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Investigation and Experimentation

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1 Investigation and Experimentation
Final Review Sheet Investigation and Experimentation Standards 9.a - 9.g

2 The hypothesis would be an educated guess.
Plan and conduct a scientific investigation to test a hypothesis 9a The hypothesis would be an educated guess. For example, we predict that if plants receive more sunlight then they will grow more!

3 Evaluate the accuracy and reproducibility of data.
To be accurate the measurements need to be close to the actual heights of the plants. To have good reproducibility (precision) means that several plants were tested with similar results.

4 The amount of sun received
Distinguish between variable and controlled parameters in a test. 9c Manipulated: Responding: Controls: The amount of sun received the growth of the plants type of plant, soil, water…

5 Rise 50 m 2 m/s Run 25 s d = s • t 2 m • 35 s s 70 m 9d
Recognize the slope of the linear graph as the constant in the relationship y = mx 9d 5 10 20 30 Time (s) 15 25 40 50 Car Distance (m) Calculate the slope to determine the speed of the car. Rise 50 m 2 m/s Run 25 s How far will the car travel in 35 seconds? 1 2/3 4/5 d = s • t 2 m • 35 s s 70 m

6 Manipulated (Independent) Responding (Dependent)
Construct graphs from data and develop quantitative statements about the relationships between variables. 9e Speed Manipulated (Independent) Responding (Dependent) 50 100 150 200 250 15 Time (hr) Distance (km) 5 25 50 Distance (km) 150 250 How far would you travel after 20 hours? 5 10 15 20 25 Time (hr) 200 Km

7 s = d t d t • s = • t t d t • t = s = • t s t s Solve for d
Apply simple mathematical relationships for solving the unknown in an equation. 9f s = d t d t • s = • t Solve for d t d t • t = s = • t Solve for t s t s

8 Linear Non-Linear 9g Constant slope means constant speed!
Distinguish between linear and non-linear relationships on a graph of data. 9g 5 10 20 30 Time (s) 15 25 40 50 Distance (m) Linear Non-Linear Constant slope means constant speed! Changing slope means changing speed!

9 Now answer questions on pages 1 of your study guide for Standard 9
Now answer questions on pages 1 of your study guide for Standard Due tomorrow. *

10 Final Review Sheet Motion Standards 1.a - 9.f

11 The distance between the cactus and bike is changing.
Position is defined relative to some reference point and set of directions. 1a Using the cactus as a reference point the bike is moving East. The distance between the cactus and bike is changing.

12 40 km 5km/hr 8 hrs N/A 1b Bike traveled 30 km in 2 hrs.
Speed of an object can vary. Average speed equals total distance divided by total time. 1b Bike traveled 30 km in 2 hrs. Bicyclist 2 Time (hrs) 4 6 8 10 20 30 40 Distance (km) Then stopped for 4 hrs Then traveled 10 km in 2 hrs. 1 2/3 4/5 40 km ave s = td / tt 5km/hr 8 hrs N/A

13 How to solve problems involving distance, time, and speed.
The motorcycle traveled 45 meters in 5 seconds. Calculate its speed 5 s 45 m 1 2/3 4/5 45m s=d/t 9m/s 5s N/A

14 The plane is traveling 125mph due East!
Velocity is described by both speed and direction. 1d The plane is traveling 125mph due East! East 125 mi/hr

15 Changing your direction!
A change in velocity can be due to an increase or decrease in speed or a change in direction. 1e Increasing your speed! Decreasing your speed! Changing your direction! Any change in velocity (Δv) will cause an acceleration!

16 Describe the motion for the following time periods.
Interpret graphs of distance vs. time & speed vs. time. 1f Describe the motion for the following time periods. Time (s) 5 10 20 30 15 25 40 50 Distance (m) 2 1 3 Time (s) 4 6 8 10 5 Speed (m/s) 1. 0 – 5 s 0 motion 4. 0 – 6 s Constant speed 2. 5 – 15 s Acceleration 3. 15 – 25 s Constant speed 5. 6 – 10 s Acceleration

17 Now answer questions on pages 2 of your work sheet. Standard 1
Now answer questions on pages 2 of your work sheet. Standard Due tomorrow. *

18 Final Review Sheet Forces Standards 2.a - 2.g

19 A B C 7 N 5 N 5 N Different Magnitude Different Direction 2a
A force has both direction and magnitude 2a Describe how the forces on objects B & C are different then on A 7 N A 5 N B C 5 N Different Magnitude Different Direction The length of the arrow is an indication of the relative magnitude of the force.

