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Doers and Dreamers Spelling review

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Presentation on theme: "Doers and Dreamers Spelling review"— Presentation transcript:

1 Doers and Dreamers Spelling review

2 She is active in politics.
busy She is active in politics.

3 curious interested in knowing about things
I am curious; where did you buy that beautiful dress?

4 a sound system (radio, CD player, etc.) that uses two speakers
stereos a sound system (radio, CD player, etc.) that uses two speakers I put a CD in the stereo.

5 Potatoes are one of the most popular foods in the Western world.
a round or oval, starchy root vegetable, usually with white flesh and brown, red, or yellow skin Potatoes are one of the most popular foods in the Western world.

6 What is the difference between the new model and the old one?
way of being different What is the difference between the new model and the old one?

7 to understand, start to believe something is true
realize to understand, start to believe something is true He realizes now that he needs to go back to college for more education.

8 scientific related to natural sciences
Space travel is a scientific advancement of the 20th century.

9 echoes the repetition of a sound caused by its bouncing off a hard surface The echoes of our voices in the caves were scary.

10 practical, capable of being done
workable practical, capable of being done We made a workable agreement with another company to build a house together.

11 studios a place where an artist works
He develops black-and-white pictures in his photo studio.

12 exercise to do physical activities to strengthen the body
I exercise by lifting weights and jogging.

13 temperature the degree of heat or cold
The temperature outside is chilly today.

14 chiefs the top person in an organization
The leaders of a Native American tribe is known as the chiefs.

15 He and his wife sleep in separate beds.
apart He and his wife sleep in separate beds.

16 noticeable easily observed, obvious
There has been a noticeable increase in sales

17 courage bravery, the strength of mind and/or body to face and overcome danger and/or difficulties The police officer showed great courage by jumping into the cold lake to save a drowning boy.

18 positive optimistic, hopeful
He has a positive attitude toward his work; he likes it and does it well.

19 The company needed several staffs to run it.
a group of workers The company needed several staffs to run it.

20 celebrate to do something special (like having a party) to mark an occasion I celebrated my birthday with friends in a restaurant.

21 importance having great meaning or significance, weighty
This news is of importance.

22 We had a fantastic time on our vacation in the Rocky Mountains.
wonderful, fabulous We had a fantastic time on our vacation in the Rocky Mountains.

23 I had two halves of an orange.
multiples of half I had two halves of an orange.

24 The coastline became visible through the fog.
Perceptible The coastline became visible through the fog.

25 fragrant pleasant smelling, perfumed
Freshly cut grass has a fragrant smell.

26 loaves a standard portion of baked bread
We buy loaves of bread at the bakery.

27 departure an act of departing, a leaving
My departure for Los Angeles is at 8:00 A.M. tomorrow.

28 My bookcase has six shelves.
a flat piece of wood, metal, etc. that is attached to a wall or other support and is used to hold objects My bookcase has six shelves.

29 pianos large musical instrument built with a wooden frame and many small black and white levers (called "keys") that are struck by the player's fingers, causing long wire strings to vibrate with sound The piano can produce a great range of tones and has become one of the most popular instruments.

30 appearance the arrival, the coming into public view
The singer's appearance on the stage caused everyone to applaud.

31 excellent very high in quality
The violinist gave an excellent performance; everyone applauded loudly.

32 legislature a governmental body with the power to make laws for a nation or state The legislature meets to pass laws affecting the nation.

33 visualize to picture something in the mind, imagine
When it snows, I like to visualize a vacation on a warm, sunny beach.

34 unanimous completely in agreement
Everyone on the committee agreed in a unanimous decision.

35 A lot of people have barbecues on their patios.
an open area next to a house paved with slate, cement, or brick and used for outdoor eating, sitting, etc. in good weather A lot of people have barbecues on their patios.

36 vetoes to cancel or block the passage of a law
The president always vetoes laws that outlaw women voting.

37 tuxedoes a black suit worn to formal occasions
The invitation called for tuxedos and white ties as proper attire.

38 portable movable, capable of being carried or moved around
She uses a portable computer when she travels.

39 irresistible not able to be refused, very tempting
That apple pie is irresistible; I had three slices.

40 resemblance a likeness to someone or something, similarity
The little girl bears a close resemblance to her mother.

41 magnificent very beautiful or impressive
The Taj Mahal in India is a magnificent building. Thank you for watching!

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