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11k Cairns Agendas Date: Authors: May 2005 Month Year

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Presentation on theme: "11k Cairns Agendas Date: Authors: May 2005 Month Year"— Presentation transcript:

1 11k Cairns Agendas Date: 2005-05-13 Authors: May 2005 Month Year
doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 May 2005 11k Cairns Agendas Date: Authors: Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures <>, including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE Working Group. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at Richard Paine, Boeing John Doe, Some Company

2 Abstract Agendas for the Cairns meeting of 802.11k. May 2005
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 May 2005 Abstract Agendas for the Cairns meeting of k. Richard Paine, Boeing John Doe, Some Company

3 802.11k Cairns Agendas Richard Paine
May 2005 802.11k Cairns Agendas Richard Paine Richard Paine, Boeing

4 Radio Resource Measurement
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 May 2005 Radio Resource Measurement 802.11k Cairns 5/16/04 WG Opening Plenary + Richard Paine, Boeing John Doe, Some Company

5 Radio Resource Measurement
May 2005 Meeting Objectives Radio Resource Measurement Whole Cairns Meeting: LB73 Technical Comment Resolution Letter Ballot Preparation Richard Paine, Boeing

6 Functional Group Owners
May 2005 Technical Comment Categories Radio Resource Measurement Category Total Functional Group Owners Antenna 9 Kwak ANA 12 Beacon 82 Emeott Chan-Rpt 7 Channel Load Black Editorial 246 All General 15 Hidden 52 Barber Histograms 48 Olson/Kwak (Noise) Link Margin 14 Location 62 Olson Measurement Req Medsense 27 Olson/Soomro MIB 68 Gray Misc 191 Wang/Emeott/Simpson Neighbor 146 Wang Noise 45 Parallel 23 Richard Paine, Boeing

7 Technical Comment Categories
May 2005 Technical Comment Categories Periodic 64 Kwak PICS 34 Black Power 2 Wang/Emeott/Simpson Probe 1 QoS 36 Kwak/Qi RCPI 107 RPI 15 Req-Rpt-El 47 Req-Rpt-Fr 26 Req-Rpt-Pr 13 Req-Rpt-Gn 57 Security 11 Paine STA 74 Statistics 29 TPC 6 Klein Blank Comments 7 Total: 1599 Richard Paine, Boeing

8 Technical Comment Categories
May 2005 Technical Comment Categories Total Comments 1601 Total Technical Comments 1200 Editorial Comments 396 Accepted 187 Counter 48 Declined 29 Deferred 32 Duplicates 158 Richard Paine, Boeing

9 Radio Resource Measurement
May 2005 Important Documents Radio Resource Measurement LB73 Comment Resolution Spreadsheet (05/0191r22) LB73 Consolidated Spreadsheet for Cairns Richard Paine, Boeing

10 Next Telecom 6/8/05 6/8/05 Meeting: Cairns Issues Cairns Tasks
May 2005 Next Telecom 6/8/05 6/8/05 Meeting: Cairns Issues Cairns Tasks New Letter Ballot Richard Paine, Boeing

11 802.11k Cairns Agenda 3/16/05 Monday
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 May 2005 Radio Resource Measurement 802.11k Cairns Agenda 3/16/05 Monday Sign In + Richard Paine, Boeing John Doe, Some Company

12 Radio Resource Measurement
May 2005 Agenda Radio Resource Measurement Patent Policy Inappropriate Topics Documentation and Presentation Rules LB73 Comment Resolution Attendance Richard Paine, Boeing

13 Radio Resource Measurement
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 May 2005 Radio Resource Measurement 6. Patents IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard. This assurance shall be provided without coercion and prior to approval of the standard (or reaffirmation when a patent becomes known after initial approval of the standard). This assurance shall be a letter that is in the form of either a) A general disclaimer to the effect that the patentee will not enforce any of its present or future patent(s) whose use would be required to implement the proposed IEEE standard against any person or entity using the patent(s) to comply with the standard or b) A statement that a license will be made available without compensation or under reasonable rates, with reasonable terms and conditions that are demonstrably free of any unfair discrimination This assurance shall apply, at a minimum, from the date of the standard's approval to the date of the standard's withdrawal and is irrevocable during that period. Approved by IEEE-SA Standards Board – December 2002 Richard Paine, Boeing John Doe, Some Company

