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The H Word. The H Word The L Word Feeding The Ego.

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Presentation on theme: "The H Word. The H Word The L Word Feeding The Ego."— Presentation transcript:


2 The H Word

3 The L Word

4 Feeding The Ego

5 Aesthetic Alignment

6 Giving Affirmation

7 Repeating Verbatim

8 Restaurant Orders “I’d like to order a chicken salad. Please go easy on the oil, easy on the sugar, easy on the salt. Can you make sure these chickens are free ranged, no GMOS! And can you make sure no child labor laws were violated in making this chicken salad?”

9 Repeating Interviewer
“The first six months of this position is going to be a lot of training and we’ll need you to roll out 3 eco-friendly marketing campaigns for our new product line.”

10 Shadowing Movements

11 Matching Energy Levels

12 Strategic Mimicking

13 Buzzwords

14 Buzzwords for Healthcare
Team-Based Care Value Driven Healthcare “Work to the Top of My License” Pursue Triple Aim

15 Best Buzzwords Ever… Internal / External Customers
Horizontal Integration Incremental Value Competing Priorities Time-Sensitive Deadlines

16 5 Stones

17 Contextualization To those under the law I became like one under the law so as to win those under the law. 1 Corinthians 9:20

18 Fit in, But Don’t Fit in™


20 One Word Equity

21 Master of None

22 Creating Positive Energy

23 Moron > Jerk

24 Power Postures

25 Playing It Safe Is Risky

26 Modern < Post-Modern

27 Don’t. Get . Romantic.

28 Fiscal Year Begins July 1st
Professional Development Training-the-Trainers Includes permanent license 1-year license to print unlimited coursebooks Student Workshops (includes coursebooks) Career Readiness Coursebooks

Free Coursebooks! NAME / / ORGANIZATION


31 Sign-Up Today or Email Us!

32 Let’s Collaborate!

33 Picture Time!

34 Q and A

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