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End of Key Stage Progress Report
Percentage of school population
Key Groups Category Number Percentage of school population Gender (B/G) 84 boys 15 girls 85% 15% FSM 27 boys 6 girls 27% 6% CiC 3 boys 0 girls 3% 1% CiN 8 boys 3 girls 8% Ethnic Minority 4 boys 1 girl 4% EAL 0%
Key Headline Judgements
There has been a significant difference in the profile intake of students over time. Year % MLD % SLD % ASC % BESD 44.3 8 32 11.4 12.3 3.7 82.7 2.5 100 Key Headline Judgements Teaching and Learning across school is judged as Outstanding. A well-established programme of Lesson Observations and Learning Walks completed by the Senior Management Team and staff holding TLR 2 positions confirm this. Student behaviour across school is Outstanding. Attendance for = 95.6 %; Termly Behaviour Reports indicate that 98% of students attain Gold Behaviour or better. No fixed term / permanent exclusions were issued for Termly Learning Goal targets (now Short Term Outcomes- STO’s) are well judged with students make outstanding progress towards their objectives. The range of attainment in KS3 and 4 is wide in English (P8 to L5*). * All reference to levels relate to the B2 recording system.
End of KS3 Outcomes % Reading Target (R) % Writing Target (R)
% Spoken Language Target (R) The range of attainment in KS3 is wide in English (76% of P7 to 69% of L4). % Number Target (R) % Measure Target (R) % Geometry Target (R) % Statistics Target (R) The range of attainment is wide in Maths (50% of P8 to 55% of L4). Outstanding ( Target exceeded) Good (Target met) Require Improvement (Working within sub-level of target) Inadequate (Working outside target level) 1 student = 7.7%
End of KS4 Outcomes % Reading Target (R) % Writing Target (R)
% Spoken Language Target (R) The range of attainment in KS4 is wide in English (64% of 1A to 23% of L5). % Number Target (R) % Measure Target (R) % Geometry Target (R) % Statistics Target (R) The range of attainment in KS4 is wide in Maths (21% of 1Bto 55% of L5). Outstanding ( Target exceeded) Good (Target met) Require Improvement (Working within sub-level of target) Inadequate (Working outside target level) 7% = 1 student.
End of KS5 Outcomes % Reading Target (R) % Writing Target (R)
% Speaking and Listening Target (R) The range of attainment in KS3 and 4 is wide in English (100% of M4 to 70% of L2). % Contexts for Number Target (R) % Measure , Shape and Space Target (R) % Handling Data Target (R) The range of attainment is wide in Maths (100% of M4 to 92% of L2). Outstanding (Target exceeded – 1 sub-level of progress) Good (Target met – 0.5 sub level of progress) Require Improvement (<0.5 sub level of progress) Inadequate (No progression/regression *see contextualised statement for detail) 12.5% = 1 student.
End of KS5 Outcomes: 2016-17 % English Functional Skills
% Maths Functional Skills % ICT Functional Skills % WJEC Entry Level English Data shows the external accreditation gained by the leavers. The vulnerable students gained the following: CiC1 – NE for Maths, English & ICT. CiC2 – L1 in Maths, English & ICT. CiN1 – L1 in Maths, English & ICT. % ASDAN Employability % ASDAN PSD % ASDAN WorkRight % ASDAN TI % WJEC Entry Pathways Humanities NE - Not Entered (See Contextualisation Sheets) EL1 - Entry Level 1 EL2 - Entry Level 2 EL3 - Entry Level 3 L1 - Level 1 L2 - Level 2 11% = 1 student Data shows final destinations of our leavers. The vulnerable students gained the following: CiC1 – NE for Employability, WJEC; EL1 in PSD, PE in WorkRight & TI. CiC2 – EL3 Employability, EL3 WJEC English & Humanities. CiN1 – NE for WJEC; EL3 Employability.
