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A Question of Faith: Do Faith-Based Organizations Empower or Impose?

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Presentation on theme: "A Question of Faith: Do Faith-Based Organizations Empower or Impose?"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Question of Faith: Do Faith-Based Organizations Empower or Impose?
Presenters: Sheila Perkins & Grandfather Warren Heffron MD

2 Welcome and Introductions
Faculty at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine in 50th yr Faculty In His Image Residency Bachelor of Science in Public Health and minor in Biology from the UC San Diego Global Health Fellow at AMOS Health and Hope

3 Objectives Openly discuss experiences they have had in faith and health Gain a greater understanding of the role of faith and health through dialogue by asking how faith can empower or impose their view on people Discuss whether the relationship between evidence-based approaches and faith-based approaches are mutually exclusive Address that while there are many faiths and religions, this workshop primarily focuses on Christian organizations as that has been our expereince base. But if any audience members have

4 Context and History Negative
Well documented history of violence and oppression Crusades Christian’s participating in slavery Religious ideology may hinder the delivery of some healthcare services, such as contraception and abortion Proselytization may play a divisive role

5 Context and History Positive 1966 Christian Medical Commission
1978 Alma Ata Founding schools, hospitals, and organizations to serve the most vulnerable 400,000 Christian missionaries worldwide The purpose of this workshop

6 Missing Photo of Sheila here at AMOS
AMOS Health and Hope Missing Photo of Sheila here at AMOS

7 Mission Vision Long-term goal
Improve the health of impoverished communities by working alongside them in health, education, and development. Mission Health for all people A world where no child dies of a preventable disease Effective and empowering health care Vision Long-term goal Reduce health inequities Faith based organization AMOS mission

8 Serving over 62,000 people 22 rural communities 2 districts in Managua 10 municipal health clinics

*Lacking Warren and Dr. Laura and David Parajon* Mentors include: Gustavo Parajon, Carl Taylor, Warren Heffron, David and Laura Parajon Paolo Friere and transformative practices

10 AMOS Model not ON not FOR but WITH
Not working for or on people but along side them not ON not FOR but WITH

11 Community Based Participatory Research
Community-Based Participatry Research (brief summary and break out slides)

12 Community-Based Primary Health Care
Integral approach CHWs from their own communities Evidence-based interventions Three-way partnership - government, communities, and outside facilitators Incorporating short term missions into long term goals Community Organization + Empowerment

13 Grandpa Experience PHOTOS? Hospital Puerto Rico 1960s
In His Image Family Medicine Residency PHOTOS?

14 Leading Questions How many of you have been or are currently a part of faith-based organizations in medicine or public health?

15 Leading Questions What have your experience been working with a faith-based organization?

16 Closing Thoughts Do faith based organizations empower or impose?
Depends on the values of the faith based organization

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