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It’s a Social World TOP Need-to-Knows about Social Networking Across the World and Where It’s Headed 10 Eli Goodman Media Evangelist @LosBuenos.

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Presentation on theme: "It’s a Social World TOP Need-to-Knows about Social Networking Across the World and Where It’s Headed 10 Eli Goodman Media Evangelist @LosBuenos."— Presentation transcript:

1 It’s a Social World TOP Need-to-Knows about Social Networking Across the World and Where It’s Headed 10 Eli Goodman Media Evangelist @LosBuenos

2 TOP Need-to-Knows about Social Networking Across the World and Where It’s Headed 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Social networking is the most popular online activity worldwide Social networking behavior both transcends and reflects regional differences around the world The importance of Facebook cannot be overstated Microblogging has emerged as a disruptive new force in social networking Local social networks are making inroads globally It’s not just young people using social networking anymore – it’s everyone ‘Digital natives’ suggest communications are going social Social networking leads in online display advertising in the U.S., but lags in share of dollars The next disrupters have yet to be decided Mobile devices are fueling the social addiction

3 Social networking is a global phenomenon.

4 Total Unique Visitors (MM)
The Social Networking category had a global audience of <500 million users. IN MARCH 2007 Total Unique Visitors (MM) 56.4% of the world’s online population Source: comScore Media Metrix, March 2007

5 When I wrote ‘The World Is Flat’ [2004] Facebook didn't exist; Twitter was a sound; the cloud was in the sky; 4G was a parking place. . . and Skype for most people was a typo. All of that changed in just the last six years. Thomas L. Friedman Source:

6 Total Unique Visitors (MM)
IN OCTOBER 2011 Around the world, Social Networking now reaches 1.2 billion users. Total Unique Visitors (MM) 82.4% of the world’s online population Source: comScore Media Metrix, October 2011

7 Today, the digital media landscape has changed immensely, influenced by
social networking.

8 1 Social Networking is the Most Popular Online Activity Worldwide

9 The Rise of the Global Social Networking Audience
+88% Total Internet +174% Social Networking Worldwide Total Unique Visitors (MM) Source: comScore Media Metrix, March October 2011

10 As people began to get connected,
they immediately began connecting with one another.

11 1 Nearly in 5 minutes online is spent on social networks today. 35 30
25 Social Networking Search/Navigation Retail Communications ( /IM) Other Content Time Spent on Key Categories Online Worldwide Hours per Month (Billions) Source: comScore Media Metrix, March October 2011

12 2 Social Networking Behavior Both Transcends and Reflects Regional Differences around the World

13 Despite differences in government, infrastructure, availability of Internet access, and cultural practices, social networking is growing around the world.

14 Percentage of Machines Included in UDM Measurement
More than half of local online populations engage in social networking. North America North America Europe Middle East & Africa Asia Pacific Canada 94% United States 98% Argentina 96% Brazil 97% Chile 94% Colombia 96% Mexico 96% Peru 96% Puerto Rico 90% Venezuela 96% Austria 86% Belgium 93% Denmark 94% Finland 91% France 91% Germany 90% Ireland 95% Italy 93% Netherlands 94% Norway 89% Poland 95% Portugal 96% Russia 88% Spain 98% Sweden 93% Switzerland 90% Turkey 96% United Kingdom 98% Israel 94% South Africa 88% Australia 96% China 53% Hong Kong % India 95% Indonesia 94% Japan 58% Malaysia 94% New Zealand 95% Philippines 96% Singapore 94% South Korea 87% Taiwan 94% Vietnam 85% Percentage of Online Population Using Social Networking around the World* % Reach of Online Population * Data is based on the 43 countries on which comScore reports individually. Source: comScore Media Metrix, October 2011

15 But despite widespread adoption, there are disparities in
social networking across geographies and demographic groups. North America North America Europe Middle East & Africa Asia Pacific Canada 94% United States 98% Argentina 96% Brazil 97% Chile 94% Colombia 96% Mexico 96% Peru 96% Puerto Rico 90% Venezuela 96% Austria 86% Belgium 93% Denmark 94% Finland 91% France 91% Germany 90% Ireland 95% Italy 93% Netherlands 94% Norway 89% Poland 95% Portugal 96% Spain 98% Sweden 93% Switzerland 90% Turkey 96% United Kingdom 98% Israel 94% South Africa 88% Australia 96% China 53% Hong Kong 93% India 95% Indonesia 94% Japan 58% Malaysia 94% New Zealand 95% Philippines 96% Singapore 94% South Korea 87% Russia 88% Taiwan 94% Vietnam 85% Percentage of Online Population Using Social Networking around the World % Reach of Online Population

