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Ripple Primary School Nursery

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1 Ripple Primary School Nursery
Welcome Meeting Wednesday 20th June 2018 (10am) & Thursday 21st June 2018 (4.30pm)

2 Parents asked ... What kinds of snacks are provided?
What is the purpose of the home visit? How long will the home visit last? Will milk be provided? Does my child need to be toilet trained? Safety aspects of the Nursery Can I stay with my child at the beginning? How should I help to prepare my child for Nursery? What is the uniform for Nursery? Do I need a PE kit? Do the children need any books? Will my child go on any school trips? How will they be settled in at Nursery? How many children will there be per session? How many teachers will there be per session? What are the timings for Nursery? Do they have any break time? Will my child be automatically enrolled for Reception?

3 Programme Why choose Ripple Primary School ?
What do we believe about how young children learn? Nursery Organisation The curriculum and learning through play. End of year expectations – Ready for Reception Getting involved in your child’s education Admission and Induction procedures

4 High aspirations and a shared passion for learning.
Vision High aspirations and a shared passion for learning. A continuous focus on the quality of learning for our children is at the heart of everything we do. At Ripple Primary School we are proud to provide a safe, stimulating and inclusive learning environment where every member of our community is valued and respected. We listen to each other and every voice is heard. Our broad, balanced, creative curriculum and enrichment activities provide opportunities for all to achieve and succeed. We celebrate our achievements, differences and cultural diversity. Together we take pride in making a positive contribution to our school and the wider community. Mission Statement

5 In our most recent Ofsted inspection (May 2016) they said:
“Children in the Nursery and Reception classes benefit from Outstanding provision.” “Children are kept safe and are well cared for.” “They behave well and have very positive attitudes to their learning and their play.” “Warm relationships and high quality talk underpin the learning within the Early Years.”

6 “Teachers and other adults plan tasks based on their detailed understanding of the needs of each child.” “…the rich learning environment which is sharply focused on early reading, writing and mathematics skills, helps children to make rapid progress.” “Children are encouraged to develop their thinking and reasoning skills in all areas of learning.” “Adults working in this phase are proud and happy to be there…they talk about the children with genuine affection and pride.”

7 Nursery Organisation Victoria Whitby is the EYFS Phase Leader/ Assistant Head teacher. Daniella Coltelli is the class teacher. Ripple Primary is one school that is split across two sites (Suffolk Road and Westbury). There is currently only a 78 place nursery at Suffolk Road.

8 There are 39 children who attend each session.
Session Times Morning session – 8.30 – a.m. Afternoon Session – – 3.10 p.m. There are 39 children who attend each session. The children are split into 3 groups, with a Key Worker attached to each group. A carton of milk and a piece of fruit/vegetable will be provided for the children

9 What do we believe about how young children learn?
Learning begins before birth. Parent/Carers play a key role in children’s learning and therefore it is vital that home and school work together in partnership. The Early Years Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception) is the most important in your child’s education.

10 What do we believe about how young children learn?
Children learn best by playing and doing. They learn much from their environment and interactions with adults. Every child is unique.

11 Children should be working at 40-60 months across 7 areas of learning:
Ready for Reception (end of year expectations)… Children should be working at months across 7 areas of learning:

12 Communication and Language
C&L – Speaking in full sentences, using and understanding questions, maintain attention, listen to others ideas.

13 Physical Development PD – getting dressed independently, gross and fine motor control, keeping healthy

14 Personal, Social and Emotional Development
PSED – Sharing, taking turns, making friendships, understands class rules, developing play with peers

15 Literacy L – Recognising and writing own name, know some letter sounds (initial sound in words), show an interest in books

16 Mathematics M – Count and use numbers to 10, recognise and name 2D shapes, prepositional language, ordering items by length/size etc.

17 Understanding the World
UW – Understanding the world around us, similarities and differences between things, notice and talk about change, use of technology

18 Expressive Arts and Design
EAD – Role – play, use song and dance, experiment with colour and texture independently

19 Ready for Nursery Children should not be in nappies (unless they have a specific medical need) Be able to put on their coats independently Recognise their own name Know and sing Nursery rhymes Walk to school (children should no longer be in a pushchair!) Feed themselves independently Use pencils to colour and draw Look at books with an adult Follow adult’s instructions e.g. listening, rules Tidy up after themselves Ensure exposure to ‘Screen Time’ is limited Provide opportunities to visit local attractions e.g. the park, library, go on a bus/train etc.

20 What can I do to help? Start to prepare your child for starting Nursery now. Ensure your child arrives on time and attends regularly. Talk to Nursery staff if you have any worries/concerns. Read information on Nursery Notice board. Attend Parent /Teacher meetings each term and Curriculum Workshops. Help out with trips/activities. Support your child’s learning by following up work being carried out in Nursery and let staff know how you think your child is getting on. Ensure that you apply for their place in Reception.

21 Nursery Admission and Induction Procedures 2018
Wednesday 5th – 14th September – Home visits will take place (these should last no longer than 30 minutes) Tuesday 18th September – Friday 21st September – Children inducted in small groups (Parents are welcomed to stay with their child) Week beginning Monday 24th September – Children will stay full time for either a morning or afternoon session.

22 Home visit Home visits – Will take place from Wednesday 5th – Friday 14th September You will receive a letter with a time slot. Please note that due to the volume of visits that need to be carried out, we will be unable to keep changing appointment times. Without a home visit your child will not be able to start Nursery.

23 Things that we will discuss on the home visit…
Parentmail Pupil premium School uniform Dietary requirements Home languages spoken Please tell us any concerns you have about your child’s learning/development.

24 Questions?

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