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Pegboard Pinball Connecticut Invention Convention

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Presentation on theme: "Pegboard Pinball Connecticut Invention Convention"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pegboard Pinball Connecticut Invention Convention
Pegboard Pinball Connecticut Invention Convention

2 Pinball Game

3 Pinball What keeps the ball from returning to the front of the machine quickly? What are other parts that slow the ball’s movement down?

4 Your Task Build a device that will cause the ball to roll down the incline in the longest amount of time without stopping. You must: Only use the given materials Refrain from touching the ball after it is released Keep the ball from falling off the pegboard Not stop the ball’s movement at any time Your longest trial run will be timed at the end of the second period.

5 Discussion What was the strategy of the slowest team?
What role did each material serve in the devices? What other materials could be used as more effective barriers and obstacles?

6 Discussion What were the strengths and weaknesses of the various methods used by each team to get to their final design? How did each group change their original design and come up with their final product?

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