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Ms. Nye 6 ELA per. 1&2-19 total Teaching Technology Teacher Desk

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Nye 6 ELA per. 1&2-19 total Teaching Technology Teacher Desk"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Nye 6 ELA per. 1&2-19 total Teaching Technology Teacher Desk
Morgan Katlin E. Kareem Jordan Xitali empty Maya Briana S. Brooke Damian Gharneqa Lizette Devin Kaitlin W. empty empty Dasia Andrew Brianna F. Rhiana Jocelyn Caleb empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty per. 1&2-19 total Teacher Desk Reading Area

2 Ms. Nye 6 ELA per. 3&4-29 total Teaching Technology Teacher Desk
Ianssi Mallory Hayden Kirsten Jarod Avery Natalia Kyndal Darrell Ilyssa Lara Todd Hunter Read Madison Kate Jordan Rushabh Albert Michael Braden TJ Karina Emily Trent Chance Tyler Jacob empty JR per. 3&4-29 total Teacher Desk Reading Area

3 Ms. Nye 6 ELA per. 5-25 total Teaching Technology Teacher Desk Reading
empty Pritam Katlin E. Kareem Jordan Xitali Maya Briana S. Brooke empty Gharneqa Lizette Devin Kaitlin W. Chris Mackenzie Kameron empty Brianna F. Brittany Jocelyn Ariana Harry Andy Damian empty Andrew empty Kayla Gabriel M. per total Teacher Desk Reading Area

4 Ms. Nye 6 ELA per. 7&8-26 total Teaching Technology Teacher Desk
Dominique Tyler empty John Carter Nate empty Davin empty Cruz empty Seth per. 7&8-26 total Teacher Desk Reading Area

5 Reader (spiral) Notebooks & Writer (composition) Notebooks

6 Tuesday, September 8: I will:
read a book independently so that I can build my stamina (keep up with reading log) learn new vocabulary words so that I can apply my knowledge of figurative language set up my writer’s notebook so that I can keep track of my writing experiences this school year

7 Period 1-4 only Choose a team/pride name (2-3 words with alliteration)
Choose a leader (only 1 per group) Review how to earn/lose points Display teams (one index card per group) on board Ms. Nye is THE ONLY ONE allowed to add/deduct points per team One team-One mission-Same goal! COOPERATIVE LEARNING!

8 Period 4 only INTRAMURALS Once a month-play games
Compete after school on Thursdays (6th/7th/8th) Volunteer basis (1-5 students depending on the activity) Team points for student participation, teacher participation, and winning WINNING TEAM per grade level wins an end of the year party  1st event-tug of war this Thursday after school in the main hallway

9 Writer’s Notebook: Page 10-Rules of Writing Page 11-Free Write
Pages I Am Pages Writing Territories Page 1-Title Page Pages 2-7 Table of Contents Page 8-Writing Genres List *cut and paste Page 9-Registers of Language *cut and paste

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