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Improving Software Security with Precise Static and Runtime Analysis

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1 Improving Software Security with Precise Static and Runtime Analysis
Benjamin Livshits SUIF Compiler Group Computer Systems Lab Stanford University

2 Security Vulnerabilities: Last 10 Years
There has been a great deal of attention in computer security in recent years. Not a day goes by that we don’t hear about a web site being hacked into or credit card numbers being stolen. As this graph shows, there is no sign of vulnerabilities slowing down. Even here at Stanford we had some important security break-ins that lead to credit card numbers being stolen. *Source: NIST/DHS Vulnerability DB

3 Which Security Vulnerabilities are Most Prevalent?
Analyzed 500 vulnerability reports, one week in November 2005 294 vuln. or 58% What kind of vulnerabilities are most prevalent? So, we went and collected some data and this is the picture that emerges. By far, the most common type of issues are issues related to input/output validation. *Source:

4 Focusing on Input Validation Issues
Web application vulnerabilities There are many categories of vulnerabilities, but issues that appear in Web-based applications are most prominent *Source:

5 SQL Injection Example Web form allows user to look up account details
Underneath: Java J2EE Web application serving requests String username = req.getParameter(“user”); String password = req.getParameter(“pwd”); String query = “SELECT * FROM Users WHERE username =“ + user + “ AND Password =“ + password; con.executeQuery(query); Typical way to construct a SQL query using concatenation Looks benign on the surface But let’s play with it a bit more…

6 Injecting Malicious Data (1)
submit ... String query = “SELECT * FROM Users WHERE username = 'bob' AND password = ‘********‘”;

7 Injecting Malicious Data (2)
submit ... String query = “SELECT * FROM Users WHERE username = 'bob‘-- ‘AND password = ‘ ‘”;

8 Injecting Malicious Data (3)
submit ... String query = “SELECT * FROM Users WHERE username = 'bob‘; DROP Users-- ‘AND password = ‘‘”;

9 Attack Techniques for Taint-Style Vulnerabilities
1. Sources (inject) Parameter manipulation Hidden field manipulation Header manipulation Cookie poisoning Second-level injection 2. Sinks (exploit) SQL injections Cross-site scripting HTTP request splitting Path traversal Command injection SQL injection is not the only vulnerability of this sort. There are, in fact, many, many more. Attack techniques fall into 2 categories… 1. Parameter manipulation + 2. SQL injection = vulnerability

10 Goals of the Griffin Software Security Project
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Financial impact Cost per incident: $300,000+ Total cost of online fraud: $400B/year Griffin Project goals Address vulnerabilities in Web applications Focus on large Java J2EE Web applications Web application vulnerabilities have a relatively short history. They go back only 5 years of so. Despite that, there have been a number of important security incidents at various major Web sites.

11 Griffin Project Contributions
Effective solution addressing a large range of real life problem in domain of Web Application Security Pushed state of the art in global static/pointer analysis; precisely handle large modern applications Design of an efficient dynamic techniques that recover from security exploits at runtime Comprehensive, large scale evaluation of problem complexity and analysis features; discovered many previously unknown vulnerabilities Effective solution of Web App Sec problems Static analysis Runtime analysis So, this is a big field. Let me now stop for a second and summarize my contributions. Experimental validation

12 Overview of the Griffin Project
Static Overview of the Griffin Project Extensions Dynamic Experiments Conclusions Future

13 Griffin Project: Framework Architecture
Vulnerability specification Application bytecode Provided by user Static analysis Dynamic analysis [Livshits and Lam, Usenix Security ’05] [Martin, Livshits, and Lam, OOPSLA ’05] Vulnerability warnings Instrumented application Static: Targets developers Finds vulnerabilities early in development cycle Sounds, so finds all vuln. of a particular type Can be run after every build ensuring continuous security Dynamic: Targets system administrators Prevents vulnerabilities from doing harm Safe mode for Web application execution Can quarantine suspicious actions, application continues to run No false positives Dynamic analysis incurs an overhead Static results optimize dynamic overhead Overhead often drops from 50% to under 1% Pros: Find vulnerabilities early Explores all program executions Sound, finds all vuln. of particular kind Pros: Keeps vulnerabilities from doing harm Can recover from exploits No false positives, but has overhead