20 When two or more forces act on an object, the effect on the object is the sum of all forces.
The net force is 3 newtons to the right, so the box will accelerate to the right 3 N Net Force

21 Zero net force, Zero change in motion
When the forces on an object are balanced, the motion does not change. 2c W D T L W Balanced! Floor Zero net force, Zero change in motion Balanced!

22 Gravity Static Friction 2d Elastic
Identify separate forces acting on static objects, including gravity, elastic, and frictional forces. 2d 10 N Gravity Zero Movement! Elastic Zero Movement! 15 N 15 N 10 N Zero Movement! 5 N Static Friction 5 N

23 When forces are unbalanced the object will change its motion (speed up, slow down, or change direction). 2e Net 2000N engine 3000N wind 800N Rocket Car 100N 100N Unbalanced The velocity will change

24 a = F / m 2 N 2m/s² = 1kg 4 N ? N 2m/s² = 2kg ? 2f 2 N 1 kg 4 N 2 kg
When the mass of an object increases more force is needed to achieve the same change in motion. 2f 2 N 2m/s² = 2 N 1 kg 1kg 4 N 2m/s² = ? N 2kg 2 kg 4 N ? a = F / m

25 2g Forming Stars Gravity Inertia Forming Planets
How does gravity form, maintain planets, stars and the solar system. 2g Forming Stars Gravity Inertia Forming Planets

26 Now answer questions on pages 3 of your work sheet. Forces
Now answer questions on pages 3 of your work sheet. Forces Due tomorrow. *

27 Final Review Sheet Density & Buoyancy Standards 8.a - 8.d

28 Grade 8 Science Reference Sheet
Density is mass per unit volume 8a Mass Density = Volume Density: D = m V Grade 8 Science Reference Sheet

29 8b D = m/V D = m/V 450g/150cm³ 70g/14ml 3g/cm³ 5g/ml
Calculate the density of regular and irregular solids, and liquids using mass and volume. 8b 5 cm 3 cm 450 g block 10 cm 12 ml 26 ml 70 g rock 1 2/3 4/5 D = m/V 1 2/3 4/5 D = m/V 450g/150cm³ 70g/14ml N/A N/A 3g/cm³ 5g/ml

30 Density greater then H2O
The buoyant force equals the weight of the fluid being displaced. 8c Displacing 30N of water Density less then H2O Displacing 60N of water 30 N Density same as H2O 60 N Density greater then H2O 60 N

31 d = m/V C B A A B C 8d m = 45g V = 45 ml d = 45g/45ml = 1g/ml
Predicting whether an object will float or sink 8d d = m/V C B A m = 45g V = 45 ml A Less Dense d = 45g/45ml = 1g/ml B m = 30g V = 60 ml Same Density d = 30g/60ml = 0.5g/ml C m = 80g V = 40 ml More Dense d = 80g/40ml = 2g/ml

32 Now answer questions on pages 4 of your work sheet
Now answer questions on pages 4 of your work sheet. Density & Buoyancy Due tomorrow. *

33 Final Review Sheet Structure of Matter Standards 3.a - 3.f

34 Al n 13 ( ) ( ) ( ) Aluminum 13 Protons 14 Neutrons 13 Electrons
The structure of the atom, composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons 3a Particle Charge # 13 Protons ( ) n ( ) 14 Neutrons ( ) 13 Electrons Nucleus 13 Al Aluminum 26.98 Electron Orbits Aluminum

35 New Compound with new properties!
Compounds are made by bonding two or more different element, with properties different from those of the individual elements. 3b Gases Liquid Yields Reactants Products New Compound with new properties!

36 Crystal: grows 3-D from a central lattice
Solids are formed by building up repeating patterns of atoms or molecules such as crystals (NaCl) or long chain polymers. 3c Monomer Crystal: grows 3-D from a central lattice Polymer: a large molecule made by linking together smaller molecules

37 The state of (solid, liquid, gas) matter depends on the molecular motion.
Boiling Liquid Temperature (faster) Condensation Melting Solid Freezing Thermal Energy

38 Describing the molecular motion of solids, liquids and gases.
Solids: The atoms or molecules are closely locked in position and can only vibrate. Liquids: The atoms or molecules are loosely connected and can collide with and move past one another Gases: The atoms or molecules are free to move independently, colliding frequently

39 O NH2CH2 C OH 1 Nitrogen 5 Hydrogen 2 Carbon 2 Oxygen 3f
Use the periodic table to identify elements in simple compounds. 3f NH2CH2 C OH O 1 Nitrogen 5 Hydrogen 2 Carbon 2 Oxygen

