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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12.

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1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

2 15 - x A piece of string is 15cm long.
How much remains after I cut off a piece of length x cm? 15 - x

3 n + 8 2(n + 8) A pencil costs n pence.
A ruler costs 8p more than a pencil. How much does a ruler cost? How much do 2 rulers cost? n + 8 2(n + 8)

4 90 n + 1 A prize of £90 is shared between you and n other friends.
How much does each person receive? 90 n + 1

5 x + 200 - y A delivery van weighs x kg.
At a depot it picks up goods weighing 200kg and later delivers goods weighing y kg. How much does it weigh after making the delivery? x y

6 4(n + 2) A box contains n chocolates.
The shopkeeper puts an extra 2 chocolates into each box. A girl buys 4 boxes. How many chocolates does she have? 4(n + 2)

7 Y 5 Rina shares £y between her and her four friends.
How much do they each receive? Y 5

8 12 n A cake weighing 12 kg is cut into n equal pieces.
How much does each piece weigh? 12 n

9 Danni is n years older than Shreya who is y years old.
How old is Danni? y + n

10 75x + 12y In a café a cup of tea cost 75p and a biscuit costs 12p?
How much does x cups of tea and y biscuits cost? 75x + 12y

11 How much do seven tyres weigh?
A tyre weighs x kg. How much do seven tyres weigh? 7x

12 6(n + 25) Ashley earns £n per week.
She has a pay rise of £25 per week? How much does she now earn in 6 weeks? 6(n + 25)

13 n - 3 A piece of wood is n cm long.
If I cut off a piece 3cm long, how much remains? n - 3

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