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Adulterous Marriages Are Sinful & Must Be Severed!

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Presentation on theme: "Adulterous Marriages Are Sinful & Must Be Severed!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Adulterous Marriages Are Sinful & Must Be Severed!
Lesson 9: Adulterous Marriages Are Sinful & Must Be Severed!

2 God Does Not Sanctify an Adulterous Relationship Upon One’s Baptism!
The Bible clearly and repeatedly teaches that baptism washes away sins (Acts 22:16; 2:38). The Bible clearly teaches that baptism will wash away the sin of adultery (1 Cor. 6:9-11).

3 God Does Not Sanctify an Adulterous Relationship Upon One’s Baptism!
However, there is NO PLACE in Scripture that teaches the adulterous relationship itself has been made pure, holy and acceptable in the eyes of God (and could be maintained)! However, baptism will not, does not and can not change: A sinful or unlawful practice into a righteous or lawful one, or A sinful relationship into a righteous one. If a once-adulterer, washed in baptism, is permitted to continue the same marriage, would others in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 be permitted to continue their sinful lifestyle after baptism? - Obviously, those in 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 stopped their sinful practices!

4 God Does Not Sanctify an Adulterous Relationship Upon One’s Baptism!
The definition of “adultery” must be understood and applied, as it is used in Scripture. Jesus clearly taught about adultery in Matthew 19:9. “Commits adultery” is in the Greek present tense, which denotes continuous action. Emphasizing marriage’s permanent nature emphasized the ongoing nature of adultery. Those who commit adultery are doing so because God has/had not joined them. Baptism does change relationships, but not the marriage relationship!

5 God Does Not Sanctify an Adulterous Relationship Upon One’s Baptism!
Sex that is unlawful before baptism is still unlawful sex after baptism. Premarital sex before baptism is sinful, and it remains sinful… Homosexual sex before baptism is sinful, and it remains sinful… Polygamous sex before baptism is sinful, and it remains sinful… Pedophilia sex before baptism is sinful, and it remains sinful… Incestuous sex before baptism is sinful, and it remains sinful… Bestiality sex before baptism is sinful, and it remains sinful… Prostitution sex before baptism is sinful, and it remains sinful… Likewise, adultery sex before baptism is sinful, and remains sinful Baptism does not sanctify any unauthorized sexual lifestyles!

6 God Does Not Sanctify an Adulterous Relationship Upon One’s Baptism!
Can baptism make an adulterous marriage only “half adulterous”? Too bad John the Immerser didn’t know “baptism sanctifies adulterous relationships.” Baptism washes away sins, but it doesn’t wash away previous husbands or wives!

7 God Requires Genuine Repentance Before One Is Saved from Sins!
Repentance of sin is an absolute requirement in order to be forgiven of sin! Baptism is completely ineffective and invalid unless preceded by genuine repentance! “Repentance” must be defined accurately , not popularly or socially! “Repentance” must be defined Biblically, not popularly or socially! Repentance requires change, separation and cessation! Repentance demands the severing of all relationships that are in violation of God’s will. Many will argue that it is not fair to teach that a married couple must sever their relationship, especially when children are involved. When it comes to genuine and proper repentance, why would anyone want to play it close, cut corners or argue with God’s expectations for true repentance?

8 God’s Marriage Laws Are Admittedly Strict and Rightfully So!
The disciples in Matthew 19 immediately recognized the serious and restrictive nature of God’s marriage laws as He designed them and as Jesus required them to be kept. Understanding the divine basis for marriage can help us understand God’s strictness. First of all, marriage is the most intimate of all human relationships. Second, children have the right to grow up in a stable family relationship. Third, the family relationship is the cement that contributes to the cohesiveness of society. When one reflects upon matters of this nature, it is not so difficult to understand why the Lord gave marriage regulations which appear strict, but which, upon closer consideration, really make sense.

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