40 Now answer questions on pages 5 of your work sheet. Structure of Matter Due tomorrow.

41 Final Review Sheet Periodic Table Standards 7.a - 7.c

42 3 4 2 1 7a 1 Metals: Malleable Ductile conductive shiny 2
How to Identify regions corresponding to metals, nonmetals and inert gases. 7a 2 1 3 4 1 Metals: Malleable Ductile conductive shiny 2 Semi metals: Both metal and nonmetals 3 Nonmetals: Brittle nonconductive dull 4 Inert Gases: Non reactive

43 3 Li Protons Neutrons 3 3 4 3 Lithium-7 Lithium-6 7b 6.94
Elements are defined by the number of protons in the nucleus, which is called the atomic number. Isotopes of an element differ by their number of neutrons in the nucleus 7b 3 Li Lithium 6.94 Protons Neutrons 3 3 4 3 Lithium-7 Lithium-6

44 GOLD 7c Au has a density of 19.3 g/cm³ H2O melts at 0ºC Copper
Substances can be classified by their properties: melting temperature, density, hardness, heat and electrical conductivity. 7c GOLD Au has a density of 19.3 g/cm³ H2O melts at 0ºC Copper Cu is a good conductor of heat & electricity Diamonds have a hardness of 10

45 Now answer questions on pages 6 of your work sheet. Periodic Table
Now answer questions on pages 6 of your work sheet. Periodic Table Due tomorrow. *

46 Final Review Sheet Reactions Standards 5.a - 5.e

47 New product having new properties
When atoms or molecules react they form products with different chemical properties 5a O C H O H O C O Yields H H O H Reactants Products New product having new properties

48 # of atoms & total mass remain the same
Conservation of matter: in a chemical reaction the number of atoms stays the same no matter how they are arranged, so their total mass stays the same 5b O C H O H O C O Yields H H O H 40g 140g ? 100g 80g # of atoms & total mass remain the same

49 2Li + 2H2O  2Li + 2H2O  NH4NO3 + H2O  NH4NO3 + H2O  H2 NH4 LiOH
Chemical reactions either release heat or absorb heat 5c 2Li + 2H2O  2Li + 2H2O  NH4NO3 + H2O  NH4NO3 + H2O  H2 NH4 LiOH NO3 LiOH Heat Released Exothermic Heat absorbed Endothermic

50 Physical Change because No new substances are being formed!
Physical processes including freezing and boiling, materials simply change form with no chemical change 5d Physical Change because No new substances are being formed! Still H2O Still Paper Still Al (Al) Can (Al) Can Boiling Freezing Crushing Tearing

51 When mixed they neutralize H2O + salt.
Determine whether a solution is acidic, basic or neutral 5e Taste Sour Taste Bitter H ions OH ions Reacts w/ metals carbonates Feels Slippery When mixed they neutralize H2O + salt. Acid Base Strong Acid Weak Acid Weak Base Strong Base Neutral 14 7 3 5 9 11

52 Now answer questions on pages 7 of your work sheet
Now answer questions on pages 7 of your work sheet. Reactions Due tomorrow. *

53 Chemistry of Living Systems
Final Review Sheet Chemistry of Living Systems Standards 6.a - 6.c

54 with itself and other elements O N O C C R 6a
Carbon has a central role in the chemistry of living organisms because it can combine in many ways 6a Amino Acids H H O N O C H C Glucose C6H12O6 H R with itself and other elements

55 Memorize!!! 6b Hydrogen Nitrogen Oxygen Phosphorous Carbon Sulfur
Living organisms are mostly made of the elements: 6b Hydrogen Nitrogen Oxygen Phosphorous Carbon Sulfur H Li Na K Rb Cs Fr Os Re W Ta Hf La Ba Bi Pb Tl Hg Au Pt Ir Rn At Po Sr Rh Ru Tc Mo Nb Zr Y Te Sb Sn In Cd Ag Pd Xe I Ca Co Fe Mn Cr V Ti Sc Se As Ge Ga Zn Cu Ni Kr Br Cl S P Si Al Ar F O N C B Ne He Ra Ac Mt Hs Bh Sg Db Rf Be Mg P O N C S H Memorize!!!

56 Living organisms are made of small molecules like: water, salt and very large ones like: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and DNA 6c Large Molecules O H Na Cl Small Molecules DNA Proteins Fats Carbohydrates

57 Now answer questions on pages 8 of your work sheet
Now answer questions on pages 8 of your work sheet. Chemistry of Living Systems Due tomorrow. *

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