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Scott Tan Boonping Lau Chun Hui Weng

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1 Scott Tan Boonping Lau Chun Hui Weng
EE368Group04 Face Detection by color segmentation and template matching Scott Tan Boonping Lau Chun Hui Weng

2 Definition of Problem Multiple face detection in images
With cluttered background, high degree of occlusion Limited scale and rotational invariance Constant lighting condition GOAL: design easily extendable to general image

3 Approach Color segmentation + texture filtering
Multi-resolution face + eyes template matching

4 Face template matching
Input image For each resolution… Pre-processing eyes template Eye template matching Face template matching face template Pair eye/face hits Color segmentation Skin area test color mask face size mask Clustering Clustering output from other resolutions output face positions

5 Color Segmentation YCbCr color space
Histogram model from pixels under ref*.png masks Threshold=900 pixels (empirical) If histo(Cb,Cr)>threshold => skin pixel Problem: skin pixel sample base small, model over-specific !!

6 Color Segmentation (Cont.)
Solution: Elliptical boundary model Build more general histogram on larger skin pixel sample base under different conditions Compromise between performance under test image condition and more general conditions

7 Color Segmentation: Enhancements
Texture filtering Grayscale variance threshold=1000 (emp.) If region variance<=threshold => non-skin Binary operations Close, fill holes, remove small regions Aspect ratio test Unreliable under high degree of occlusion/clutter

8 Color Segmentation Mask Example

9 Template Matching Why? Flexibility of implementation
Extensibility despite limited sample base Predictability under occlusion

10 Template Matching (Cont.)
Face template built from averaging pre-processed faces Pre-processing: local mean removed => lighting condition invariance Correlation done in spatial frequency domain on subsampled image and templates => reduce processing time Soft thresholding: mean+n*standard deviation Post-processing: reject border hits

11 Face+Eyes Template Matching
Face hit marked base of nose Eyes hit marked between eyes Pair dilated hits (E hit above F hit) Advantages: 1) reduce individual false hit rates 2) reduce thresholds: detect under occlusion 3) limited stretch/rotational invariance

12 Face and Eyes Templates



15 Skin area test Removes false and non-centered hits on edge of face
For each hit, take a oval-shaped region around it and count # of skin pixels (from skin segmentation mask) If less than 75% of skin pixels, then reject Dependent on quality of segmentation mask


17 Clustering After skin area test, cluster remaining hits within a certain distance apart (1/2 a face distance) Hits weighted by correlation Each cluster represented by a single pixel at centroid => slight translation of detection pixel


19 Multi-resolution Limited scale invariance needed
Use 4 different scales: 90%, 100%, 120%, 130% Vary image size vs vary template size Latter can be done ahead of time Logical OR to collapse multi-resolution template matching results Clustering algorithm to eliminates hits at different resolutions



22 Results Image detected-false-repeat/total % Results Score Comments
Training_1 20-1-0/21=19/21 90% 19/21 Training_2 23-1-0/24=22/24 (24-0-0/24=24/24) 92% 22(24)/24 occluded face, pixel actually on face if not occluded Training_3 22-2-0/25=20/25 80% 20/25 Training_4 21-2-0/24=19/24 79% 19/24 Training_5 18-2-0/24=16/24 (20-0-0/24=20/24) 67% 16(20)/24 miss by 1 pixel only, edge of face between 2 png regions Training_6 22-0-0/24=22/24 22/24 Training_7 22-0-0/22=22/22 100% 22/22 Total /164=140/164 /164=146/164 85%(89%)







29 Conclusion Excellent overall results, even with occluded faces, slightly rotated faces, different face sizes etc. Template matching detects 162/164 faces Methods are extendable to any general image Skin color mask is limiting factor



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