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Psychology 235 Child Psychology Dr. Blakemore

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1 Psychology 235 Child Psychology Dr. Blakemore
Prenatal Development Psychology 235 Child Psychology Dr. Blakemore

2 Periods of Prenatal Development
Period of the Ovum or Zygote, or Germinal Period - first two weeks Period of the embryo - 2 to 8 weeks Period of the fetus - 2 to 9 months

3 Germinal Period- 0 to 2 weeks
Begins with fertilization at about day 14 of a woman’s menstrual cycle Fertilization takes place in the fallopian tube - producing a zygote The first cell division takes place within 24 hours The cell continues to divide. When it reaches the uterus it contains several cells

4 Implantation Once in the uterus, the fertilized egg is several cells in size -- called a blastocyst The blastocyst has an inner clump of cells (will become embryo) and an outer layer of cells (will become placenta, membranes, etc.) The fertilized egg implants in the uterine wall at about days

5 Germinal Period From Berk, 3rd. Ed. P. 90

6 Period of the embryo 2 to 8 weeks
Begins as a clump of cells about the size of the head of a pin Ends 6 weeks later fully formed about one inch long Most important process is differentiation Very vulnerable time for damage

7 Seven - week embryo From Berk, 3rd. Edtion, p. 94

8 Period of the Fetus - 2 to 9 months
Growth - increase in size Beginning of function of organ systems 28 weeks - viability - if born > 50% survive At birth, 20 inches long, 7 pounds

9 Overview of Prenatal Development
From Berk, 3rd ed., p. 98

10 Prenatal Environment The baby develops in an environment, which impacts development

11 Prenatal Environment Maternal Age 20 - 35 is ideal Parity
Higher parity, more degradation of prenatal environment, but also impacted by spacing

12 Prenatal Environment Maternal diet
an important consideration is protein folic acid is also important

13 Prenatal Environment Drugs Can cross placental barrier
most critical during embryonic period can be teratogens examples: thalidomide, DES, nicotine, cocaine Alcohol leads to fetal alcohol syndrome, or fetal alcohol spectrum disorder

14 Prenatal Environment Maternal disease Rubella HIV/AIDS Syphilis
Blindness Deafness Mental Retardation

15 Prenatal Environment Zika In first, perhaps also second, trimester
Associated with fetal microcephaly

16 Prenatal Environment Other influences radiation, emotional stress

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