16 1/3 of the world’s social networkers are in Asia Pacific.
Regional Share of Total Unique Visitors to Social Networking Source: comScore Media Metrix, October 2011

17 Yet 5 of the most engaged markets for social networking are in Latin America.
Average Hours per Visitor Source: comScore Media Metrix, October 2011

18 % 28% 11% Share of Total Time Spent in Latin America
on Social Networking 11% Share of Total Time Spent in Asia Pacific on Social Networking % Regional Share of Time Spent on Social Networking Social Networking Total Minutes as a % of Total Minutes Online Source: comScore Media Metrix, October 2011

19 % 7.6 2.9 Average Hours per Person in Latin America
Spent on Social Networking 2.9 Average Hours per Person in Asia Pacific Spent on Social Networking % Average Engagement with Social Networking by Region Average Hours per Visitor Source: comScore Media Metrix, October 2011

20 women are more social. Across all regions,
Average Engagement with Social Networking by Gender Average Hours per Visitor Source: comScore Media Metrix, October 2011

21 3 The Importance of Facebook Cannot Be Overstated

22 3 55% Facebook’s global penetration Facebook’s worldwide site rank
Source: comScore Media Metrix, October 2011

23 1 3 in 7 minutes spent online are spent on Facebook
in 4 minutes on social networking sites are spent on Facebook 1 in 7 minutes spent online are spent on Facebook Source: comScore Media Metrix, October 2011

24 Since 2010, Facebook has taken the lead in 6 new markets across Asia, Latin America, and Europe.
Facebook’s Ascent in Recent Years Total Unique Visitors (MM) Source: comScore Media Metrix, January October 2011

25 Today, there are only 6 markets where
Facebook is not the leading social network. Russia Poland Japan China South Korea Vietnam Source: comScore Media Metrix, January 2012

26 Top 2 Social Networks in Selected Markets Where Facebook Is Not #1
Japan Poland Facebook surpassed Orkut in Brazil in January 2012 Russia South Korea Total Unique Visitors (MM) Source: comScore Media Metrix, January October 2011

27 4 Microblogging Has Emerged as a Disruptive New Force in Social Networking

28 Microblogging Platform for short-form content updates

29 @ @ 1 @ Twitter reaches in 10 global online users.
Source: comScore Media Metrix, Worldwide, October 2011

30 10 Most Tweeted Moments of 2011
Growth of Twitter and 10 Most Tweeted Moments of 2011 160 120 80 40 Total Unique Visitors (MM) MTV Music Video Awards End of FIFA Women’s World Cup New Year Tweets per Second BET Awards Steve Jobs Resigns Steve Jobs Passes Away NBA Finals Brazil Eliminated from the Copa America Troy Davis Executed UEFA Champion’s League Final Source: comScore Media Metrix, January October 2011;

31 Other microblogging services on the rise
Source: comScore Media Metrix, October 2011

32 5 Local Social Networks are Making Inroads Globally

33 As global social networking continues to expand, there is a shift in the geographic footprint of some major sites.

34 limited to the U.S. or English-speaking countries.
Majority of the audiences for top-tier social networks based in the U.S. are no longer limited to the U.S. or English-speaking countries. Outside the U.S. Inside the U.S. Geographic Composition of Site Visitors of Top 4 Global Social Networks Share of Unique Visitors Source: comScore Media Metrix, Worldwide, October 2011

35 5 of the top 10 markets with highest LinkedIn
penetration are in Western Europe. Markets with Highest LinkedIn Penetration % Reach Source: comScore Media Metrix, October 2011

36 Other local social networks are breaking into the top tier of global networks and attracting traffic outside their native markets. Vkontakte ( Odnoklassniki Geographic Composition of Site Visitors Share of Unique Visitors Source: comScore Media Metrix, October 2011

37 6 It’s Not Just Young People Using Social Networking Anymore – It’s Everyone

38 Males and users 55+ represent the fastest growing segment in social networking.
Social Networking Penetration Among Worldwide Demographic Groups % Reach Source: comScore Media Metrix, Worldwide, October 2011 vs. July 2010

39 Women still spend more time on social than men, but the gender gap is narrowing for younger demographics. Social Networking Engagement Among Worldwide Demographic Groups Average Hours per Visitor Source: comScore Media Metrix, Worldwide, October 2011

40 7 ‘Digital Natives’ Suggest Communications are Going Social

41 Today’s generation of teenagers and young adults represent a new breed of Internet users, often called “digital natives”* for growing up alongside computers, the Internet and digital media. Source: Marc Prensky, “Digital Natives: Digital Immigrants”.