End of KS- vulnerable groups (FSM/CiC/CiN/TAF/CAF: 2016-17
% Reading Target (R) % Writing Target (R) % Spoken Language Target (R) The range of attainment for vulnerable groups is wide in English ( B2 60% 1A of to L1* (* the level above E3). % Number Target (R) % Measure Target (R) % Geometry Target (R) % Statistics Target (R) The range of attainment for vulnerable groups is wide in Maths (80% of 1C to L1* (* the level above E3). There is no significant difference in attainment between vulnerable groups and their peers. Outstanding ( Target exceeded) Good (Target met) Require Improvement (Working within sub-level of target) Inadequate (Working outside target level) 1 student = 7.7%
Key Groups Child in Care/Child in Need: There were 2 students designated as ‘Child in Care’ at the end of KS5 and 1 in KS3. There were 11 ’Child in Need’ students across the end of KS3-5. Free School Meals: The cohort consists of 33 students. Progress for this cohort of vulnerable students was good or outstanding in English and Maths. There is no significant difference in their progress to that of other students.
Cohort= 14 students. % pass rate= 100%* Art- 1 student did not meet the required standard to pass E1, despite significant support.
Key Stage 5 OCR Functional Skills Qualifications Subject Level No. of Students Entered Percentage Pass Rate WJEC Entry Pathways Qualifications Functional Skills English Level 2 1 100 ASDAN Qualifications Level 1 2 Entry Level 3 4 Entry Level 1 Functional Skills Maths 75 7 Functional Skills ICT 3 Entry Pathways Humanities Entry Level 2 6 5 Entry Level English Towards Independence Pre-Entry Level PSD Award Employability Award WorkRight Students are entered for the relevant level based on prior attainment at the start of the course. Pass rate= 100%
Destinations- Post 18 The 2017 leavers cohort consisted of 9 students. Each segment represents 1 student0 There was a 0% NEET population.
Sustaining progress: 1. Planned programme of CPD within Numeracy /literacy (supported by subject action plans). 2. ½ termly book scrutinies to evaluate consistent application of Marking and Spelling Policy, pride in work and contribution of TA’s to Afl. 3. Pilot GCSE Maths and English form Yr 9. 4. ½ term subject updates to parents within Maths/English for GCSE students. 5. Develop a new AR&R system using Arbor that better evidences the curriculum being delivered (by Sept. 2019). 6. Rigorous examination of Termly subject reports auctioning interventions (with evaluations) where appropriate. 7. Provide training for the governing board in order that they can better understand the AR&R process and provide challenge to the progress data evidence.
Appendix 1 Numerical proportions when expressed in words. Proportion
Description 97-100% Vast/overwhelming majority or almost all 80-96% Very large majority, most 65-79% Large majority 51-64% Majority 35-49% Minority 20-34% Small minority 4-19% Very small minority, few 0-3% Almost none/very few.
Appendix 2 Judgement criteria on progress (set against 2 other outstanding SEN schools). Attainment at the End of KS3 Attainment at Start of KS3 (Y7 B2 baseline) Requires Improvement Good Progress Outstanding Progress P5 <P6 P6 P7+ <P7 P7 P8+ <P8 P8 L1C+ <L1C L1C L1B+ <L1B L1B L1A+ <L1A L1A L2C+ <L2c L2C L2B+ <L2B L2B L2A+ <L2A L2A 20% L3+ <20% L3 20% L3 40% L3+ 3 <20% L4 20% L4 40% L4+ 4+ <50% L5 50% L5 L5+ Attainment at the End of KS4 Attainment at Start of KS4 (Yr10 B2 baseline) Requires Improvement Good Progress Outstanding Progress P5 <50 % P6 50% P6 P6+ P6 <50% P7 50% P7 P7+ P7 <50% P8 50% P8 P8+ P8 <50% L1C 50% L1C L1C+ L1C <50% L1B 50% L1B L1B+ L1B <50% L1A 50% L1A L1A+ L1A <50% L2C 50% L2C L2C+ L2C <50% L2B 50% L2B L2B+ L2B <50% L2A 50% L2A L2A+ L2A <27% L3 27% L3 33% L3+ 3 <27% L4 27% L4 33% L4+ 4+ <50% L5 50% L5 L5+ Attainment at the End of KS5 B2 Adult Curriculum Attainment at Start of KS5 (Yr11 B2 baseline) Adult Curriculum Requires Improvement Good Progress Outstanding Progress M4 <50 % M5 50% M5 M5++ M5 <50% M6 50% M6 M6+ M6 <50% M7 50% M7 M7+ M7 <50% M8 50% M8 M8+ M8 <50% E1 50% E1 E1+ E1 <50% E2 50% E2 E2+ E2 <50% E3 50% E3 E3+ E3 <L1 50% L1 L1+ L1 L2
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