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Presentation on theme: "PRESENTATION ON PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL"— Presentation transcript:

Gathered by :B N NAGARAJ

2 What is Performance Appraisal
A collaborative process between an employee and his superior to plan the performance and have periodic check on ; How the job is going How the employee is performing How the employee can develop What the superior can do to make it happen

3 WHY conduct a Performance Appraisal
Good human resources practice Facilitate communication between supervisors and employees Provide a framework of goals and standards from which to measure performance

4 WHY conduct a Performance Appraisal
Act as a forum for individual career development issues Develop action and training plans to address performance problems Serve as a tool to determine salary increases Assure a formal time and place for all these events to happen

5 WHEN to conduct a Performance Appraisal
The performance review must occur atleast once in a year However, as a part of Performance Management, the performance review is a continuing, ongoing activity

6 OBJECTIVES of Performance Appraisal
Establish a more effective two way communication Set performance objectives Help improve current performance Assess past performance Provide feedback on performance Identify training & development needs Allocate rewards Identify staff with promotional possibilities Assist in career planning decisions

7 WHO are involved in Performance Appraisal
The Appraisee The Appraiser HR Department

8 WHAT is involved in Performance Management
Goal Setting Coaching & Feedback Observing & Documenting Planning the Appraisal Conducting the Appraisal

9 Attributes measured in Performance Appraisal
Job knowledge Planning & Organising ability Leadership Decision making Commitment & Dedication Initiativeness Innovativeness Communication Interpersonal Team work Responsiveness to change Cost & Time consciousness

10 Common Problems Associated with Conducting the Appraisal
Halo/horn effect – employee’s extreme competence in one area “shines” over all others. Conversely, employee does poorly in one area and this overshadows all areas. Bias – own prejudices {race, national origin, gender, appearance, etc.} influence the appraisal Comparison Rating – contrasting one employee with another

11 Common Problems Associated with Conducting the Appraisal
Central Tendency – rate everyone as average Recency Effect – focusing on recent performance instead of entire year Just Like Me – being more favorable to people who are like you

12 Common Problems Associated with Conducting the Appraisal
Avoidance Rating – giving a positive evaluation on marginal performance to avoid confrontation and controversy with employee or to avoid hurt feelings Favoritism – evaluating friends or those who don’t make waves, etc. more favorably than others

13 Common Problems Associated with Conducting the Appraisal
Avoidance Rating – giving a positive evaluation on marginal performance to avoid confrontation and controversy with employee or to avoid hurt feelings Favoritism – evaluating friends or those who don’t make waves, etc. more favorably than others


15 What is 360 DF? 360 Degree Feedback is a multi - rater feedback system where an individual is assessed by a number of assessors including his boss, direct reports, colleagues, internal customers and external customers

16 Feedback collected from Using a specially designed tool
What is 360 DF? Feedback collected from Using a specially designed tool Anonymously “Boss” Internal Customers Peers Self Team Members External Customers

17 Why 360 degree feedback… People often tell you what you would like to hear not what they really feel This is more pronounced as you move higher up “The higher you go the lonelier it gets” Time spent on giving feedback to individuals on their strengths and areas of improvements is minimum and nil in some cases Feedback if any is restricted (Boss to Employee and one way.)

18 Why 360 degree feedback… A more objective feedback/true feelings/perceptions are very important 360 captures the chemistry one is generating at the work place. IT IS AN EFFECTIVE WAY TO ENHANCE ONES MANAGERIAL AND LEADERSHIP EFFECTIVENESS

19 360 DF is widely used for... Leadership Development
Potential Development Training Needs Identification Team Building Internal Customer Relations building Developing Qualities like External Customer Orientation, Initiative, Quality Orientation, Creativity etc. Recognition and rewards Build New Organizational Culture

20 Thank you B N Nagaraj


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