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Market Research.

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1 Market Research

2 Warm Up – Blog Post What is sustainability?
How is it used in packaging? Why does it matter? Are you willing to pay more for it?

3 Standards Acquire foundational knowledge of marketing information and research to understand the scope on business and marketing decisions. 7.1 Describe the need for marketing information. 7.2 Explain the nature and scope of the marketing information management function. 7.3 Describe the types of marketing research (advertising, product, market, and sales) and the differences between quantitative and qualitative data. 7.4 Explain the nature of marketing research. 7.5 Contrast the differences in primary and secondary data.

4 The Marketing Research Process
Define the Problem Set goals to solve a problem Obtain Data Primary vs Secondary Analyze Data Research, compile data, analyze, and interpret the data Recommend a Solution Recommend a solution in a report Apply the Results The research results are put into action

5 How to Create a Marketing Survey
Must have: Reliability – Research has nearly identical results every time it is performed. Validity – Questions measures what was intended to be measures.

6 Creating a Survey Questions are either:
Open Ended – ask respondents to construct their own response to a question. Forced Choice Question – ask respondents to choose from an answer based on possibilities given to them.

7 Question Considerations
Yes/No Questions Should only be asked when asking for a response on one issue. For example, “Was our facility clean?” Do not combine 2 questions into 1 as in “Was our facilities clean and well maintained?”

8 Question Considerations
Multiple Choice Questions Make the questions mutually exclusive and comprehensive enough to cover all possibilities. If you cannot cover all possibilities, you must provide an “Other” choice and allow the respondent to elaborate on their answer. Allowing for an “Other” question greatly increases the reliability factor of your survey.

9 Question Considerations
Rating/Scale Questions Used when a question can’t be answered with a Yes/No response. Type a question that has NO BIAS associated with it. Biased Question: I think that the horrible act of killing convicted felons through lethal injection is wrong. Strongly Disagree/Disagree/Neutral/Agree/Strongly Agree Better Question: Do you agree with lethal injection as a form of capital punishment. *The first question is a Leading Question that encourages the survey taker to answer in a certain manner. DON’T DO THIS!!!!

10 Question Considerations
Don’t make people guess about an answer For example: “How many students drink coffee at your school?” Without surveying everybody in the school it is impossible to answer this question.

11 Question Considerations
Always collect demographic information at the beginning of a survey. This ensures that the person answering your survey qualifies to do so. For example, if you want to know what effects that video gaming has on teenagers, you only need to consider survey takers that actually play video games.

12 Question Considerations
If you have more than 1 page to a survey ALWAYS place “Continue to Next Page” or “See Other side” on the survey.

13 Getting People to Answer Your Survey
Give clear directions that are simple to follow Tell people why they are taking the survey. Provide a purpose for the survey. Offer incentives for filling out your survey

14 Remember this from Intro?
1.       Using the website along with any other website that you choose to       explore, make a chart that discusses the advantages and disadvantages associated with the following marketing research methods         a.      Survey         b.      Focus Group         c.      Interviews         d.      Observations         e.      Experiments/field trials 2.       What are the main advantages of conducting primary research? What are the disadvantages? 3.       What are the main advantages of conducting secondary research? What are the disadvantages? 4.       Discuss what wrong with the following survey questions. Improve the question by typing a better one that asks the question in a more appropriate manner.         a.     Was your hotel experience enjoyable and problem-free?         b.      Do you support the mayor’s view on education?         c.      Would  aggressive panhandlers keep you from visiting New York in the future? DEFINE THE FOLLOWING RESEARCH TERMS 1. Response bias 2. Variable 3. Test Market 4. Margin of Error 5.Sampling

15 Identifying Marketing Data
Read the pdf with the title above before proceeding.

16 Questions From Identifying Mkt Data PDF
1. What is primary data? 2. What is secondary data? 3. What is sales volume analysis? 4. What is market share analysis? 5. What important data can come from customers? 6. What do companies want to know about their competitors? What are the two basic rules about gathering data for marketing decision making?

17 Ready to Give it a Go? Research: What is package sustainability? Write a blog post about it and be prepared to discuss

18 What Will I Be Doing? Describe the steps in the process of gathering data for marketing decision making then apply those steps to the GPI project. Promotions Class – Learn How to Promote the Cause Communications Class– Learn how to Track the Effectiveness of Your Site/Survey

19 SO WHAT DO I CREATE? Create a survey to use in your research process using Survey Monkey, Weebly, or Google Docs. Create a 4 page website that educates people about sustainability and provides links to valuable resources (click through rates will be tracked!) Create a plan of action for GPI and track the results.

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