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Easing through the Senate...

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1 Easing through the Senate...
Thanks for coming in...

2 Task #1 Group 1: List everything you know about the US Supreme Court
Group 2: List everything you know about the process of nominating a new Supreme Court Justice. What does Article III of the Constitution say? Learn anything new? Add anything you may have missed Group 1: Group 2:

3 Task #2 Why there is an open seat on the U.S. Supreme Court?
What justice was nominated by President Obama to fill that seat? Why was that justice was not confirmed? What justice was nominated by President Trump to replace that same seat? Why might one political party in Congress might try to block a Supreme Court nominee if he or she was nominated by a President of the opposing party? Read the article (p 4) and highlight evidence that supports Judge Gorsuch in one color and evidence that opposed him in another color.

4 Vocabulary as it pertains to the article
Unscathed, dodging, disheartening, filibuster, opposition, mainstream, stellar, unprecedented, blockade, dominant, canard

5 Task #3 List 5-8 qualities that they believe a good U.S. Supreme Court justice should have. Compare answers with another group and try to reach consensus on the 5 qualities that are most important. Conduct research to determine whether Judge Gorsuch would make a good Supreme Court Justice, based on your criteria. Write a 150 word letter to Senate justifying your decision to appoint Judge Gorsuch or not.

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