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Head in the Clouds: Real-world experiences and recommendations for moving technology infrastructure to the cloud.

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Presentation on theme: "Head in the Clouds: Real-world experiences and recommendations for moving technology infrastructure to the cloud."— Presentation transcript:

1 Head in the Clouds: Real-world experiences and recommendations for moving technology infrastructure to the cloud

2 Presenter Steve Birnbaum,
Vice President SofTrek Corporation/ClearView CRM

3 Cloud computing defined
Tablet Mobile Having secure access to all your applications and data from any device Laptop Desktop

4 Why move to the cloud? Current technology Focus on work
Better security and uptime Simplified cost assignment

5 Choices in cloud structure
Public IT activities and functions provided “as a service,” over the Internet, allowing access to technology-enabled services without knowledge of, expertise with, or control over the technology infrastructure that supports them.* Private IT activities and functions provided “as a service,” over a company’s intranet built by an organization for its own users everything is delivered within the organization’s firewall (instead of the Internet).* Hybrid Integrated external and internal service delivery methods Rules and policies established by the organization based on factors such as security needs, criticality and underlying architecture, so activities and tasks are allocated to external or internal clouds as appropriate.* * IBM, “Dispelling the Vapor around Cloud Computing,” June 2010

6 What is Hadassah? Volunteer organization committed to partnership with land and people of Israel Supports medical care and research at Hadassah Medical Organization in Jerusalem Founded in 1912 $569.6 million in assets (2013) 38 field offices

7 The pre-cloud landscape
Many telecommuters Imminent move to new building Security and compliance requirements User demand for mobile access Need for support

8 Hadassah’s technology issues
Lack of revenue to maintain in-house servers IT staffing changes Increasing cost to compliance, security Need for 24/7 support

9 Hadassah’s technology answer
Move to the cloud

10 Prime considerations Migration paths Risk management Implementation

11 Key planning steps Strategy Cost-benefit analysis Budget

12 “Hard” cloud strategies
Contract with appropriate vendors Eliminate centralized server room Invest in equipment, ISPs

13 “Soft” cloud strategies
Professionalize IT services Collaborate with hosting vendor on policies, procedures Treat all offices alike

14 Lessons learned Treat all offices alike Include all units in decisions
Maintain realistic expectations Stay flexible Set backup retention schedule

15 Making a smooth move Do your homework Build a team
Communicate a vision Plan Distinguish between need and want

16 Making a smooth move Build a timeline Share your budget
Take baby steps Test, test, test Provide fast results

17 Questions?

18 Getting in touch Steve Birnbaum

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