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Monday 1/21 – American Dream Poetry Analysis, Intro to TOWM

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Presentation on theme: "Monday 1/21 – American Dream Poetry Analysis, Intro to TOWM"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 1 Calendar Changes – Please mark as appropriate or make a new calendar.
Monday 1/21 – American Dream Poetry Analysis, Intro to TOWM Letter to the Poet HW will be due by Wednesday 1/23 Read Part 1 by Thursday Tuesday 1/22 – Obama Speech, Forbes magazine article Wednesday 1/23 – Still in the 706 lab – but we will do Touchstone #1 then do the political cartoon analysis Thursday 1/24 – TED Talk Thursday (same speech); TOWM Part 1 assessment; Intro to Synthesis Essay Friday 1/25 – “20/20” episode; start “30 Days” episode (will finish on Monday as needed) Next Week: Everything on the calendar is the same… for now  Please note due dates.

2 “El Dorado” by Edgar Allan Poe Read, annotate, and fill out the graphic organizer.

3 American Dream Poetry Annotation & Discussion Guidelines
Answer #1 Complete #2 with your group – 1) Number the stanzas. 2) Read the poem once through. Mark anything that seems interesting or that you want to go back and focus on. 3) Go back to the beginning. Discuss the title – titles are important. Why is this one important? 4) Read it a second time, stanza by stanza. Discuss anything that you marked the first time. 5) This time, do these annotations: Star important ideas – write notes in the margins to show your thoughts Underline key words/phrases Highlight or circle (and identify) poetic devices such as figurative language, diction, etc. Identify the tone and the mood. Respond to #3 individually. Skip #4 and #5. #6 – begin when you’re finished with the poetry. Your letter is due by Wednesday..

4 The Other Wes Moore One Name, Two Fates
.com/embed/udQW OfALwj4


6 Wes Moore – Scholar

7 Wes Moore – Prisoner

8 Things to Note Italicized Text – Wes and Wes are meeting
1st person POV = Wes the scholar/author Gray line = shifting POV 3rd person POV = Wes the prisoner

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