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Mr. Kyser’s Rules and Expectations

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Kyser’s Rules and Expectations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Kyser’s Rules and Expectations
Welcome to 7th grade math class!

2 CARE The majority of CARE classes will consist of care circles and CNN Student News, sometimes followed by a classroom discussion, and/or team projects. The expectation during care circle and CNN Student News is LEVEL 0. If behavior is appropriate throughout the week during CARE, then we will play silent ball on Fridays. If I hear excessive talking, I will give your class an X. Three Xs, and NO SILENT BALL that Friday.

3 Entering the Classroom
Please enter the room at level 0, grab an opening activity slip from the back table, and immediately start working. Please save all questions until I have taken attendance and am ready to start the day’s lesson. Only get out your math supplies and put everything else underneath your desk.

4 Opening Activity/Sponge/Warm up
Everyday upon entering my classroom, you will be asked to complete a warm-up activity on a designated activity sheet. Time: this will only take 5-10 minutes. I grade opening activities on effort and completeness. Calculators will not be used unless prompted by myself Your opening activity will be graded based on your effort and completion. Save all questions until we have gone over the opening activity.

5 Calculators The use of calculators will be allowed in my classroom depending on the activity at hand. Therefore, do not grab a calculator unless you have my permission. I will assign “Calculator Retrievers” to pass out calculators for the rest of the class. Every student will be assigned a calculator number. All calculators must be treated with care. You will be held accountable ($$$$$) for any intended damage done to calculators.

6 Group Activities Throughout the school year, you will participate in many group activities. Please stay at voice level 3 during all group activities…lets practice! Every member of every group will have a responsibility and task to perform for his/her group.

7 Pencils Unless prompted otherwise, pencils, not pens, are only to be used in my classroom. I will only give out 6 pencils to each class. When borrowing a pencil, you must write your name in the designated area. YOU are responsible for returning my pencil at the end of class. Failure to do so may result in losing your privilege for borrowing a pencil.

8 Pencil Sharpener Only one student is allowed out of their seats at a time to use the pencil sharpener. Please do not use the pencil sharpener while I am teaching the class. Failure to follow this expectation may result in a TAB, silent lunch, or lunch detention with Mr. Kyser.

9 Expectations when Mr. Kyser is teaching
Please stay at level 0 when Mr. Kyser is teaching. Failure to do so may result in a TAB, a team meeting, or call home during or after school. Raise your hand if you have a question.

10 Turing in Work Except for this week, all classwork is to be turned into your section’s designated tray in the back of the classroom. I do not hunt down “no-namers”. If you do not write your name on an assignment, it gets thrown in the trash.

11 Hallway Expectations Students are expected to be at level 0 when leaving my classroom. Students are expected to be at level 0 while in the hallways, ESPECIALLY during restroom breaks.

12 Restroom expectations
Only 5 students in the restroom at a time, unless permitted otherwise by a teacher. No phones out in the restroom. Failure to follow these expectations will result in consequences. I need one volunteer for each gender to serve as restroom monitor during restroom breaks.

13 Cell phones You have been warned: If I see it, I take it.
Stays in your locker or pocket. If a family member needs to contact you, they can call the front office.

14 TAB AND TIP This is designed to help you succeed.

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