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“Learning together, aiming high”

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1 “Learning together, aiming high”
The Priory Church of England Primary School “Learning together, aiming high” Home Learning

2 Home is a time to … NOT do more school work!?

3 How you can support your child’s learning at home.

4 Why does Home Learning matter?
‘The Home Learning Environment has a greater influence on a child’s intellectual and social development than parental occupation, education or income.  What parents do with their child at home is more important than who they are and a home learning environment that is supportive of learning can counteract the effects of disadvantage in the early years.’ DfE 2011 Families in Foundation Home work in primary schools can make a difference IF the purpose is clear.

5 We need to work together to raise standards

6 Some of the Y5 & 6 word list accommodate accompany according achieve
aggressive amateur ancient apparent appreciate attached available average awkward bargain bruise embarrass environment equip (–ped, –ment) especially exaggerate excellent existence explanation foreign forty frequently government guarantee harass physical prejudice privilege profession programme pronunciation queue recognise recommend relevant restaurant rhyme rhythm sacrifice

7 It is a direct flight to Spain. I hate arriving late.
Tick one box in each row to show whether the underlined word is an adjective or an adverb. It is a direct flight to Spain. I hate arriving late. The door opened wide. That is the wrong spelling.

8 Paper 1 will consist of fixed response questions, where children have to give the correct answer to calculations, including long multiplication and division.



11 What do other schools do?
Schools have very different views on this. Since 2012 Head teachers have been given the authority to set their own homework expectations. Some guidance is given in the Ofsted Framework. Under outstanding: Teachers set challenging homework, in line with the school’s policy and as appropriate for the age and stage of pupils, that consolidates learning, deepens understanding and prepares pupils very well for work to come.

12 What are the Home Learning aims at The Priory School?
to provide opportunities for parents to share and understand the work carried out at school – working together. to develop organisational skills and pupils’ abilities to begin to take responsibility for time management To support, consolidate & extend the learning of key skills – key to improved standards

13 What are the expectations?
Year Group Time Allocation Activities Foundation Stage Daily Reading – 10 minutes a day Daily reading Weekly Phonics activities Key Stage 1 1 hour per week Daily Reading & Spelling English (comprehension / grammar alternate weeks) Mathematics (number work/problems alternate weeks) X2 3 week projects at Oct half-term and Feb half-term (Home Learning exhibitions)

14 What are the expectations?
(Lower KS2) Year 3 and 4 1 ½ hours per week Daily reading, spelling and times tables English (comprehension / grammar alternate weeks) Mathematics (number work/problems alternate weeks) X2 3 week projects at Oct half-term and Feb half-term (Home Learning exhibitions) (Upper KS2) Year 5 and 6 2 hours per week

15 English Home Learning Reading – daily & recorded in reading diaries
Spelling – daily weekly word list English Homework – Mon to Thurs Alternate between Reading comprehension and grammar

16 Maths Home Learning Maths Homework – Thurs to Mon
Alternate between number fluency and problem solving

17 Project Home Learning Topic/Science etc. projects to take place twice a year (+ Home Learning exhibition) No other homework during these periods (except reading) 3 week duration (a week either side of Feb and Oct half-term)

18 English Home Learning Daily reading is still the best thing to support your child’s learning!

19 English Home Learning Reading Comprehension week

20 Reading Comprehension week

21 Grammar week

22 Spelling word list Weekly spelling list

23 Maths Home Learning Number fluency week

24 Maths Home Learning Number fluency week

25 Maths Home Learning Number fluency week

26 Maths Home Learning Problem Solving Week

27 Roles and responsibilities
Teachers are responsible for: planning and setting homework tasks which are matched to the child’s ability, build on and support what is learned in the classroom and can be completed within the allocated time for homework providing appropriate feedback on all homework tasks completed at home keeping a homework record e.g. checklist supervising pupils completing homework at lunchtimes and when appropriate involving parents maintaining an ongoing dialogue with parents through home reading diaries.

28 Roles and responsibilities
Parents are responsible for: providing a suitable place for children to complete their homework, if possible away from other family distractions showing an interest and providing encouragement, supporting where additional help is required informing the school of any problems relating to homework and writing any comments in the home school reading/ homework diary.