14 Inappropriate Topics for IEEE WG Meetings Radio Resource Measurement
May 2005 Inappropriate Topics for IEEE WG Meetings Radio Resource Measurement Don’t discuss licensing terms or conditions Don’t discuss product pricing, territorial restrictions or market share Don’t discuss ongoing litigation or threatened litigation Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed… do formally object. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at Approved by IEEE-SA Standards Board – December 2002 Richard Paine, Boeing

15 Radio Resource Measurement
May 2005 Documentation Radio Resource Measurement Documents must be on the server before presenting Word document with changes to D2.0 + Powerpoint to present Them + Powerpoint with motion to instruct the editor Richard Paine, Boeing

16 Radio Resource Measurement
May 2005 Meeting Objectives Radio Resource Measurement Whole Cairns Meeting: LB73 Technical Comment Resolution New Letter Ballot Richard Paine, Boeing

17 Radio Resource Measurement
May 2005 Cairns Work Radio Resource Measurement Technical Comment Resolution Next major milestone: Letter Ballot Richard Paine, Boeing

18 TASK GROUP K AGENDA - Monday May 16th 2005 - 13:30-21:30
TASK GROUP K AGENDA - Monday May 16th :30-21:30 1 II Meeting Call to Order - PAINE 10:30 2 *II REVIEW IEEE/802 & POLICIES and RULES (IP, Voting, Robert's Rules, etc) 15 3 *MI APPROVE OR MODIFY AGENDA 10 10:45 4 DT Set/Review Objectives PAINE / ALL 10:55 5 Update on Teleconference Results 11:10 6 Call for Presentations PAINE/ALL 35 11:25 7 Review Comments and Technical Presentations 30 12:00 8 Recess until Tuesday morning 12:30 Richard Paine, Boeing

19 Radio Resource Measurement
May 2005 Work Approach Radio Resource Measurement Finish up LB73 comment resolution in Cairns, next LB Richard Paine, Boeing

20 Functional Group Owners
May 2005 Technical Comment Categories Radio Resource Measurement Category Total Functional Group Owners Antenna 9 Kwak ANA 12 Beacon 82 Emeott Chan-Rpt 7 Channel Load Black Editorial 246 All General 15 Hidden 52 Barber Histograms 48 Olson/Kwak (Noise) Link Margin 14 Location 62 Olson Measurement Req Medsense 27 Olson/Soomro MIB 68 Gray Misc 191 Wang/Emeott/Simpson Neighbor 146 Wang Noise 45 Parallel 23 Richard Paine, Boeing

21 Technical Comment Categories
May 2005 Technical Comment Categories Periodic 64 Kwak PICS 34 Black Power 2 Wang/Emeott/Simpson Probe 1 QoS 36 Kwak/Qi RCPI 107 RPI 15 Req-Rpt-El 47 Req-Rpt-Fr 26 Req-Rpt-Pr 13 Req-Rpt-Gn 57 Security 11 Paine STA 74 Statistics 29 TPC 6 Klein Blank Comments 7 Total: 1599 Richard Paine, Boeing

22 Technical Comment Categories
May 2005 Technical Comment Categories Total Comments 1601 Total Technical Comments 1200 Editorial Comments 396 Accepted 187 Counter 48 Declined 29 Deferred 32 Duplicates 158 Richard Paine, Boeing

23 Attendance Recording -802.11
May 2005 Attendance Recording A sign-in sheet will be located at the Registration desk Each member must sign-in “once” (1) per day, between the hours of 0800 and 1800 local time Participants must “sign” their name in the appropriate place and state % of attendance that day in Attendance will be checked against other 802 groups. Those found abusing the honor system will loose ALL credit for that day. These sheets are provided daily. If you don’t sign up during the “regular sign-in” hours, you will NOT be given credit for that day. Richard Paine, Boeing

24 ftp://server/ May 2005 IP Address:
Will NOT be used for this Session! Richard Paine, Boeing

25 ftp://server/802-11/ Upload ALL Submissions
May 2005 ftp://server/802-11/ Upload ALL Submissions Into the INCOMING Documents folder Richard Paine, Boeing

