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Bellringer—Complete on your own paper.

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1 Bellringer—Complete on your own paper.
FIND THE 10 ERRORS! Harriet Tubman was born in to slavery. In 1849, she excaped from a Maryland plantation. She would devote the rest of her life to helping other slaves gain there freedom. She was a leader of the Underground Railroad, a network of secret places ware slaves could stay on their way to the North. During the civil War, she serve as a cook a nurse, and a union spy. Tubman dyed in March Her tombstone reads, Servant of God, Well Done.”

2 Bellringer Answers Harriet Tubman was born into slavery. In 1849, she escaped from a Maryland plantation. She would devote the rest of her life to helping other slaves gain their freedom. She was a leader of the Underground Railroad, a network of secret places where slaves could stay on their way to the North. During the Civil War, she served as a cook, a nurse, and a Union spy. Tubman died in March Her tombstone reads, "Servant of God, Well Done."

3 Need Some Extra Help? I will be staying after school tomorrow (TUESDAY) until 4:30 to help you all as you edit your essays. Be there or don’t complain about your grade 

4 Expository Essay Writing Day
With Mrs. Thomas

5 Objectives I can write an essay based on expectations established in the TNReady rubric for expository writing.

6 Review What constitutes a good thesis statement?
How does a thesis statement relate to the rest of an essay? What is wrong with the following thesis statement? This essay will be about how C.S. Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia series is one of the richest works of the 20th century because it offers an escape from reality, teaches readers to have faith even when they don’t understand, and contains a host of vibrant characters.

7 What would the second body paragraph be about? Third?
What would the first body paragraph be about in an essay for which the following is the thesis statement? C.S. Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia series is one of the richest works of the 20th century because it offers an escape from reality, teaches readers to have faith even when they don’t understand, and contains a host of vibrant characters. What would the second body paragraph be about? Third?

8 Why have we spent SOOOOOOO much time talking about thesis statements?

9 IMPORTANT NOTE: Thesis statements CANNOT be questions
IMPORTANT NOTE: Thesis statements CANNOT be questions! STATEMENTS are not QUESTIONS. Statements ANSWER questions.

10 Your goal is to finish your essay by the end of the period!
So What Now?...Two Options If your thesis statement earned 2.5 or 3 points, then you can start writing your essay. If your thesis statement earned fewer that 2.5 points, then you need to see Mrs. Thomas before you write. As you write, keep the rubric in mind and reference it to determine what you can do to improve your writing! DO YOUR BEST!!! Turn in your work at the end of the period regardless of how much of the essay you have completed. Your goal is to finish your essay by the end of the period!

11 Sample Thesis Statement
One’s actions in life affect how one is perceived after death because people are remembered based on whether they lived a life characterized by good or evil.

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