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Open House: Fall, World Lit

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1 Open House: Fall, 2015- World Lit

2 Welcome to Gr. 11 World Literature- Ms. Kim Lehman

3 Text Book

4 First Semester: Literary Analysis
First Quarter Second Quarter Research, write, cite an essay on the background of Afghanistan Read and analyze the novel, The Kite Runner – discussion groups will be used as will in-class timed essays on the novel Study “the hero’s journey” and archetypes Examine/analyze Oedipus Solidify skills for FISHBOWL/Socratic Seminar Demonstrate grade-level writing skill for the informative analysis essay Grammar/writing work as needed Written analysis-- overall focus Analysis & discussion of Hamlet Practice timed writings with literature using citations to support arguments Analyze multiple interpretations of and adapting speeches Blogging, annotated bibliography exposeure Grammar/writing work as needed

5 Open House: Fall, 2015

6 Welcome to Gr. 10 American Literature- Ms. Kim Lehman

7 Text Book

8 Late Work Policy: The Classroom Basics: Excused Absence: 2 days
Grading percentages: A B C D Gradebook Weighting Percentages: Daily Assigned Homework: 30% Other [ Discussions, projects, in-class things]: 20% Tests, quizzes or assessments: 40% Bonus work with content-related things I okay: 10% Late Work Policy: Excused Absence: 2 days Unexcused: “C” is the highest

9 Final Exam & Semester Grade
Qrt 1: 42.5% Qrt 2: % Final: 15% Essay Objective Bubble Test Socratic Discussion

10 I “sign-off” usually by 3:30PM and check again at 7:30AM I often write responses during 8th hr  My schedule: I teach hrs 1,2,3,5, and 6. 4th = Duty-free lunch 7th = ERC / writing lab 8th = Prep hour for lesson planning and grading papers, copying, etc….

11 Extra Help from Me  I am flexible -- your student simply needs to talk with me and we will work it out. FYI: I have two sons at JM so I am sometimes bound by their school, sports, and job needs. If I can stay after longer for your student, I will do so 

12 – under Academics / English/ Kim Lehman
I post my documents, PowerPoints and assignments as quickly as possible- usually end- of-day or the next. My website is still on the JMHS web page – under Academics / English/ Kim Lehman

13 First Quarter Overview:
Personal Narrative Native American stories and the oral tradition / examining contemporary lit for influence by oral traditions Author’s point of view, purpose and tone with fiction and nonfiction Book discussion groups using the “FISHBOWL” and/or the “Socratic Seminar” technique Grammar and writing techniques as needed

14 Second Quarter Overview:
Poetry Analysis / use of TPCASTT Lit Circle Groups / reading novels of choice from the JM book room—continued use of the FISHBOWL /Socratic techniques – if time Theme and Concept Analysis and Comparison Artistic Medium Analysis using SOAPSTone strategy Play analysis- The Crucible Grammar and writing techniques as needed

15 My goal for your child and my student: 
1. …master the standards at the highest level possible … solidify reading and analysis skills such … continue to encourage a love of reading… continue to stress the importance of being a fluent reader – see the connections to the real world and the benefits of reading ideas from world cultures …help them continue to grow and mature as critical thinkers in an ever changing and technologically advanced society …to have confidence in themselves and their own skills and readers, writers and thinkers My goal for your child and my student:  Accountable for self and school responsibilities- try hard, do the work, be successful.

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