14 Following Unsafe Information Flow / Taint Flow
How do we know what these are? sanitizer String.substring “…” + “…” sink Servlet.getParameter(“user”) (source) Security violation Statement.executeQuery(...) (sink)

15 Vulnerability Specification
User needs to specify Source methods Sink methods Derivation methods Sanitization methods PQL: Program Query Language [Martin, Livshits, and Lam OOPSLA’05] General language for describing events on objects Real queries are longer 100+ lines of PQL Captures all vulnerabilities Suitable for all J2EE applications query simpleSQLInjection returns object String param, derived; uses object HttpServletRequest req; object Connection con; object StringBuffer temp; matches { param = req.getParameter(_); temp.append(param); derived = temp.toString(); con.executeQuery(derived); }

16 Static Analysis Overview Static Extensions Dynamic Experiments
Conclusions Future

17 Motivation: Why Pointer Analysis?
String username = req.getParameter(“user"); list1.addFirst(username); ... String str = (String) list2.getFirst(); con.executeQuery(str); What objects do username and str point to? Question answered by pointer analysis A classic compiler problem for 20 years+ Rely on context-sensitive inclusion-based pointer analysis [Whaley and Lam PLDI’04]

18 Pointer Analysis Precision
Runtime heap Static representation Static approximation h o1 o2 o3 Imprecision of pointer analysis → false positives Precision-enhancing pointer analysis features Context sensitivity [Whaley and Lam, PLDI’04] (not enough) Object sensitivity Map sensitivity

19 Importance of Context Sensitivity
Imprecision → Excessive tainting → false positives c1 tainted tainted c1 String id(String str) { return str; } tainted untainted c2 c2 points-to(vc : VarContext, v : Var, h : Heap) points-to(v : Var, h : Heap) Context insensitive Context sensitivity

20 Handling Containers: Object Sensitivity
1. String s1 = new String(); // h1 2. String s2 = new String(); // h2 3. 4. Map map1 = new HashMap(); 5. Map map2 = new HashMap(); 6. 7. map1.put(key, s1); 8. map2.put(key, s2); 9. 10. String s = (String) map2.get(key); points-to(*, s, h1) points-to(*, s, h2) points-to(*, s, *) points-to(vo : Heap, v : Var, h : Heap) points-to(vc : VarContext, vo1: Heap, vo2 : Heap, v : Var, ho : Heap, h : Heap) points-to(vo1: Heap, vo2 : Heap, v : Var, ho : Heap, h : Heap) points-to(vc : VarContext, v : Var, h : Heap) 1-level object sensitivity + context sensitivity 1-level object sensitivity Context sensitivity Object sensitivity

21 Inlining: Poor Man’s Object Sensitivity
Call graph inlining is a practical alternative Inline selected allocations sites Containers: HashMap, Vector, LinkedList,… String factories: String.toLowerCase(), StringBuffer.toString(), ... Generally, gives precise object sensitive results Need to know what to inline: determining that is hard Inlining too much → doesn’t scale Inlining too little → false positives Iterative process Can’t always do inlining Recursion Virtual methods with >1 target

22 Map Sensitivity Maps with constant string keys are common
1. ... 2. String username = request.getParameter(“user”) 3. map.put(“USER_NAME”, username); ... 4. String query = (String) map.get(“SEARCH_QUERY”); 5. stmt.executeQuery(query); 6. ... “USER_NAME” ≠ “SEARCH_QUERY” Maps with constant string keys are common Map sensitivity: augment pointer analysis: Model HashMap.put/get operations specially

23 Analysis Hierarchy Context sensitivity Object sensitivity Map
Flow sensitivity None None None None 1-OS Local flow k-CFA k-OS Constant keys Predicate- sensitive To summarize our analysis features ∞-CFA ∞-OS Symbolic analysis of keys Interprocedural predicate-sensitive ∞-CFA Partial 1-OS Constant string keys Local flow

