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Published bySheila Joseph Modified over 6 years ago
ارگونومي (مهندسي انساني) )Human Factors Engineering (
Ergonomics )Human Factors Engineering (
فلسفه ارگونومي تناسب كار با انسان FITTING THE JOB TO THE HUMAN
ارگونومي چيست؟ طراحي براي انسان
بررسي روابط بين انسان ، ماشين ومحيط كار و بهينه سازی آن دانش جوانی است که با استفاده از مجوعه ای از علوم، سيستم كار را به گونه ای طراحی مي کند که حداکثر بازدهی و حداقل خطا و خستگی را داشته باشد. علم پيشگيری از اختلالات اسکلتی- عضلانی
Ergonomics is working smarter not harder!
ماهيت چند رشته ای ارگونومی
مهندسي طراحی صنعتي بهداشت حرفه ای پزشکی روانشناسي آناتومي فيزيولوژي انسان شناسي بيومكانيك و ....
اهداف ارگونومي (مدل علايق سازمان)
كارفرما (بهره وري ) مشتري (كيفيت) كارگر (شرايط كار) سازمان
اهداف ارگونومي راحتي و رضايت ارگونومي بهره وری سلامت
متدولوژي ارگونومی شناخت ظرفيت های انسان (ظرفيت فيزيکي ، رواني، شنوايي ، بينايي و... ) شناخت نياز های کار برقراری تعادل بين ظرفيتهای انسان و نيازهای کار
چالش ارگونومي : تناسب/عدم تناسب كار با انسان
توانايي ها خواسته ها عدم تناسب نيازمند يافتن راه حل است
منافع ارگونومي كاهش آسيبهاي جسمي كاهش روزهاي كار از دست رفته
افزايش بهره وري كاهش خطاهاي انساني /دوباره كاري (بهبود كيفيت) كاهش روزهاي كار از دست رفته كاهش گردش شغلي بهبود ارتباطات
ماهيت اقتصادي ارگونومي
طبق تعريف ، ارگونومي هدفش بهره برداري حداكثر از تلاش ها و فعاليتهاي انسان است . بهره برداري بهينه از انرژي انسان تنظيم ساعات كار و استراحت حذف خستگي جنبه هاي بهداشتي طراحي بهينه ايستگاه كار بهره برداري بهينه از منابع انساني
چرا ارگونومي ضروري است ؟
پيچيدگي صنعت ، وسايل و تجهيزات و مشاغل فاصله زماني و مكاني بين طراح و مصرف كننده گستره وسيع جمعيت مصرف كننده
اهداف ، علايق ، نگرش ، فرهنگ و مسئوليتهاي متفاوت
طراح Designer مصرف كننده خريدار سازنده
اگر به ارگونومي عمل نكنيم :
يك روز غيبت باندازه 2 تا 3 برابر حقوق روزانه هزينه دارد. خسارت ناشي از بيماريها و حوادث ناشي از كار در غرب 5 تا 10 درصد سود صنايع است. هزينه فوق براي جامعه در حد 2 تا 3 درصد درآمد ناخالص ملي است. تقريبا 50 درصد بيماريها ، حوادث و غيبتها بدليل عوامل خطر ارگونوميكي ايجاد مي شوند. هزينه نقصان كيفيت ناشي از عدم رعايت ارگونومي 30 تا 40 درصد سود است .
تاريخچه ارگونومي دهه پنجاه : ارگونومي نظامي دهه شصت : ارگونومي صنعتي
دهه پنجاه : ارگونومي نظامي دهه شصت : ارگونومي صنعتي دهه هفتاد : ارگونومي محصول دهه هشتاد : ارگونومي كامپيوتر دهه نود : ارگونومي ارتباطات دهه 00 : ارگونومي اوقات فراغت دهه 10 : ارگونومي در فضا
دنياي آينده !!! حذف كاغذ اشتراك جهاني اطلاعات جامعه بدون سيم
تمركز تخصص در سيستم ها In the past, the man has been first; in the future, the system must be first. (Frederick Winslow Taylor, The Principles of Scientific Management, 1911.) اشتراك جهاني اطلاعات سازمانهاي مجازي
چالش جديد دنياي كار: عوامل رواني- اجتماعي
ترس از جايگزيني توسط كامپيوتر مشاغل گسترده عدم اطمينان از آينده شغل فشار كار عدم حمايت همكاران عدم وجود استاندارد بهره وري عدم وجود مشاركت در تصميم گيري
ارگونومي در عمل شاخصهاي ارزيابي
ارگونومي در عمل شاخصهاي ارزيابي كاهش بهره وري مشكلات كيفيت غيبت و گردش شغلي اختلالات عضلاني - اسكلتي شكايت از خستگي و ناراحتي
اولويت هاي كاربردي ارگونومي در صنعت نفت
كاربرد اصول ارگونومي درجابجايي دستي بار طراحي ابزار/ ماشين آلات بهبود طراحي ايستگاه كار طراحي محيط كار(چيدمان ، عوامل فيزيكي، و...) سازماندهي كار وسايل حفاظت فردي
ارگونومي در صنعت نفت
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علل ايجاد آسيب در صنعت نفت
علل ايجاد آسيب در صنعت نفت
A particular action may cause discomfort at the time.
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It may be when you take a shortcut or rush a job that you hurt yourself.
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Safe manual handling is not just about using a good technique.
