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Dr huzlinda hussin Dept of pathology 13 march 2018

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1 Dr huzlinda hussin Dept of pathology 13 march 2018
SPECIAL STAINS Dr huzlinda hussin Dept of pathology 13 march 2018

2 H&E stain is routine stain.
It is the preliminary or the first stain applied to the tissue sections Gives diagnostic information in most cases. A special stain is a staining technique to highlight various individual tissue component once we have preliminary information from the H&E stain

3 CLASSIFICATION: Stains for carbohydrates Stains for amyloid Nucleic acid stains Lipid stains Stains for microorganisms Connective tissue stains Stains for pigments and minerals

(molecules composed purely of carbohydrates) GLYCOCONJUGATES (molecules composed of carbohydrates and other molecules such as protein and lipid) Monosaccharides (glucose,mannose,galactose) Oligosaccharides (sucrose,maltose) Polysaccharides (glycogen,starch) Proteoglycans Mucins Others glycoproteins

Periodic acid schiff(PAS) technique Alcian blue method Combined alcian blue- PAS techhnique Mucicarmine technique Colloidal iron technique Metachromatic staining Iodine staining for glycogen Enzymatic digestion technique Diastase digestion, Sialidase digestion, Hyaluronidase digestion

6 Possible uses & comments
CARBOHYDRATE STAINING Components stained Possible uses & comments 1. Periodic acid Schiff (PAS) Glycogen Starch Mucin (neutral mucin; GI tract, prostate and acid-simple non-sulfated and acid- complex sulfated mucins) Basement Membrane Alpha Anti Trypsin Reticulin Fungi(capsules) Pancreatic Zymogen Granules Thyroid Colloid Corpora Amylacea Russell Bodies **stains MAGENTA/ RED Nuclei: BLUE Glycogen storage disorder. Basement membrane in glomerular disease Staining macrophages in Whipple's disease Mucins in adenocarcinoma of large intestine Demonstration of fungi Classification of tumours with glycogen(e.g.Seminoma, rhabdomyosarcoma,ewing’s/ PNET, renal cell carcinoma). Spironolactone bodies. tissue can be pre-digested with diastase to remove glycogen (PAS-diastase). Some mucins are PASD (PAS with predigestion with diastase) positive (i.e. stain is present after diastase predigestion; also called diastase resistant); glycogen is PASD negative (also called diastase sensitive because diastase removes PAS staining)

7 Candida in lung, PAS stain.
Glycogen in Ewing's sarcoma, PAS stain This is nodular glomerulosclerosis involving a glomerulus in the kidney, as seen with the PAS stain.

8 Note PAS +ve cytoplasmic granules partly resistant to diastase

9 Possible uses & comments
CARBOHYDRATE STAINING Components stained Possible uses & comments 2. Alcian blue Acid mucins – BLUE Acid-simple non-sulfated: Contain sialic acid Found in epithelium (gallbladder [benign, adenocarcinoma], intestinal metaplasia in stomach) Positive for PAS, Alcian blue at pH 2.5, colloidal iron, and metachromatic dyes They resist hyaluronidase digestion Acid-simple mesenchymal: Contain hyaluronic acid and digest with hyaluronic acid Found in tissue stroma and sarcomas Positive for Alcian blue at pH 2.5, colloidal iron, and metachromatic dyes Negative for PAS Acid-complex sulfated: Found in adenocarcinomas Usually positive for PAS, Alcian blue at pH 1, colloidal iron, mucicarmine, and metachromatic stains Acid-complex connective tissue: Found in tissue stroma, cartilage, and bone Includes chondroitin sulfate, keratan sulfate Positive for Alcian blue at pH 0.5 Nuclei- RED Cytoplasm- PINK The pH of this stain can be adjusted to give more specificity. 3. Alcian blue/ PAS This is a combined method utilising the properties of both the PAS and Alcian blue methods to demonstrate the full complement of tissue proteoglycans. The rationale of the technique is that by: First staining all the acidic mucins with Alcian blue, those remaining acidic mucins which are also PAS positive will be chemically blocked and will not react further during the technique.  Those neutral mucins which are solely PAS positive will subsequently be demonstrated in a contrasting manner.  Where mixtures occur, the resultant colour will depend upon the dominant moiety. Results acidic mucins blue neutral mucins magenta mixtures of above blue/purple nuclei deep blue demonstrates both acidic- neutral- and mixtures of acidic and neutral mucins.

10 Alcian blue/ PAS stain Acid mucins - blue. Neutral mucins - magenta. Mixtures - purple. Nuclei - grey/blue. The goblet cells of the gastrointestinal tract are filled with abundant acid mucin and stain pale blue with this Alcian blue stain.

11 Possible uses & comments
CARBOHYDRATE STAINING Components stained Possible uses & comments 4. Mucicarmine Mucin/ capsule of cryptococcus – deep rose to red Nuclei – black Other tissue elements – light yellow Mucicarmine is the most specific stain for mucin (very specific for epithelial mucin), but it is very insensitive. Useful for identification of adenocarcinoma ( especially of GIT). Capsule of fungus – cryptococcus neoformans is also detected CRYPTOCOCCUS STAINED BY MUCICARMINE The cytoplasm of the cells lining this neoplastic gland in a colonic adenocarcinoma are pink with the mucicarmine stain, indicative of mucin production typical for an adenocarcinoma at this site

12 2. STAIN FOR AMYLOID I. Congo red -Also called amyloid stain -Must examine stained tissue with standard and polarized light -Amyloid under polarized light has apple green birefringence, based on the molecule being in an antiparallel beta-pleated sheet. - amyloid-red; nuclei- blue

13 AMYLOID Extracellular , amorphous , eosinophilic material
Composed of protein in an antiparallel  - pleated sheet configuration In H&E stain , can be confused with hyaline and fibrinoid substances Earliest special stain used for amyloid was Iodine by Virchow

14 Amyloid displays apple-green birefringence under polarized light.

15 3. Stains for lipid Oil Red O Sudan black B

Derived from simple or compound lipids by hydrolysis cholesterol Bile acids - c/o fatty acids, alcohol and one more group such as phosphorus or nitrogen

17 Simple lipid is best demonstrated with fresh frozen sections
Best fixative – Formal calcium (2% calcium acetate + 10% formalin)

18 I. Oil Red O Stain identifies neutral lipids and fatty acids Fresh smears / cryostat sections of tissue are necessary because alcohols used in tissue processing remove lipids Rapid and simple routine stain Uses: Differentiate fibroma from thecoma (not that important a distinction) Diagnose renal cell carcinoma, sebaceous gland tumors of skin, lipid-rich carcinomas Identify fat emboli in lung tissue or clot sections of peripheral blood

19 Oil red O stain of fat emboli in lung.

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