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UNIT 3: ANATOMY OF MAMMALS (Specializing in Humans)

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1 UNIT 3: ANATOMY OF MAMMALS (Specializing in Humans)

2 Can we think of more examples?
Structure  Function Everywhere you look, the structure of things are directly related to their function. How is the structure of the spoon related to its function? Can we think of more examples? Every structure in a living thing has an important function. The function relies on the structure!

3 Anatomy & Physiology Anatomy: Physiology:
STRUCTURE Anatomy: the shape and arrangement of the parts that make up an organism. Physiology: how the different parts of the organism works. FUNCTION

4 The Organization of a Human:
We will be learning about the anatomy and physiology of HUMAN SYSTEMS!

5 Humans have 11 Organ Systems
#1 Nervous System The reason we can physically “feel” things. A network of cells specialized to detect, interpret, and respond to events occurring inside and outside of the body. Very complex. Includes the brain & spinal chord. Have you ever accidentally put your hand on something really hot (like a stovetop), removed your hand, and THEN felt pain? Why do you think your body reacted in this way?

6 Humans have 11 Organ Systems
#2 Endocrine System Very complex. Regulates hormones Metabolism (how fast your body can use food) Sexual function Sleep Mood PMS? Nervous System Endocrine System Digestive System Circulatory System Respiratory System Skeletal System Muscular System Urinary System Integumentary system Immune & Lymphatic system Reproductive system

7 Humans have 11 Organ Systems
#3 Skeletal System Includes: Bones Connective tissue Ligaments Cartilage Protect soft organs Points of attachment for muscles Can you think of any bones that protect soft organs?

8 Humans have 11 Organ Systems
#4 Muscular System Skeletal muscles Move the skeleton Smooth muscles Enable movement within organs Cardiac muscles Enables heart to beat Can you think of any organs that need to “move” in order to function? Nervous System Endocrine System Digestive System Circulatory System Respiratory System Skeletal System Muscular System Urinary System Integumentary system Immune & Lymphatic system Reproductive system

9 Humans have 11 Organ Systems
#5 Digestive System Breaks down food into the molecules that they are made of. Body’s cells use these molecules for: Energy Building blocks Anything that can’t be used is eliminated from the body*** ***Can you think of a plant macromolecule that we can’t digest? It IS eliminated by the body but is very important… WHY?

10 Humans have 11 Organ Systems
#6 Urinary System Filters and excretes dissolved waste molecules from blood. A build-up of waste molecules in the body can be dangerous! Balances: Amount of water pH Blood pressure The colour of your urine can tell you how well your urinary system is working. *** With some exceptions***

11 Humans have 11 Organ Systems
#7 Integumentary System Components: Skin Protects the body Hair Regulates Temperature Hair on your head Armpit hair Keeps “bad stuff” out. Nails Why do we have hair inside of our nostrils?

12 Humans have 11 Organ Systems
#8 Immune / Lymphatic System Protects your body from infection, injury, and cancer Very complex Works hard when you are sick Have your “lymph nodes” ever been swollen when you were sick?

13 Humans have 11 Organ Systems
#9 Circulatory System Transports important substances throughout the body: Food molecules Oxygen Carbon Dioxide Can you remember the chemical formula for Cellular Respiration?

14 Humans have 11 Organ Systems
#10 Respiratory System Exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and the atmosphere. Oxygen is needed to release energy into body cells during cellular respiration. Carbon dioxide is a waste product formed during cellular respiration. Why do you breath faster when exercising?

15 Humans have 11 Organ Systems
#11 Reproductive System Includes organs that make and transport sperm and eggs, as well as enable the female to give birth. Recall the following terms: Germ Cell Gamete Zygote

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