24 PQL into Datalog Translation
Datalog Query PQL Query [Whaley, Avots, Carbin, Lam, APLAS ’05] simpleSQLInjection(hparam, hderived ) :– ret(i1, v1), call(c1, i2, "ServletRequest.getParameter"), pointsto(c1, v1, hparam), actual(i2, v2, 0), actual(i2, v3, 1), call(c2, i2, "StringBuffer.append"), pointsto(c2, v2, htemp), pointsto(c2, v3, hparam), actual(i3, v4, 0), ret(i3, v5), call(c3, i3, "StringBuffer.toString"), pointsto(c3, v4, htemp), pointsto(c3, v5, hderived), actual(i4, v6, 0), actual(i4, v7, 1), call(c4, i4, "Connection.execute"), pointsto(c4, v6, hcon), pointsto(c4, v7, hderived). query simpleSQLInjection returns object String param, derived; uses object ServletRequest req; object Connection con; object StringBuffer temp; matches { param = req.getParameter(_); temp.append(param); derived = temp.toString(); con.executeQuery(derived); } Relevant instrumentation points Datalog solver Vulnerability warnings

25 Eclipse Interface to Analysis Results
Vulnerability traces are exported into Eclipse for review source → o1 → o2 → … → on → sink

26 Importance of a Sound Solution
Soundness: only way to provide guarantees on application’s security posture allows us to remove instrumentation points for runtime analysis Soundness claim Our analysis finds all vulnerabilities in statically analyzed code that are captured by the specification Need to analyze all of the program Hard because Java allows dynamic class loading Need to have a complete spec of what to look for

27 Static Analysis Extensions
Overview Static Static Analysis Extensions Extensions Dynamic Experiments Conclusions Future

28 Towards Completeness Completeness goal:
analyze all code that may be executed at runtime specify roots Analysis in Java: construct call graph discover the rest

29 Generating a Static Analysis Harness
public class Harness { public static void main(String[] args){ processServlets(); processActions(); processTags(); processFilters(); } ... <servlet> <servlet-name>blojsomcommentapi</servlet-name> <servlet-class> org.blojsom.extension.comment.CommentAPIServlet </servlet-class> <init-param> <param-name>blojsom-configuration</param-name> </init-param> <param-name>smtp-server</param-name> <param-value>localhost</param-value> <load-on-startup>3</load-on-startup> </servlet> App App App 500,000+ lines of code web.xml web.xml web.xml Application Server (JBoss) 1,500,000+ lines of code 2M+ lines of code

30 Reflection Resolution
Constants Specification points 1. String className = ...; 2. Class c = Class.forName(className); 3. Object o = c.newInstance(); 4. T t = (T) o; Q: what object does this create? Uses points-to analysis for call graph discovery Finds specification points Type casts in program are used to reduce specification effort 1. String className = ...; 2. Class c = Class.forName(className); Object o = new T1(); Object o = new T2(); Object o = new T3(); 4. T t = (T) o; [Livshits, Whaley, and Lam, APLAS’05]

31 Reflection Resolution Results
Applied to 6 large Java apps, 190,000 lines combined Call graph sizes compared Methods

32 Dynamic Analysis Overview Static Extensions Dynamic Experiments
Conclusions Future

33 Runtime Vulnerability Prevention
[Martin, Livshits, and Lam, OOPSLA’05] App App Detect and stop Detect and recover Vulnerability specification App Application Server (JBoss)

34 Runtime Instrumentation Engine
PQL spec → into state machines Run alongside program, keep track of partial matches Run recovery code before match {x=o3} {x=y=o3} y := x ε ε ε t=x.toString() y := derived(t) ε ε {x=o3} ε {x=o3} {x=y=o3} One way to look at it: find semantic matches, ignore data Execute recovery code on a query match when necessary t.append(x) y := derived(t) {x=o3} sanitizer

