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“Hard writing makes easy reading.”

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1 “Hard writing makes easy reading.”
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay “Hard writing makes easy reading.” Organize your essay to make it easier for the reader to follow your thoughts. Write On! PowerEd Plans

2 The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay Use a hook to get the readers attention!
“Hard writing makes easy reading.” Use a hook to get the readers attention! Write On! PowerEd Plans

3 The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay
“Hard writing makes easy reading.”  Paragraph 1 – Introduction Get your audience’s attention!  Hook- a general statement, fact or question that gets your readers attention. (no you or I) Claim- share your claim with your readers (your side of the argument). Give your three reasons that support your claim (using transition words). Write On! PowerEd Plans

4 Example of Paragraph 1 Grabber
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay Example of Paragraph 1 Grabber Hook Appropriate Transitions For middle school students, joining a club, sports team, or other extra-curricular activity is a great idea. First, students should choose to join an extra-curricular activity to meet new people. Next, clubs and sports provide a safe place for students to enjoy favorite pastimes. Finally, students can focus on something other than academics. 3 Detail Statements Write On! PowerEd Plans

5 Paragraphs 2-4 Give your reasons!
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay Paragraphs 2-4 Give your reasons! Paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 (body paragraphs)  state your reason Cite evidence from the text to support your reason ( in the text it states, according to the text) Explain your evidence (This proves, this means..) Cite your second piece of evidence Explain your evidence (This shows…)  End with a justifier sentence (restate paragraph’s main idea) PowerEd Plans

6 Paragraphs 2-4 Give your reasons!
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay Paragraphs 2-4 Give your reasons! Paragraph 2 = first reason Paragraph 3 = second reason Paragraph 4 = third reason PowerEd Plans

7 The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay
Example of Paragraph 2 Transition Re-state 1st detail statement To begin with, students should participate in at least one extra curricular activity to meet new people. Studies show that 76% of middle school students met their best friend at a club meeting or on a sports team. Starting middle school can be overwhelming with so many new faces. Sometimes it is easy to avoid meeting new people because we don’t know if they share any of our interests. School-sponsored organizations provide the perfect place to find someone who likes the same things you do. Obviously, finding a new friend is just a meeting away. Write On! Statistic Justifier Transition Justifier sentence - persuasive PowerEd Plans

8 The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay
Example of Paragraph 3 Transition Re-state 2nd detail Furthermore, school-sponsored activities are a safe way to enjoy favorite pastimes. For example, if your parents don’t allow you to meet with your friends until they get home, you probably spend a large percentage of your time sitting in front of the television or computer. Staying after school to socialize or play sports gets you off the sofa and eases your parents’ anxiety. They can feel secure knowing you are being supervised by a teacher or administrator while enjoying an activity you love. Clearly, extra-curricular activities are a safe and fun way to enjoy your free time. Write On! Statistic Justifier Transition Write On! PowerEd Plans Justifier sentence - persuasive

9 The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay
Example of Paragraph 4 Transition Re-state 3rd detail Finally, extra-curricular activities allow you to focus on something other than academics at school. As my grandma always said, “It’s important to be a well-rounded person.” Focusing on our schoolwork is certainly important, but sometimes we need to let loose and relax after a long day of tests, projects, and note-taking. Rehearsing for a drama production or practicing free throws in the gym are just a couple of ways doing activities at school can help us forget about, well, school. Besides, these days colleges look at more than your report card when reviewing your application. If you have Ivy League aspirations, you should think about joining a club. Thus, experiencing a variety of activities at school helps students develop skills far beyond the academic sphere. Write On! Quote Justifier Transition Justifier sentence - persuasive PowerEd Plans

10 Paragraph 5 – Conclusion Let’s lock it up!
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay Paragraph 5 – Conclusion Let’s lock it up!  Counterclaim- explain the opposite side of the argument (Some people may think…)  State your rebuttal- why your side of the claim is the better choice. (However…) In closing, to finalize… Write On! PowerEd Plans

11 The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay
Example of Paragraph 5 Thesis Staement To conclude, students should participate in extra-curricular activities because they are a great way to meet new people, are safe, and teach students values other than academics. I guess my grandma was right. Kids definitely should be well-rounded. Being part of a club or team should be a part of every middle school student’s schedule! Link back to supporting detail Clincher – Lock it Up Write On! PowerEd Plans

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