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Food Quality Protection Act of 1996

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1 Food Quality Protection Act of 1996
Agostina Waisfeld Period 1 Food Quality Protection Act of 1996 Was drafted in 1996, passed unanimously by Congress and signed into law by Bill Clinton on August 3, 1996 It amended the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act and the Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act It was a national act

2 The EPA is responsible for regulation and enforcement
The FQPA required the EPA to: make a safety finding when setting tolerances, use this new safety standard to reassess all pesticide tolerences that were in place when the FQPA was signed, consider susceptibility to children by an extra tenfold, consider aggregate risk from exposure to pesticide from multiple sources and consider cumulative exposure to pesticides that have common mechanisms of toxicity

3 To implement all of this the EPA developed new guidelines on: use of the 10X safety factor, drinking water exposure, residential exposure, aggregate exposure and risk assessment, cumulative risk assessment for pesticides with a common mechanism of toxicity Also required EPA to: expedite approval of pesticides meeting the FQPA definition of reduced risk, give special consideration to minor uses of pesticides, provide a list of significant public health importance, expedite the review of applications to register antimicrobial pesticide products, and screen pesticides for disruption to the endocrine system

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