26 May 2005 Richard Paine, Boeing

27 May 2005 Richard Paine, Boeing

28 May 2005 Richard Paine, Boeing

29 Radio Resource Measurement
May 2005 Presentations Radio Resource Measurement Security Comment Resolutions (Paine) Mon CAUTION++ (Ilka) Wed TPC (Klein) Tues TSF Info Comment Resolution (Kwak) Tues Measurement Pilot (Wang 05/403r0) Wed afternoon Req/Rep (Black) Wed Trigger Measurements (Black) Thu Enhancements to Link Measurement (Black) Thu QoS Comment Resolution (Qi) Wed Neighbor Comment Resolutions (Wang) Thu Hidden Station (Barber) Thu Advanced Antennas (Kwak) Wed Periodic Comments (Kwak) Wed RCPI Comment Resolution (Kwak) Thu Richard Paine, Boeing

30 Radio Resource Measurement
May 2005 Presentations (contd) Radio Resource Measurement QoS/BSS Load Comment Resolution (Kwak) Thu Misc Comment Resolution (Simpson) Thu PICS Comment Resolution (Black) Thu Approve minutes from Atlanta – Done Monday Approve minutes from teleconferences Vote on editorial comment resolutions from teleconferences 353 and 354 resolving location comments (Ecclesine) Wed Richard Paine, Boeing

31 Monday Presentations Security Comment Resolutions (Paine) May 2005
Richard Paine, Boeing

32 Radio Resource Measurement
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 May 2005 Radio Resource Measurement 802.11k Cairns Agenda Tue 5/17/05 Sign In + Richard Paine, Boeing John Doe, Some Company

33 TASK GROUP K AGENDA - Tuesday May 17th, 2005 - 16:00-21:30
TASK GROUP K AGENDA - Tuesday May 17th, :00-21:30 9 II Meeting Call to Order PAINE 16:00 10 DT Review Comments and Technical Presentations - PAINE/ALL 120 11 Dinner Break 90 18:00 12 19:30 Recess until Wednesday morning 21:30 Richard Paine, Boeing

34 Radio Resource Measurement
May 2005 Agenda 5/17/05 Radio Resource Measurement Presentations Comment Resolutions Richard Paine, Boeing

35 Radio Resource Measurement
May 2005 Presentations Radio Resource Measurement Security Comment Resolutions (Paine) Mon Approve minutes from Atlanta – Done Monday TPC (Klein) Tues TSF Info Comment Resolution (Kwak) Tues Deferred Neighbor comments (Wang) Tues CAUTION++ (Ilkka) Wed Measurement Pilot (Wang 05/403r0) Wed afternoon Req/Rep (Black) Wed Trigger Measurements (Black) Thu Enhancements to Link Measurement (Black) Thu QoS Comment Resolution (Qi) Wed Neighbor Comment Resolutions (Wang) Thu Hidden Station (Barber) Thu Advanced Antennas (Kwak) Wed Periodic Comments (Kwak) Wed RCPI Comment Resolution (Kwak) Thu Richard Paine, Boeing

36 Radio Resource Measurement
May 2005 Presentations (contd) Radio Resource Measurement QoS/BSS Load Comment Resolution (Kwak) Thu Misc Comment Resolution (Simpson) Thu PICS Comment Resolution (Black) Thu Approve minutes from teleconferences Vote on editorial comment resolutions from teleconferences 353 and 354 resolving location comments (Ecclesine) Wed Richard Paine, Boeing

37 Straw Poll Would you support a removal of the BSSID Information Field?
May 2005 Straw Poll Would you support a removal of the BSSID Information Field? Yes 10 No 1 Richard Paine, Boeing

38 May 2005 Straw Poll Would you support a removal of the “Request IE” from Assoc Req/Resp? Yes 6 No 0 Richard Paine, Boeing

39 Radio Resource Measurement
May 2005 Presentations Radio Resource Measurement Richard Paine, Boeing

40 Radio Resource Measurement
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 May 2005 Radio Resource Measurement 802.11k Cairns Agenda 5/18/05 Sign In + Richard Paine, Boeing John Doe, Some Company

41 TASK GROUP K AGENDA - Wednesday May 18th, 2005 - 8:00-18:00
TASK GROUP K AGENDA - Wednesday May 18th, :00-18:00 13 II Meeting Call to Order PAINE 08:00 14 DT Review Comments and Technical Presentations - PAINE/ALL 120 15 Break for Mid Week Plenary 150 10:00 16 12:30 17 Lunch Break 60 14:30 18 15:30 19 Break 30 17:30 20 18:00 Social Richard Paine, Boeing

