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Creating new approaches to improve tenancy sustainment

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1 Creating new approaches to improve tenancy sustainment
Chris Gent, Debt Recovery Manager Pete Beaumont, Financial Inclusion Manager

2 WDH - who are we? A large social housing provider.
A charitable Community Benefit Society. £718m investment to improve stock – ‘Wakefield Standard’. Vision - ‘creating confident communities’. EFQM Excellence Award Winner – 2015.

3 WDH - who are we?

4 Challenges in Wakefield
Multigenerational unemployment. Wakefield is the 65th most deprived district in England (out of 326). Around 47,000 people live in neighbourhoods rated amongst the most deprived in England. Almost 12,000 young people live in households claiming out of work benefits. An estimated 27% of young people in Wakefield live in poverty.

5 Money and health Low levels of financial/digital confidence
Housing and Health Low levels of financial/digital confidence Poverty issues Increasing pressure on services Welfare reform Anxiety Health and wellbeing

6 Our income management journey
2007 2010 2019 2016 2013 Central Debt Team formed Welfare Reform Act 2012

7 Debt, welfare reform and health

8 Reducing poverty, improving health
Discretionary Housing Payments. Local Welfare Provision. Yorkshire Water Community Grants. Yorkshire Water - Water Support. Benevolent Fund Grants. Signposting to other agencies and internal partners. Foodbank referrals. Unique Universal Credit Hub Screen. Person centred toolkit to alleviate debt, ensure tenancy sustainment and support health and wellbeing

9 Approach to income management

10 Culture On demand employees. Deliver Quality Assurance Framework.
Mobile technology. Performance driven. Natural trigger points.

11 Culture Dedicated team. Reducing impacts of poverty.
Tackle intergenerational habits. Test and learn approach. Support checklist/evaluation. Uncover wider issues.

12 Automation Arrears process - 97% automation.
Responsive arrears programme. Visit download. Automated text messages. Development of Mobile Solution. Range of automated referral mechanisms for support.

13 Referral mechanisms

14 Innovation Use behavioural insight. Innovation culture.
Consultancy service. Benchmarking tool. WIFI hotspots. Dedicated financial inclusion website. Bespoke database.

15 Cash Wise database


17 Debt Performance 2017/2018 Outstanding arrears performance.
Completed over 38,000 arrears visits, 60% positive. Received over 40,000 incoming calls. The Central Debt Team has made 83,879 calls to customers in debt. Sent over 174,000 low cost SMS text messages over 50% prompted an action.

18 Debt Performance 2017/2018 The level of Notice Seeking Possession served has reduced by 242 to 3,233 when compared to same time last year. Reduction of cases submitted to court by 14 to 165. Arrears related evictions have reduced by 22 to 67 - associated savings in excess of £178k.

19 Cash Wise performance 2017/2018

20 Cash Wise performance

21 Cash Wise performance SROI Cash Wise - £1: £8.51 / Debt team - £1: £3.98

22 Sharing best practice - activity
What are the key challenges in your areas of work? What support are you putting in place for customers to overcome these challenges?

23 Social value


25 Evolution – where we want to be
Dynamic scheduling. Create our on demand product. Move towards virtual debt service. Continue behavioural insight journey. Expand consultancy product. Evolve UC Hub functionality.

26 Evolution – where we want to be
Stay fit for purpose by continually evolving. Keep abreast of welfare reform changes. UC e-learning packages More in depth digital support. Drive performance through database. Partnership working. Schools delivery programme.

27 Cash Wise Life Choices

28 Questions

29 /wdhupdate @WDHupdate

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