC abnormally shaped

6 Abbreviations BMT: bone marrow transplant
C & S: culture and sensitivity CBC: complete blood count Diff: differential HCT: hematocrit Hgb: hemoglobin pro-time: prothrombin time

7 Blood About 5 liters in average adult
Mixture of formed cells (erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets) and plasma Hematopoiesis: formation of blood cells Purposes: transport(RBC), protection (WBC), control of bleeding (platelets)

8 Components of Blood

9 Plasma 55% of whole blood 90-92% water 8-10% dissolved substances

10 Erythrocytes Biconcave and enucleated Hemoglobin
About 5 million per cubic centimeter Average life span is 120 days

11 Leukocytes Provide protection from pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and others About 8,000 per cubic centimeter

12 Platelets Thrombocytes
Between 200,000 and 300,000 per cubic centimeter Hemostasis: blood clotting

13 Blood Typing Type A Type B Type AB (universal recipient)
Type O (universal donor) Rh Positive negative

14 Combining Forms Match Up
agglutin/o chrom/o cyt/o erythr/o leuk/o color red clumping cell white

15 Words to Know for Lymphatic System and Immune System
Adenoid/o: adenoids Lymphangi/o: lymph vessel Axill/o: armpit Path/o: disease Immun/o: immune/protection Splen/o: spleen Inguin/o: groin Thym/o: thymus Lymphaden/o: lymph node Tonsill/o: tonsils Tox/o: toxic, poison -edema: swelling

16 Standard Precautions Vocabulary
Nosocomial infection: Infection caught at medical facility Cross infection: contaminate others Reinfection: re-contaminate self Self-inoculation: spread infection on self OSHA: Occupation Health and Safety Administration – keeps employees safe at work

17 Vocabulary/Pathology
Allergen: substance that can cause allergic reaction Anaphylactic shock: severe allergic reaction Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS): symptoms of the HIV virus Autoimmune disease: immune system attacking own body Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV): virus causing AIDS Inflammation: body’s response to injury Opportunistic infection: infection appearing in immunocompromised person Vaccination: immunity to virus through injection – “immunization”

18 Abbreviations AIDS: acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
ELISA: enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay HIV: human immunodeficiency virus KS: Kaposi’s sarcoma Mono: mononucleosis

19 Lymphatic System Consists of lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, spleen, thymus gland and tonsils Immunity Lymph Lacteals: in abdomen, Used for fat metabolism

20 Lymphatic Vessels One way pipes Very low pressure so have valves

21 Lymph Nodes Collection of lymphatic tissue Remove pathogens and
cell debris

22 Tonsils Collection of lymph tissue along lymph vessels Palatine
Pharyngeal (adenoids) Lingual

23 Spleen LUQ Filters and destroys old red blood cells, recycles iron, and stores some of the blood supply for body Macrophages engulf and remove pathogens

24 Thymus Gland Behind the sternum Develops the immune system

25 Immunity Body’s ability to defend self against pathogens like bacteria, viruses, toxins, and cancer cells Natural immunity (innate) Acquired immunity (have to get) Passive Active

26 Combining Forms Match Up
axill/o immun/o path/o splen/o tox/o disease spleen poison protection underarm

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