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8th Grade Science Review!

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Presentation on theme: "8th Grade Science Review!"— Presentation transcript:

1 8th Grade Science Review!

2 B A The dartboard and the wheel represent a model of an atom. Where would you find electrons? C C A B

3 This is a Bohr Model of an atom
This is a Bohr Model of an atom. What subatomic partials are found in the nucleus?

4 What are the charges of the subatomic partials?
Protons Electrons Neutrons

5 Which Subatomic particle identifies the identity of element?
Neutron (0) Proton (+) Electron (-) Which Subatomic particle identifies the identity of element?

6 Which element is a metal?

7 All of the elements in the same family/group have…

8 Which two elements above share similar characteristics?
D C B Which two elements above share similar characteristics?

9 Elements in the same group (except the Transition Metals) have the same number of…

10 Pt is the chemical formula for what element?
HINT: Use your Periodic Table of Elements

11 What does a subscript tell you?
Hi! I am a subscript. What does a subscript tell you?

12 C6H12O6 is the chemical formula for glucose
C6H12O6 is the chemical formula for glucose. How many atoms are in one molecule of glucose?

13 Evidence of a chemical reaction is the formation of a _____ _______ with new ____________.
Precipitate Light Bubbles

14 Calculate the average speed of a car that traveled 120km in 2h.
Speed=Distance/Time Calculate the average speed of a car that traveled 120km in 2h.

15 Calculate the speed the runner at 40 ft.

16 Speed=Distance/Time Look at the Green line. What would you infer the distance the green object would be at 80 mph?

17 What are Newton’s Laws of Motion?

18 Which Law and Why?

19 Which Law and Why?

20 Which Law and Why?

21 Which Law and Why?

22 Which Law and Why?

23 Which Law and Why?

24 Which Law and Why?

25 Which Law and Why?

26 Which Law and Why?

27 Which Law and Why?

28 Which Law and Why?

29 Which point has the greatest potential energy?
B C A Which point has the greatest potential energy? D

30 Which point has the greatest kinetic energy?
B C A Which point has the greatest kinetic energy? D

31 Potential and Kinetic Energy Animation

32 What is the law of conservation of MASS?

33 What does a coefficient tell you?

34 Why are these compounds considered organic compounds?

35 This is a model of the compound urea
This is a model of the compound urea. How many elements make up this compound?

36 Describe the a physical change that happens in the digestive system and a chemical change that happens in the digestive system.

37 A D C B This element will have a high luster (shiny), is a good conductor, and is malleable (hammered into thin sheets)

38 D C B A This element will dull, brittle, and will not be a good conductor of heat and electricity.

39 Calculate the density of the 40 gram hammer.
DENSITY=mass/volume Calculate the density of the 40 gram hammer.


41 These pictures demonstrate…

42 What is happening to the object between 4-10 seconds?

43 Describe the objects motion in the graph above.

44 Work: the transfer of energy produced by the motion of an object in the direction of the force.
A ramp decrease the amount of _____ needed to move the object but increase the ________ to move it.

45 Energy cannot be created or destroyed it can only be transformed.
Describe the transformation of energy from turning the light on to the light shining (HINT: there are 3)

46 Radiant energy from the Sun is transformed into what type of energy in this reaction?

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