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Force Accounts.

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1 Force Accounts

2 Force Accounts Various Force Account Meanings
State Aid Force Accounts handled through the DSAE Federal Aid Force Accounts handled through SALT Railroad forces (or hired contractor) doing work on Railroad property for the Railroad Utility company forces (or hired contractor) doing work on utility features owned by the utility company Work done by local agency forces for the benefit of their own project (requires an approved Public Interest Finding) Cannot do work for other local agencies and be reimbursed with federal funds. Reimbursement for materials supplied to the project by the local agency such as traffic signal poles or other items that may have a longer lead time for ordering and manufacturing Sometimes supplemental agreements that are written for additional time and materials on a construction contract are called force accounts.

3 Force Accounts – Legal Reference
MN Rules subp. 20 – Force Account Agreements Agreement between MnDOT and the local government Allow the local government to do work on state aid construction projects with local forces Allows reimbursement for this work with an agreement MN Rules subp. 23 – Local Forces Defines local forces as Railroad employees when working on a railroad crossing Utility employees when working on utilities Local government employees Contract forces for contract not advertised for bids in accordance with MN Statute, Sec , needed to perform a specific project for reasons of expertise or necessary expediency

4 Force Accounts – Required for
Railroad work Utility work Material furnished by the local agency for a State Aid contract Labor of local agency forces on a State Aid funded project Small emergency contracts where time is critical and State Aid reimbursement will be requested

5 Force Accounts – Process
DSAE reviews the force labor plan and approves it with their signature. Local agency completes the form and provides an estimate of local force costs, or material, railroad or utility invoices for a cost basis. This can be submitted after the work is complete but the payment cannot be made until we have the agreement. It is best to submit it with the initial pay request.

6 Force Accounts – Form Completion
Circle the correct project type and enter the project number in 9 digit format Circle road type and enter the road number Circle the correct type of local government and enter the agency name Enter the type of work to be done under the agreement. (Utility Relocation, Type of material furnished, etc) If engineering is being requested for force account engineering complete (E). The 25% of total project cost limitations applies. Obtain signatures

7 Force Accounts – On DCP projects
On a DCP project, if a Force Account Agreement is indicated on a Supplemental Agreement, Work Order or Change Order, then a copy of the Summary of Daily Force Account should be submitted with the document. If they are not attached, any encumbrance increase or final can be delayed until this documentation is received. The only part of the documentation needed is the Summary of Daily Force Account. If you do not have this document, you need to send other supporting documentation.


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