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Year 7 – Summer Term Knowledge booklet Knowledge checker

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1 Year 7 – Summer Term Knowledge booklet Knowledge checker
What do the following mean: tourist, tourism, domestic tourism, international tourism? What type of tourism would you be doing if were on a gastro holiday, a historic holiday and adventure holiday and a retail holiday? Name 5 famous landmarks in the UK? What is the definition of a national park? List 5 exciting things you could do in the Peak District National Park? Why has their been an increase in holidays overseas and not in the UK? What are the following types of holiday: self catering, package holidays, half board? Explain the multiplier effect in your own words? To what extent do you think the rise in global tourism is a good thing? Explain the theory of leakage in relation to the tourism industry? What is ecotourism and why is the Monteverde Cloud forest a good example of successful ecotourism? Using the example of Benidorm in Spain, why is this a good example of mass tourism? This topic will teach you : About the many different aspects of tourism. Why the tourism industry has grown so much. The use of national parks in the UK. The advantages and disadvantages that tourism brings. What is the issue with leakage. What is mass tourism and ecotourism Knowledge booklet

2 Tourism destinations in the UK
What is tourism and why do people travel? Tourism destinations in the UK DOMESTIC TOURIST Someone who travels for pleasure/interest inside their home country. What and where are all these tourism destination, and why would you go there? TOURIST A person who travels to a place for pleasure and interest and stays for more than a day. TOURISM All the activities that tourists do including the services they pay for. INTERNATIONAL TOURIST Someone who travels for pleasure/interest abroad (outside their home country). THREE REASONS WHY PEOPLE MIGHT GO ON HOLIDAY TO THESE PLACES? TYPES OF TOURISM Sports (to watch Olympics) Gastro (to eat different foods) Cultural (experience language, clothes) Adventure (visit a rainforest) Recreation (Ski in the Alps) Historic (Visit the Pyramids) Exam tip : You must be able to give an example of a holiday destination and say why you wish to go there.

3 Growth of International Tourism
Tourism in the UK Growth of International Tourism Tourism is one of the largest industries in the UK. In 2009 it was worth £115,000,000,000 (£115 billion) and employed 1.45 million people. By 2011 the number of people it employed increased to 2.55 million. Lake District now has UNESCO status like Stone Henge. National Parks are an area of countryside or coastline, protected by the state for the enjoyment of the public and to protect wildlife. 1951 – First NP, declared in the Peak District Why is it growing so quickly? Rising wages Cheaper flights New aircraft (A380) Internet Advertising The positive multiplier effect is the 'snowballing effect' whereby the arrival of tourists brings lots of other positives - jobs, money etc Package holiday – a holiday with one fee which includes your flights, transfers and meals. Self catering – where you pay for your accommodation (often a house or a cottage) and then you cook your own meals. More UK people go on holiday abroad today, and fewer people go on holiday in Britain, what are the reasons for this? Holidays aboard are cheaper. Britain is not as appealing as a foreign holiday. Internet booking make things easier through tablets and smart phones. Wages in Britain continue to rise. What are honeypots? What problems do they have.

4 Advantage Disadvantage
Advantages and disadvantages of the global rise in tourism Tourism is a leaky business In your own words describe why so much money is lost from the tourist destination back to the European travel companies? Advantage Disadvantage It creates jobs for local people. Increased demand on water can create shortages. Tourist spend their money in local shops. Jobs are only seasonal for half of the year. New roads and services need building which supports the other country. House prices in popular areas can increase so local people cannot afford them. Other jobs are created in support industries like catering farming, and cleaning. Lots of the money leaves the holiday countries as it goes to powerful companies like Thompson. The country gets wealthier (rich) and it can use this money to spend on improving health and education in their country. Local food prices can increase which is not fair on local people. The country receives income from taxing profits. Hotels are built too close to the sea. How can LIC reduce leakage? What is leakage? Good idea Bad idea What is Gambia like? 1.7 million people, in West Africa, 90% Muslim, a former British colony. Its very poor, with no fossil fuels, its main export is peanuts. Has a warm climate and golden beaches, plus the people are friendly. 18% of its wealth comes from tourism

5 The uncontrolled growth of a tourist resort
Ecotourism Mass tourism The uncontrolled growth of a tourist resort Ecotourism succeeds when: It is small scale Involves local people Has a focus upon education and conservation Sources food locally What evidence is there that the Monteverde Cloud Forest is a good example of Ecotourism? Read the passage below and highlight the negative impact of mass tourism. Make suggestions for how places like Benidorm could be better managed in the future? Ecotourism Case Study - Costa Rica - Monteverde Cloud Forest 80 new businesses have opened in Monteverde since 1970's The Reserva Biológica Bosque Nuboso Monteverde now covers over 10,500 hectares The large Santa Elena reserve (300 hectares) has also been established Many much smaller reserves have also been created, increasing the size of the protected area e.g. Arenal Conservation Area There are 400 full-time and 140 part-time jobs directly related to tourism - there are many more indirect jobs. The Monteverde reserve employs over 50 staff The reserve actually budgets to train and educate locals and tourists about ecotourism and protection of the reserve Access to the cloud forest is strictly controlled. Trails in both reserves are only limited to certain areas, allowing wildlife to exist undisturbed elsewhere. Locals arts and crafts have been rejuvenated An increase in the quantity and variety ecotourist activities e.g. canopy walks Local population and private sector value the cloud forest as its creates income. It is worth more standing than being cut down. There is however some major negative impacts of tourism in Benidorm, for example it is overcrowded, the population has increased from 700,000 to 110,000,00. A lot of the negative impacts effect the local environment such as hardly any of the beach is natural and is constantly having to be replenished due to erosion mainly due to humans. There is also too much rubbish to deal with and roads are congestion due to too many cars and too little busses. Local people who aren’t that wealthy may also struggle to fins houses as house prices have increased due to the high demand for second homes, people are also reliant on tourism and there is a loss of independence. Over the last few years Benidorm has been trying to shake of the “lager lout” reputation it became to develop mainly due to amount of British tourist go there just to party and become disorderly. Tourism officials decided they did not want that label and wanted to make it more family friendly and are determined to shake the bad reputation they have developed due to the amount of drunken people. There are plans to build more 4-5 star hotels to regain the tourist they had started to lose due to their bad reputation.

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