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English and Arabic Proverbs

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1 English and Arabic Proverbs
According to Oxford Concise Dictionary Proverb is ‘a short saying in general use, held to embody a general truth’ whereas, Idiom is: ‘a group of words established by usage and having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words’.

2 English and Arabic Proverbs
each culture has proverbs that are unique to it. The saying, "if you want to know a people, know their proverbs" illustrates this. For example, saying from various Native American tribes often reflect their view of the land as sacred: "Take only what you need and leave the land as you found it"

3 English and Arabic Proverbs
Japanese proverbs often refer to morals: "An evil deed remains with the evildoer" and discretion: "The tongue is like a sharp knife, it kills without drawing blood".

4 English and Arabic Proverbs
Many Mexican proverbs reflect the thinking and values of rural people or the average person on the street and hope is a common theme: "Hope dies last of all"

5 Types of proverbs A. Synecdoche Proverbs
The proverbs in which the literal reading and standard proverbial interpretation or SPI "stand in a relation of macrocosm to microcosm" This includes examples such as the early bird catches the worm, make hay while the sun shines, and Fair words break no bones. In these proverbs, the literal meaning is quite different from the figurative meaning.

6 B. Metaphoric Proverbs In metaphoric proverbs, a nominal becomes metaphoric due to its interaction with another proverb constituent, or the nominal symbolizes some characteristic attribute. An example of the first is, Favor will as surely perish as life, and of the second, Fair play is a jewel.

7 C. Metonymic Proverbs This type of proverb is based on association between something literally named and the thing intended. One example of a metonymic proverb is " who has a fair wife needs more than two eyes" in which the eye stands metonymically for the" sight".

8 D. Hyperbolic Proverbs hyperbole has traditionally been considered a rhetorical figure along with, if not quite of the same importance of synecdoche, metaphor and metonymy. In fact hyperbole counts as amplification. Amplification says more than necessary. For example the proverb "faint heart never won fair lady" is a hyperbolic proverb due to the existence of never in it.

9 E. Paradoxical Proverbs
proverbs in which there is a contradiction or whose interpretation entails a logical contradiction are considered as paradoxical proverbs. In fact paradoxical proverbs have a "second interpretation". An example of paradoxical proverb is " fair is not fair, but that which pleases". The first clause of this proverb asserts a clear logical contradiction. The proverb "a man's house is heaven and hell as well" is a paradoxical proverb as well.

10 Origins of the English proverbs
To become a proverb, a saying has to be taken up and assimilated by the common people. In the process, its origin is forgotten. Once it has become proverbial, the saying is used as part of popular wisdom; the user is no longer interested in its origin. It is safe to assume that every proverb had an origin in a specific person or specific situation, but with many of the very old ones this origin has been completely lost.

11 Origins of the English proverbs
In general we can assume that proverbs with the more abstract type of wisdom began life in this way, proverbs like The end justifies the means which appears to have taken its bow in a seventeenth century theological treatise, or the ‘wish is father to the thought’ which as far as we know was first given expression to by Julius Caesar, or ‘A soft answer turneth away wrath’, which certainly took that precise form from the Bible.

12 Borrowings: Another important source of English proverbs is these of other languages. Here again it is difficult to be certain. If a proverb existed in Latin, French, or Spanish before it appeared in English, there is no proof that it was borrowed from the other language. It may very well be that it developed concurrently in English but happened never to have been recorded.

13 Biblical proverbs: Proverbs deriving from the Bible are in a sense another kind of borrowing. In earlier times the English Bible was so widely read that many of its sayings have become so much part of popular wisdom that few users today are aware of their biblical origin, and the hardiest free thinker will show no hesitation in drawing upon them to illustrate a rational point. Nevertheless, a good many English proverbs come straight from the Authorized Version: The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.

14 Other literary sources:
Next to the Bible, Shakespeare is undoubtedly the greatest literary source of the modern proverb. No one can be sure, however, which of those attributed to him are the product of Shakespeare's own thought and how many were taken over more or less in the form in which they existed in the oral tradition around him. A number of proverbs from Shakespeare have survived in their original wording e.g.: Cowards die many times before their deaths.

15 Interpretation: How are proverbs to be interpreted? What is their full meaning? This is clearly bound up with their use and goes right to the heart of the problem. The Dutch call proverbs the daughters of experience, and we have seen how many of the oldest ones were originally a summary of what experience had taught people in the performance of everyday chores. They were, then, at the outset interpreted literally. A stitch in time saves nine was the literal truth the busy housewife had learnt in looking after the family's clothes.

16 The proverb in education:
The proverb has had a long and honorable history in the classroom. As early as the tenth century proverbs were used in England as a brighter method of teaching Latin. Many generations of children through the nineteenth century and beyond were expected to improve their minds as well as their writing by having to copy proverbs out in their copy books. The commonest proverbs still form part of the background of every English speaking child, and this is recognized in the early stages of modern Education, where many uses are made of them.

17 The proverb in education:
As a result of their metaphorical application, many proverbs widely different in wording have very similar meanings, and this too is a fruitful source of educational material, as may be seen by pairing the following: Once bitten, twice shy. A burnt child dreads the fire. Barking dogs seldom bite. Enough is good as a feast. Many a little makes a mickle.

18 Tips for translating Proverbs
 Proverbs often have an equivalent in the target language. However, even if a linguistic equivalent exists, there may be cultural differences to consider. For example, translation into English could vary based on whether the target is the Uk or the US.

19 continue It often helps to determine the origin of the proverb, especially if it isn’t an entirely common saying. An obscure literary proverb should not be translated into a very familiar proverb in the target language. It is best to aim for equivalence between the proverb’s standing within the context of the source culture and the target

20 continued Often, proverbs deal directly with societal customs that might not translate directly to certain other societies. In these cases, it might help to find a saying that approximates the intended message of the proverb and use that.

21 Ultimately, the challenges of translating proverbs depend on the case at hand, and therefore, it it is best for translators to adjust their method on a case by case basis. With that said, here are a few examples of how specific proverbs could be translated:

22 one man's meat is another man poison
مصائب قوم عند قوم فوائد It is a good horse that never stumbles لكل جواد كبوه ولكل عالم هفوه A friend in need is a friend indeed الصديق عند الضيق Adversity tries friend عندالشدائد تعرف الأخوان

23 put by for a rainy day خبي قرشك الابيض ليومك الاسود Talk of the devil & he is sure to appear ذكرنا القط اجا ينط Necessity is the mother of invention الحاجه أم الاختراع

24 Necessity knows no low الضرورات تبيح المحظورات Don't court your chickens before they are hatched لاتقول فول حتى يصيربالمكيول Idleness is the key to beggary الكسل مقيه الفقر

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