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ENTERPRISING WOMEN IN RURAL AREAS (shown on the example of the Opole and Silesia Provinces) Iwona Niedojadło, Muster-in Łódź, 25 June 2013 ENTERPRISING.

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Presentation on theme: "ENTERPRISING WOMEN IN RURAL AREAS (shown on the example of the Opole and Silesia Provinces) Iwona Niedojadło, Muster-in Łódź, 25 June 2013 ENTERPRISING."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENTERPRISING WOMEN IN RURAL AREAS (shown on the example of the Opole and Silesia Provinces) Iwona Niedojadło, Muster-in Łódź, 25 June 2013 ENTERPRISING WOMEN IN RURAL AREAS (shown on the example of the Opole and Silesia Provinces) Iwona Niedojadło, Muster-in Łódź, 25 June 2013

2 Projects implemented by Muster-in: Przedsiębiorcze kobiety na obszarach wiejskich (Enterprising Women in Rural Areas) Jestem przedsiębiorcza – zakładam firmę (Im enterprising – I start my own company) They are carried out as part of Human Capital Operational Programme Priority VI Labour market for all Activity 6.2 Support and promotion of entrepreneurship and self-employment

3 Resources for the financing of the projects come from The budget of the European Social Fund – 85% of the project value, The Budget –15 %of the project value.

4 Enterprising Women in Rural Areas The project was aimed at women residing in rural areas of the Opole Province, in order to facilitate their social and professional activity. 88 women volunteered to take part in the project. 45 women were accepted. 42 women received grants.

5 Im enterprising – I start my own company The project was aimed at women residing in the Gliwice District, Gliwice and Zabrze, in order to facilitate their social and professional activity. 184 women volunteered to take part in the project. 30 women were accepted (including 16 women aged 50+). 29 women received grants.

6 Support provided for in the projects included seven types of activities, training, consultancy before starting a company, the payment of investment grants, the payment of bridge facility, consultancy after staring a company (business consultancy and an individual counsellor), monitoring and controlling of the business activity.

7 The micro-enterprises started cover a wide range of trades: An online gardening shop Straw briquette production 2 beauty parlours Production of neon signs A small catering establishment A rehabilitation unit Dieticians private practice office Journalist and photographic services

8 Dieticians private practice office Interior design Geodetic and cartographic services – 3 Artistic handicraft Brokerage services Speech pathology office A limited service pharmacy Advertising and printing services Bed linen design and sewing A movement centre – aerobics Massage therapists office A gift shop

9 A gas sales point Landscape architecture An online clothes shop Estate agency Photographic services A kitchen furniture studio A creative work centre Candle-making Straw briquette production – 2 A language school

10 The implementation of the projects enabled the activity of women from rural areas, who took care of their professional career and learnt how to reconcile work with family life.

11 CONCLUSIONS 1.Women are really interested in starting their own companies. 2.Women under 35 are particularly active in this respect. 3.When providing support to women over 50, additional activities are necessary. 4.After starting a company, it is necessary to provide individual consultancy services for 10-12 months.

12 Thank you for your attention! Iwona Niedojadło

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