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FSAE Annual Conference presented by Bennett Napier, CAE

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Presentation on theme: "FSAE Annual Conference presented by Bennett Napier, CAE"— Presentation transcript:

1 FSAE Annual Conference presented by Bennett Napier, CAE
Hard Skills Get you in the Door, Mastering Soft Skills as a CEO Ensures Success FSAE Annual Conference presented by Bennett Napier, CAE

2 Session Objectives Achieve Maximum Effectiveness in your Role
Define the Personal/Professional Line with Board Volunteers View Trends to Determine Professional Action Plans

3 Perspective Partners provides full service management to 18 state, regional and national associations. In total on the full service side, our staff works with over 175 individual board members with diverse professions/industries/missions every year On the consulting side, have worked with a number of organizations, all shapes and sizes on board governance/planning/change processes

4 We Wear Many Hats! Counselor Baby Sitter HR Manager
Strategic Manipulator Visionary Public Face Leader Facilitator Mentor …………

5 You Got the Role? Now What?

6 Being Effective as a CEO
Get your CAE and maintain it. Know your craft (meaning become an expert not only in association management but the industry/profession subject matter). Listen. Know when to hold’em, know when to fold’em. Emotions can get the best of us. Keep them in check.

7 Being Effective as a CEO
Look outside your own world to learn best practices. Take CE in other industries, general business sectors. Take a vacation. Treat people with respect. Don’t take things personally.

8 Fast Track to The Door Think everything is about you.
Play favorites with certain board members or camps. Pad personal expenses. Aggressive behavior or attitude. Lose your passion. Become stale in your thinking. Cruise control.

9 CEO For Life? Probably not.

10 When to Stay/When to Go? That is up to you?
Next best thing? Challenge, money, culture If you know you have an exit date? What is the target date? Is there a succession plan? Any internal candidates that you can groom? What is your role post exit if any?

11 Know Your Board Google alerts on board members and/or board member businesses Linkedin Profiles Facebook

12 Board Outreach – What is the Target? Aim for the high side.

13 Frequency Practices? Somewhat determined by number of board meetings and format (teleconference/in person) Phone? ? Text? General rule of thumb : President – weekly or bi weekly contact Executive Committee – at least 1-2 times a month Directors at Large – at least monthly Committee Chairs – when necessary, likely at least quarterly, more frequent based on cycle of work

14 Frequency Practices? communication – Is there a regular CEO or general staff report provided to board leaders on key programs and services; trends provided in between board meetings?

15 What Does the Job Look Like Now?



18 Big Picture Vs. Details – Balance (Skill Sets) Personal and Team

19 Are you focused on the Big Picture or details of Programs/Services?
Ideally, a little of both, but lean towards the Big Picture. However, ensure you have another trusted team member focused on details. Look outside the 4 walls, your likely major organizational competition is external.

20 Staff Relations Transparency fosters ownership and trust.
Frequent and open communication is key. Provide regular feedback. Provide clear vision or expectations in areas of member service; initiative; financial and other performance metrics.





25 Board Meeting Practices?
Blend of strategic and operational topics. Ensure that material gives insight how did we get to here and where are we going? How much “pre heat” is there with key leaders prior to release of the agenda? What level of detail is provided with board reports? Do you provide President/Chair with a cheat sheet agenda? Turn your phone off unless there is a culture of “texting between you and a board leader during an actual meeting. Sit next to the chair to avoid the need for “texting”.

26 Board Leadership Development and Relations

27 Personal/Professional
How chummy can you get? Depends on the board culture. Longevity is not an excuse for bad behavior: Profanity – not good in most circumstances, even after hours Don’t get too deep on your political or religious beliefs or opinions Vacations with certain leaders (possibly, after they are no longer in office) Social outings – get to know the person, yes, when possible Social drinking – be mindful of your role, surroundings, etc.

28 Commit to a Plan

29 Thanks for attending! Resources:
_asso_ceo.html hip

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