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Impact – demonstrating the difference

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Presentation on theme: "Impact – demonstrating the difference"— Presentation transcript:

1 Impact – demonstrating the difference

2 How do you know what you are doing is making a difference?

3 Background Rationalising end of grant report process
How are groups assessing the impact of their activity? How can we improve donor relationships and services? How can we communicate better the difference groups are making on the ground? Improve the local knowledge of Trustees and Staff?

4 UKCF Impact Assessment
2011 working group designing a set of impact themes, outcomes and indicators 2012 pilot testing the framework 2013 establish an Impact Committee 2014 first impact review and launch 2017 Hidden Needs Survey

5 Demonstrating Impact Impact Assessment Leader for UKCF
Upskilling grassroots groups Evidence value of local funding Demonstrate impact of donor investment To ‘deep mine’ impact of funded activity Evidence value of sector across a broad range of themes. Showcase how small charities and groups can achieve a positive impact creatively, flexibly and quickly Promoting impact to show the value of the sector to the wider public

6 Impact and knowledge Building
Building knowledge of Staff and Trustees to speak confidently about demonstrated difference Impact Committee – relationship building between Staff and Trustees Building ambassador role Donor toolkit for donor relationship building

7 Impact Assessment – Reporting and Management Information
Report Templates available on Digits 2 to analyse and summarise outcome and indicator information at different levels.

8 Tailored to the donor’s wishes Individual case studies
Impact Reporting Tailored to the donor’s wishes Individual case studies Donor impact reports Annual impact review

9 Donors do care about impact

10 Impact and donors Constance Travis Match Fund challenge
First for Wellbeing Joan Armitage St Giles Charitable Trust PCC Safer Communities Fund

11 Constance Travis Longstanding donor giving for general purposes across Northamptonshire Impact reporting supported the private donor to invest in a £2million match challenge Confidence built through impact reporting regularly

12 First for Wellbeing New funding programme secured through being able to measure impact Demonstrate impact across public health outcomes and targets Public agencies and local authorities need to measure outcomes to meet policy targets – funders need metrics in place

13 Joan Armitage Previously donated 3 years of core funding via New Philanthropy Capital Secured a further 3 years of £37K a year (for grant giving or core costs) directly as a result of impact activity Impact building donor confidence and trust

14 St Giles Charitable Trust
In year two of managing a small amount of funding on behalf of the Trust Working with Trustees who are ‘pilot testing’ the Foundations services Many Trusts do not have the systems and resources in place to measure impact and so Foundations become a giving solution through impact services

15 PCC Safer Communities Fund
Proceeds from Crime funding on behalf of Police and Crime Commissioner Direct result of Impact activity See the benefit of being able to measure impact through community safety activity

16 Impact and Profile Raising

17 Impact on website Based on completed projects in ,466 people supported at an average cost of £6.33 per beneficiary Impact Review:

18 Social Media

19 Impact Review booklet

20 We enabled people to get healthy and active

21 Raising the Profile

22 Raising the Profile

23 Impact and small groups
Working in partnership with Voluntary Impact Northamptonshire Created an impact toolkit for small groups Rolling out a programme of impact seminars One to one monitoring and evaluation workshops


25 Coming Soon

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