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Native Americans Culture.

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Presentation on theme: "Native Americans Culture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Native Americans Culture

2 Music Native American Flute

3 Food

4 Native Dress

5 Art

6 Totem Poles The meanings of the designs on totem poles are as varied as the cultures that make them. Totem poles may recount familiar legends, clan lineages, or notable events. Some poles celebrate cultural beliefs while others are mostly artistic.

7 Headdress Feathered war bonnets (also called headdresses) are worn by honored Plains Indian men. In the past they were sometime worn into battle, today they are worn primarily for ceremonial occasions. They are seen as items of great spiritual and magical importance. The eagle is considered by Plains tribes as the greatest and most powerful of all birds, and thus the finest bonnets are made out of its feathers.

8 Peace Pipe A ceremonial smoking pipe used by some indigenous American nations. Traditionally it has been smoked to seal a covenant or treaty, or to offer prayers in a religious ceremony.

9 Religion Bole-Maru Religion Christianity Dream Dance Drum Religion
Earth Lodge Religion Feather Religion Ghost Dances Indian Shaker Religion Longhouse Religion Mexicayotl Peyote Religion Waashat Religion

10 Dream Catchers Dream catchers are arts and crafts of the Native American people. They were woven by the grandfathers and grandmothers for newborn children and hung above the cradleboard to give the infants peaceful, beautiful dreams. The night air is filled with dreams. Good dreams are clear and know the way to the dreamer, descending through the feathers. The slightest movement of the feathers indicated the passage of yet another beautiful dream. Bad dreams, however, are confused and confusing. They cannot find their way through the web and are trapped there until the sun rises and evaporates them like the morning dew.

11 Tribes A - Z | Tribal Portal | US EPA

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