42 saw the largest decline in engagement with web-based email and instant messaging
15-24 year olds Change in Average Time Spent with Content Category by Age Segment Source: comScore Media Metrix, Worldwide, October 2011 vs. July 2010

43 …but also saw the highest increase in engagement with social networking.
Change in Average Time Spent with Content Category by Age Segment Source: comScore Media Metrix, Worldwide, October 2011 vs. July 2010

44 Average Minutes per Visitor (15-24)
For digital natives, social networking is the norm. Average Minutes per Visitor (15-24) Source: comScore Media Metrix, Worldwide, October 2011

45 8 Social Networking Leads in Online Display Advertising in the U.S., But Lags in Share of Dollars

46 1 5% of all ad impressions in the U.S. were “socially-enabled”
in 4 U.S. display ad impressions appeared on Social Networking sites 5% of all ad impressions in the U.S. were “socially-enabled” Source: comScore Ad Metrix, U.S., October 2011

47 Despite Social Networking’s leadership in the display ad market, it is not yet attracting its fair share of online ad dollars. Display Ad Impressions Page Views Time Spent Online Display Ad Estimated Spending Social Networking Share of Key Metrics Source: comScore Ad Metrix and Media Metrix, U.S., October 2011

48 Display Ad Impressions
Although more than a quarter of ads are seen on social networking sites, the category attracts only 15 percent of U.S. display ad dollars. Social Networking Share of Key Metrics Source: comScore Ad Metrix and Media Metrix, U.S., October 2011

49 Facebook is the largest publisher of online display ad impressions, attracting a “long tail” of smaller advertisers. Publisher Share of Display Ad Impressions Source: comScore Ad Metrix, U.S., Q3 2011

50 9 The Next Disrupters Have Yet to Be Decided

51 The Growth of Today’s Social Networking Leaders
900 800 700 600 500 400 300 Total Unique Visitors (MM) Source: comScore Media Metrix, March October 2011

52 Who could the next disrupters be?

53 Google+ surged to 25 million visitors in less than a month – faster than any other social network.
<1 month to reach 25 million Total Unique Visitors (MM) Source: comScore Custom Analytics, July 2011

54 Fastest Growing Top-Tier Global Social Networks in Terms of Audience Size
Total Unique Visitors (MM) Source: comScore Media Metrix, Worldwide, October 2011 vs. October 2010

55 Selected Global Social Networks Showing Highest Growth in Engagement
Total Unique Visitors (MM) *Growth in engagement for Pinterest is measured from May 2011, when comScore began reporting on the site. Source: comScore Media Metrix, Worldwide, October 2011

56 10 Mobile Devices Are Fueling the Social Networking Addiction

57 Social Networking Penetration in Selected Mobile Markets
% of Total Mobile Audience *MobiLens data for all markets is sourced from the 3 month average period ending in October 2011, except for Japan, which is sourced entirely from October monthly data. Source: comScore MobiLens, 3 Month Average Ending October 2011*

58 Smartphones drive mobile social networking use.
% of Smartphone Audience Source: comScore MobiLens, 3 Month Average Ending October 2011*

59 In the UK, mobile browser and app audiences account for less than a third of the classic web audience. Facebook and Twitter Audiences Across Classic Web, Mobile Browser, and Mobile App Channels Total Unique Visitors (MM) Source: comScore GSMA MMM and Media Metrix, UK, October 2011 Facebook Twitter

60 % of Mobile Social Networking Audience
Mobile Social Networking Activity On-the-Go % of Mobile Social Networking Audience Source: comScore MobiLens, 3 Month Average Ending October 2011

61 Source: comScore Custom Analytics, U.S., September 2011
Tablets and Connected Devices: The Future of Mobile Social Networking? Incremental Reach and Duration of Time Spent on Selected Categories Relative to Computer Use for iPhone and iPad Owners Incremental Reach Incremental Duration 2.0x 9.2x 1.6x 1.9x 2.8x 2.5x Source: comScore Custom Analytics, U.S., September 2011

62 What we are witnessing is the dawn of a truly connected era, where social networking platforms integrate more seamlessly with our lives through mobile technology.

63 TOP Need-to-Knows about Social Networking Across the World and Where It’s Headed 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Social networking is the most popular online activity worldwide Social networking behavior both transcends and reflects regional differences around the world The importance of Facebook cannot be overstated Microblogging has emerged as a disruptive new force in social networking Local social networks are making inroads globally It’s not just young people using social networking anymore – it’s everyone ‘Digital natives’ suggest communications are going social Social networking leads in online display advertising in the U.S., but lags in share of dollars The next disrupters have yet to be decided Mobile devices are fueling the social addiction

64 It’s a Social World TOP Need-to-Knows about Social Networking Across the World and Where It’s Headed 10 Eli Goodman @LosBuenos

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