35 Reducing Instrumentation Overhead
query simpleSQLInjection returns object String param, derived; uses object ServletRequest req; object Connection con; object StringBuffer temp; matches { param = req.getParameter(_); temp.append(param); derived = temp.toString(); con.executeQuery(derived); } 1. String name = req.getParameter(“name”); 2. StringBuffer buf1 = new StringBuffer(); 3. StringBuffer buf2 = new StringBuffer(“def”); 4. buf2.append(“abc”); 5. buf1.append(name); 6. con.executeQuery(buf1.toString()); 7. con.executeQuery(buf2.toString()); Instrument events on objects that may be part of a match Soundness allows to remove instrumentation points

36 Experimental Results Overview Static Extensions Dynamic Experiments
Conclusions Future

37 Experimental Evaluation
CodeAssure Griffin Total Lines Benchmarks 3,203,698 11 SecuriBench Macro 5,588 102 Micro Comprehensive evaluation: SecuriBench Macro [SoftSecTools ’05] SecuriBench Micro Google: SecuriBench Compare Griffin to a commercially available tool Griffin vs. Secure Software CodeAssure CodeAssure: March 2006 version

38 Benchmark Statistics Lines of Code Benchmark Version LOC Exp. LOC
Files Classes Jars jboard 0.3 17,542 95,845 90 311 29 webgoat 0.9 17,678 117,207 73 296 27 jgossip 1.1 72,795 170,893 537 575 63 personalblog 1.2.6 5,635 226,931 38 754 65 blojsom 2.30 53,309 332,902 245 395 41 road2hibernate 2,601 352,737 21 796 34 snipsnap 1.0-BETA-1 48,220 445,461 446 859 68 pebble 1.6-beta1 42,920 449,395 333 945 47 jorganizer 0.0.22 14,495 454,735 107 920 35 roller 0.9.9 52,089 557,592 276 972 133 Total 327,284 3,203,698 2,166 6,823 542

39 SecuriBench Macro: Static Summary
Benchmark Sources Sinks Vulnerabilities False positives jboard 1 8 2 blueblog 11 32 webgoat 13 47 5 personalblog 45 22 40 blojsom 34 29 6 snipsnap 138 88 16 road2hibernate pebble 123 39 roller 41 66 147 jorganizer 116 20 7 jgossip Totals 98

40 Vulnerability Classification
Sinks Sources SQL injections HTTP splitting Cross-site scripting Path traversal Totals Header manipulation 1 Parameter manipulation 55 11 2 10 78 Cookie poisoning Non-Web inputs 15 3 18 70 13 98 Reported issues back to program maintainers Most of them responded, most confirmed as exploitable Vulnerability advisories issued

41 SecuriBench Micro: Static Summary
Category Tests Vulnerabilities False Positives basic 41 59 3 collections 14 13 interprocedural arrays 9 8 4 predicates sanitizers 6 2 aliasing 11 1 data structures 5 strong updates factories session Total 102 111 21 Find a lot of vulnerabilities: however, have false positives when it comes to handling arrays and predicates

42 A Study of False Positives in blojsom
Base 114 Lines of Code 50 K Expanded LOC 333 K Classes 395 Sources 40 Sinks 29 Vulnerabilities 6 With context sensitivity Q: How important are analysis features for avoiding false positives? 84 With object sensitivity Subtract 6 from all these numbers? 43 With map sensitivity With sanitizers added 5

43 Griffin vs. CodeAssure SecuriBench Macro 80+ Q: What is the relationship between false positives and false negatives? Now, false positives are unpleasant, but false negatives are real bad!! SecuriBench Micro 40+

44 Deep vs. Shallow Vulnerability Traces
Q: How complex are the vulnerabilities we find?

45 Analyzing personalblog
Application code Hibernate library code Analyzed lines of code 226,931 Total sources 45 Total sinks 137 Used sources 5 Used sinks 8 Reachable objects 1,806 Paths through the graph 100 Source-sink invocation site pairs 40 sinks Q: What is the connectivity between sources and sinks? sf.hibernate.Session.find(…) sources objects roller 1 falsely tainted object → 100+ false positives