42 Radio Resource Measurement
May 2005 Cairns Agenda 5/18/05 Radio Resource Measurement Presentations Comment Resolution in spreadsheet Vote on Minutes (05/XXXXr0) Vote on Teleconference Minutes Richard Paine, Boeing

43 Radio Resource Measurement
May 2005 Presentations Radio Resource Measurement Richard Paine, Boeing

44 Radio Resource Measurement
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 May 2005 Radio Resource Measurement 802.11k Cairns Agenda 5/19/05 Sign In + Richard Paine, Boeing John Doe, Some Company

45 TASK GROUP K AGENDA - Thursday May 19th 2005 13:30-18:00
TASK GROUP K AGENDA - Thursday May 19th :30-18:00 21 DT Review Comments and Technical Presentations - PAINE/ALL 120 13:30 22 II Break 30 15:30 23 16:00 24 ADJOURN 90 18:00 Richard Paine, Boeing

46 Radio Resource Measurement
May 2005 Cairns Agenda 5/19/05 Radio Resource Measurement Presentations Comment Resolution in spreadsheet Vote on Minutes (05/XXXXr0) Vote on Teleconference Minutes Richard Paine, Boeing

47 Radio Resource Measurement
May 2005 Presentations Radio Resource Measurement CAUTION++ Richard Paine, Boeing

48 Empowerment for Teleconferences
May 2005 Empowerment for Teleconferences Move to request the Working Group to empower TGk to hold weekly teleconferences (Wednesdays at 11:30am Eastern time) through 2 weeks after the San Francisco plenary as required to conduct business necessary to progress the Letter Ballot process, including creating and issuing drafts for Letter Ballots and handling other business necessary to progress through the IEEE standards process. TGk Movers: Result: Richard Paine, Boeing

49 Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 May 2005 Motion Move to instruct the editor to include /r4 in the next 11k draft. Moved Qi Second Black Result: . Richard Paine, Boeing John Doe, Some Company

50 Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 May 2005 Motion Move to accept the Atlanta-Cairns teleconference minutes 05/XXXXrX. Moved: Second: Unanimous/Not Unanimous Richard Paine, Boeing John Doe, Some Company

51 Radio Resource Measurement
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 May 2005 Radio Resource Measurement 802.11k Cairns 5/18/05 WG Closing Plenary + Richard Paine, Boeing John Doe, Some Company

52 802.11k Cairns Closing Plenary Report
May 2005 802.11k Cairns Closing Plenary Report Richard Paine Richard Paine, Boeing

53 Radio Resource Measurement
May 2005 Meeting Objectives Radio Resource Measurement Whole Cairns Meeting: LB73 Technical Comment Resolution Letter Ballot Recirc Richard Paine, Boeing

54 Radio Resource Measurement
May 2005 Meeting Objectives Met Radio Resource Measurement Whole Cairns Meeting: LB73 Technical Comment Resolution Move to next letter ballot Richard Paine, Boeing

55 Radio Resource Measurement
May 2005 Accomplishments Radio Resource Measurement X Technical Presentations LB73 Comment Resolutions Richard Paine, Boeing

56 Letter Ballot Comment Resolution
May 2005 Objectives for Jul 2005 Plenary Letter Ballot Objectives for Sep 2005 Letter Ballot Comment Resolution Richard Paine, Boeing

57 May 2005 Plans Plan until next meeting: Weekly Teleconferences on Wed 11:30am Eastern Time starting on 6/8/05 Plan for start of next meeting: Letter Ballot Comment Resolution Next major milestone: Passed Letter Ballot Vote Richard Paine, Boeing

58 Next Telecom 6/8/05 6/8/05 Meeting: Comment Resolution May 2005
Richard Paine, Boeing

59 Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 May 2005 Motion Move to authorize a 20-day Letter Ballot Recirc of TGk draft 2.1 to conclude no later than 5/12/05. Moved by Richard Paine on behalf of the Task Group. Task Group Vote: Moved XXX Second XXX Result: 0-0-0 Richard Paine, Boeing John Doe, Some Company

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