29 Roles and responsibilities
Pupils are responsible for: taking their homework books home and other information needed to complete the homework task treating their homework books with care and respect and returning them to school each week asking for help from teachers if they do not understand a task completing homework on time and to the best of their ability a charge of 50p will be made to replace lost reading diaries.


31 The Priory approach to Phonics and Spelling Games NO weekly test
Interactive The Priory approach to Phonics and Spelling Daily Drip feed Weekly Investigation Mnemonics Games

32 KS1 Phonics We follow Letters and Sounds which is a government strategy introduced in 2007 This is a phonics programme where the emphasis is on learning the sound for each letter in the alphabet Once the children are confident with single sounds they move onto learning vowel and consonant diagraphs igh ea ch th

33 KS1 Phonics This learning process is crucial as it underpins the child’s ability to read (decode) and spell (encode) In Year One the children will begin to use the letter names as well as their sound Tricky words and the ‘common exception words’ run alongside phonics teaching was why


35 Paper 1: Grammar, punctuation and vocabulary (50 marks)
SPAG TEST- breakdown of marks KS2 SPAG= total of 70 marks Paper 1: Grammar, punctuation and vocabulary (50 marks) Paper 2: spelling (20 marks) Spelling makes up 29% of the overall SPAG test mark

36 KS2 approach to spellings (using ‘no nonsense’ spelling)
“Why expect students to memorise the spelling of thousands of words, a task which is impossible for many children? There is nothing more frustrating then when children get 10/10 on a weekly spelling test but cannot replicate the words in their written work or generalise words from a spelling pattern or rule they’ve learnt. When you teach the basic patterms and related spelling rules, children can start to see and understand the logic and structure. They can start to generalise rules and patterns and attempt new words; work with how our brains are wired.”

37 We remember things more easily if…
They are organised into groups Unusual and interest us AND if we know something about it and understand it If children can learn some of the reasons words are spelled the way they are, suddenly English starts to make a bit more sense.

38 So why reintroduce a spelling word list?
On Mondays we have a minute teaching spelling rule/ investigative activities/identifying common mistakes Daily rehearsal of spellings and over learning so that it comes naturally and fluently when writing The spelling list which goes home will simply reinforce the pattern and rules for that week We are NOT reintroducing a weekly test, but children will be writing out these words on whiteboard most days We will also introduce a range of interactive and memorable approaches (e.g. mnemonics & games)

39 Dicey Spelling Choose the word you want to practise and write it on a card. Throw a dice and follow instructions below for each number: Write word with eyes shut Write word with opposite hand Write the word three times, each time in a different colour Write word in bubble writing Spell word aloud backwards Write a word with a similar meaning

40 Pyramids Sh Sho Shou Shoul Should S
What part of the word is the tricky part to remember? How many times can you write that bit down in 20 seconds?

41 cover cover Roots and Shoots
Our root word is ‘cover’. Add prefixes, suffixes or both to make a new word. How many words can you make in one minute? How many did we make as a class? cover cover

42 Mnemonics WALT identify spelling errors and think of ways to remember them
Correct spelling Mnemonic lite light I grow hairy tomatoes steped creachers enuf rapping somthing belive believe never believe in a lie

43 Link Stories dream steam stream team seam

44 Words ending in ‘ch’ or ‘tch’? Spot the rule…
Witch/ hutch/ sketch/ munch/ beach/ church Visual learners- “I can see what you mean”. Auditory learners- “I can hear what you say”. Kinaesthetic learners- “Let me try it out”- hands on approach. Practical and investigative activities to engage children in learning spelling rules.

45 Spelling Bam 1. Players take turns reaching into the container and pulling out a flashcard without looking, and handing it to another player. 2. That player reads the word aloud for the person to spell. If they can spell the word correctly, they get to keep the card. If the player is incorrect, the card goes back into the container. 3. Continue taking turns spelling and collecting cards. Special Cards: If you pull out a “BAM!” card, you must put your whole pile of cards back into the container! If you pull out a “SWIPE” card, it means that you can swipe a card from any player. Pick the player you want to swipe from. That player picks one of their cards and reads the word to you. If you spell the word correctly, it’s yours to keep. If you spell it wrong, then the person keeps their card. At the end of a specified length of time, whoever has the most cards is the winner!!!

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