46 Runtime Analysis Results
Experimental confirmation Blocked exploits at runtime in our experiments Naïve implementation Instrument every string operation → high overhead Optimized implementation 82-99% of all instrumentation points are removed < 1%

47 Related Work & Conclusions
Overview Static Related Work & Conclusions Extensions Dynamic Experiments Conclusions Future

48 Lessons Learned Context sensitivity is good. Object sensitivity is great, but hard to scale. Scaling it: important open problem Can’t ignore reflection in large programs; reflection makes the call graph much bigger Many of the bugs are pretty shallow; there are, however, complex bugs, especially in library code Practical tools tend to introduce false negatives to avoid false positives; not necessarily a good choice Automatic recovery from vulnerabilities is a very attractive approach; overhead can be reduced Now this is where a summary of contributions would usually go. Instead, I want to focus on some of the lessons we learned in this project.

49 *Source:
Related Work Web application security work Penetration testing tools (black box testing) Application firewalls (listen on the wire and find patterns) Practical automatic static error detection tools WebSSARI (static and dynamic analysis of PHP) [Huang,... ’04] JDBC checker (analysis of Java strings) [Wasserman, Su ’04] SQLRand (SQL keyword randomization) [Boyd and Keromytis ’04] [Usenix ’05] [OOSPLA ’05] *Source:

50 Future Work Applying Model-checking to Web applications (Michael Martin) Learning Specification from Runtime Histories (with Naeim) Partitioned BDDs to Scale bddbddb Better (with Jean-Gabriel/Prof. Dill) Analyze Sources of Imprecision in Datalog Analyzing Sanitization Routines Attack Vectors in Library Code Type Qualifiers in Java (with Dave Greenfieldboyce at UMD) Using Model Checking to Break Sanitizers My work lead to a number of interesting follow-up projects, some of which we’ve already started working on

51 Special Thanks Stella, My parents, My sister Monica
Alex, Dan, Dawson, Elizabeth Ramesh Chandra, Darlene Hadding, David Heine, Michael Martin, Brian Murphy, Joel Sandin, Constantine Sapuntzakis, Chris Unkel, John Whaley, Kolya Zeldovich Dzintars Avots, Ron Burg, Mark Dilman, Craig Foster, Chris Kaelin, Amit Klein, Ted Kremenek, Iddo Lev, John Mitchell, Carrie Nielsen, David Pecora, Ayal Pincus, Jai Ranganathan, Noam Rinetzky, Mooly Sagiv, Elena Spector, Jeff Ullman, Eran Yahav, Gaylin Yee, Andreas Zeller, Tom Zimmerman National Science Foundation

52 The End. Griffin Security Project Stanford SecuriBench Stanford SecuriBench Micro PQL language Finding Security Vulnerabilities in Java Applications with Static Analysis, Livshits and Lam, 2005. Finding Application Errors and Security Flaws Using PQL, Martin, Livshits, and Lam, 2005. Defining a Set of Common Benchmarks for Web Application Security, Livshits, 2005. Reflection Analysis for Java, Livshits, Whaley and Lam, 2005. DynaMine: Finding Common Error Patterns by Mining Software Revision Histories, Livshits and Zimmermann, 2005. Locating Matching Method Calls by Mining Revision History Data, Livshits and Zimmermann, 2005. Turning Eclipse Against Itself: Finding Bugs in Eclipse Code Using Lightweight Static Analysis, 2005. Context-Sensitive Program Analysis as Database Queries, Lam, Whaley, Livshits, Martin, Avots, Carbin, Unkel, 2005. Improving Software Security with a C Pointer Analysis, Avots, Dalton, Livshits, M.S. Lam, 2005. Findings Security Errors in Java Applications Using Lightweight Static Analysis, Livshits, 2004. Tracking Pointers with Path and Context Sensitivity for Bug Detection in C Programs, Livshits and Lam, 2003. Mining Additions of Method Calls in ArgoUML, Zimmerman, Breu, Lindig, and Livshits, 2006.

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