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Spring into Spring (safely)!

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Presentation on theme: "Spring into Spring (safely)!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Spring into Spring (safely)!
Celebrate Wellness! A public service of The Unified Virginia Chiropractic Association in association with A Trusted Voice Spring into Spring (safely)! Welcome your audience. Introduce yourself, everything from your roots in the community to your full scope of education as a doctor; or have a proper bio prepared, and have a third party introduce you. Presented by: Your Doctor of Chiropractic

2 Spring into Spring (safely)!
Today’s Agenda: Tip #1: Hydrate (and the intervertebral disc) Tip #2: Prepare like an athlete Tip #3: Use the right tool for the job Tip #4: Take the right steps if you overdo it Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important. Introduce each of the major topics. Goal: Enjoy your favorite activities, while minimizing risks for aches, pains, sprains, strains… especially if your intended activity is something you haven’t done in a while, or don’t do regularly.

3 Spring into Spring (safely)!
Today’s Agenda: Tip #1: Hydrate Tip #2: Prepare like an athlete Tip #3: Use the right tool for the job Tip #4: Take the right steps if you overdo it Why is water important? Yes, water = protection from heat-related illness… but it’s more than that (next slide)

4 Spring into Spring (safely)!
- Water protects your spine. The intervertebral disc (define) is % water, depending on your age and health Keep these "spinal spacers" plump and healthy, maximizing room for nerve roots (define; note that nerves control every organ, every tissue, every muscle; nervous system = master system)

5 Spring into Spring (safely)!
Today’s Agenda: Tip #1: Hydrate Tip #2: Prepare like an athlete Tip #3: Use the right tool for the job Tip #4: Take the right steps if you overdo it Ready to mow, weed whack, pull weeds, clean up last Fall’s leaves, etc, etc? Prepare!

6 Spring into Spring (safely)!
Warm up like an athlete… and not just for Springtime tennis or golf. Warm up for higher intensity activity by gently, slowly raising your heart rate. Don't just "dive in." "Depressurize" discs before repeated or prolonged forward bending, by gently bending backwards a bit. Gently warm up (range of motion) the respective joints, muscles, ligaments, and tendons you're going to use.

7 Spring into Spring (safely)!
Today’s Agenda: Tip #1: Hydrate Tip #2: Prepare like an athlete Tip #3: Use the right tool for the job Tip #4: Take the right steps if you overdo it Use the right tool for the job. Sound obvious? You’d be surprised how often people violate this simple rule.

8 Spring into Spring (safely)!
You (probably) wouldn't remove a dandelion with a spoon, but people commonly use a fist instead of a hammer or mallet. Use a ladder when called for... and secure it. Correctly use gloves, eye protection, and blade guards. Consider kneepads or a soft cushion (even a rolling seat) for low/ground-based work. NEVER use a tool for a job it's not intended for. "You can always get a new rake, but new backs and necks and knees are very hard to come by."

9 Spring into Spring (safely)!
Today’s Agenda: Tip #1: Hydrate Tip #2: Prepare like an athlete Tip #3: Use the right tool for the job Tip #4: Take the right steps if you overdo it Ice? Heat? Think about it… if you’d consider an ANTI-inflammatory, would you want to put ICE or HEAT on the inflammatory “fire?”

10 Spring into Spring (safely)!
Chiropractic care is a safe, effective way to bounce back from wide variety of joint, muscle, ligament, tendon, and functional (nervous system) problems. Critical points: 1. SAFE 2. EFFECTIVE. Chiropractic "scores" on both accounts.

11 Spring into Spring (safely)!
Anti-inflammatories can help you "tough it out" - but more and more active people are discovering that chiropractic not only decreases pain, but helps them return to their lives FASTER... without the risks of drugs (reference Celebrate Wellness! articles on this topic). Your flowers, your tennis racket, and your lawn are calling you-- so why wait any longer than you have to? Once your back on top of your game, consider chiropractic care as a tool to help you STAY healthy and limber-- something pills can never do.

12 Nervous system = The Master System
CNS (Brain, spinal cord & related nerves) functions as your “central computer” Review neurology as it relates to the spine… and entire body: (Review as thoroughly or as cursorily as your audience will require) Function of the spine is intimately related to the nervous system, which controls immune function… and everything else Nervous system = master, control system Use analogy of chiropractor as the doctor/technician who optimizes system function… with your help

13 Case Studies Discuss cases you’ve seen and managed, including outcomes.

14 Microsoft Engineering Excellence
Resources Unified Virginia Chiropractic Association Or just ask the doctor today! Summarize presentation content by restating the important points from the lessons. What do you want the audience to remember when they leave your presentation? Note that the UVCA has an entire library of topics available to the public. Click on “Celebrate Wellness” to view the list, and then just contact the UVCA to request your free copy! [Suggestion: Doctor, YOU be the source!] [pass out office brochure, contact info, etc.] [list doctor’s website above, as a resource] Microsoft Confidential

15 Microsoft Engineering Excellence
Questions? Encourage audience participation. Remind them to take advantage of your expertise, NOW (it’s free today!). Note that your practice is accepting new patients. Include a “call to action” to sign up as a new patient, to reach their full potential. Microsoft Confidential

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