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Team handling requires a bit of practice, and clear communication. When do you lift if you hear “1, 2, Lift”. Was it on ‘3’, on or after the word ‘lift’? Try “Ready, Steady, Lift”. Breaks are necessary to let your muscles recover, or to warm up, top up energy levels, rehydrate. Tell your Supervisor if you have any problems, e.g. faulty equipment, conflicts between people, suggestions to do the job differently.
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The massive forces and the shock of the incident can result in damage to the muscles, tendons, ligaments, etc. and these effects may not be isolated to just one part of the body. The shock can actually affect the person as a whole.
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The top photograph is taken in the galley of an installation where there is a small step and door lip going into the stores area. Items are carried in and out of stores such as 25 kg bags of flour and potatoes. It may not be easy for the person to see their feet when they are carrying such large items so the chance of them slipping or tripping is increased. The photograph at the bottom is in a workshop where these boards are found in front of pieces of machinery. It was not known why the boards were necessary and they did seem to cause more of a problem of tripping than actually being of any help. Wet and greasy floors are a common hazard on installations. Problems can arise where there are a number of such causes of slips, trips and falls and in addition where people are rushing or not holding onto hand rails.
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The photograph on the left shows a ramp that has been constructed to cover up a ridge on the floor. This means that a trolley can be wheeled over it easily. On the right a potential bang on the head is reduced by wrapping coloured tape around the pole.
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It is clear that the more awkward the posture you hold when you are working the greater the chance of aches and pains towards the end of the day. In practice it is not this simple because the offshore environment is often limited in space and people often end up working in confined spaces.
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If you look at how other people work in different areas of the installation it will give you an idea of how you probably work as well. It is impossible to see your own posture but it is likely to be similar to that of your colleagues.
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A poor back posture is not uncommon. Nearly everything we do requires us to bend our backs whether standing up and leaning forward for example, brushing our teeth, serving out food in the restaurant, picking up tools, sitting down at coffee time and relaxing in the evening, again sitting down watching TV. This diagram shows that the more the spine is bent over whether sitting or standing the more pressure there is on the back itself. The wear and tear damage to the back is made worse when we put extra strain on our backs.
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It is not just the back that we are looking at here. It is also important to look at the arms, the neck and the legs. The resting position for the body is when the arms, legs, head and back are in their neutral or starting position. Anything we do that takes us away from this resting position requires effort and so the longer these postures are held the greater the chance of discomfort or injury.
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These photographs were taken in the laundry area of an installation. On the left the controls for the dryers are positioned at the very top of the machine which makes it difficult for the steward to reach them easily. The trolley on the other hand has a very low base which requires the steward to bend over and reach with arms outstretched for laundry items at the bottom of the trolley.
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Access to the turbines in this area was difficult without steps. However the gap between the top step and the scaffold platform is too great for anyone to manage safely.
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These photographs were taken on the wire line deck where the down hole tools and other equipment are stored. You can see from the postures that storage is not ideal as they are having to stretch and reach awkwardly. Access to such pieces of equipment should be made easy particularly for heavier items and those used more frequently.
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On the drill floor there may be a number of tasks that are carried out by hand. For example, handling the slips. Because of their position it is not easy to work in a good posture.
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In this control room by the drill floor the operator is doing two tasks at once - watching the drill floor and answering the phone. Look at the different pieces of equipment and see if any could be positioned for easier access.
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There are chairs available that are designed for operators in control rooms. The chairs should be comfortable for the individual.
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The operator should be able to work in a comfortable posture whilst monitoring and responding to information about the running of the installation. Things that prevent easy access include badly positioned display screens and keyboards and seating that prevents the person from sitting close enough to the console. Also panels that are positioned too high to comfortably see or reach may be a problem.
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Look at the photograph at the bottom on the left and look at the position of the microphone. In order to use this microphone and to be heard clearly the operator has to lean to one side and bend his head forward. This is an awkward posture and increases his risk of injury by doing so on a regular basis. It would be helpful if the microphone could be positioned closer to the operator to prevent this awkward posture.
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Look at the different postures here and consider whether the awkward postures are unavoidable or not.
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It may not always be easy to work in a comfortable posture because of the limited space in the work area.
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Scaffolders need to wear gloves that not only protect them from sharp edges from the cold, etc., but the gloves should also improve their grip and therefore require less effort to grip. The safety hat should fit snuggly and not impair their visibility. All other PPE should fit well and be in a good state of repair and replaced as necessary.
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The position of the computer is important to ensure a comfortable position for the user. The person should not have to twist either their body or their head to see the computer.
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The chair should suit the individual and the type of work that they are doing. The same chair may not suit everyone.
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If the computer is too low on the table then a monitor stand or the yellow pages as a temporary measure will help to raise the height of the monitor up for a more comfortable position for the user.
ايجاد تناسب بين كار و انسان
راه حل! ... ايجاد تناسب بين كار و انسان كار دقيق كار سبك كار سنگين The working height needs to be appropriate to what you are doing. If the task requires effort and physical force then the surface should be slightly lower so that you can apply body weight to the task you are doing. If however the task requires little effort but attention to detail, then the working height should be much higher. For all other tasks the working height should be around elbow height to the individual. One solution is to provide a number of different working heights in an area so that people can work at a height that suits them and the job they are doing.
نمايش فيلم
خسته نباشيد References are on next two slides
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