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Team member 1, school Team member 2, school Team member 3, school

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1 Team member 1, school Team member 2, school Team member 3, school
Venture Name 140-character twitch Take as little time as possible for this slide Suggested script for this slide: My name is <your name> and I am the <team leader, CEO, etc> of <Venture Name>. Our team’s purpose is <twitch>. Team member 1, school Team member 2, school Team member 3, school

2 Problem Take 1 minute for this slide Keep PROBLEM as the title of this slide. Content Ideas (some of these points can be listed on the slide, others you can speak to): Tell a story that is memorable, compelling and will set you apart from all other presentations. This description of the problem will connect the audience with you. If you or your team members are directly linked to the problem, make the connection to give you credibility. Describe WHY you are working on this problem WHAT is the PAIN WHO has the PAIN Explain the scope and size of the problem Mention your customer discovery activity. “Based on our > 100 customer discovery interviews . . .”

3 Solution Take 45 seconds for this slide
Keep SOLUTION as the title of this slide. Content Ideas (some of these points can be listed on the slide, others you can speak to): WHAT is the product or service that you (intend to) sell? Be clear – the listener should be able to form a mental image of the product (even if you do not provide a picture). An analogy to a known product can often help communicate your idea. Describe how the product or service solves the problem What is the technology Indicate how you think you will generate revenue (product sales, subscriptions, etc) Minimum viable product

4 Value Proposition Take 45 seconds for this slide
Keep VALUE PROPOSITION as the title of this slide. Content Ideas (some of these points can be listed on the slide, others you can speak to): Explain the unique benefits (not features!) of your solution that provide value to your users Contrast your solution to the solution(s) your users are currently employing This is the most important slide in your deck – if the listeners truly understand your value proposition, they may become your advocates

5 Customer Discovery How many people have you interviewed in total? How many since your last presentation? Were they in person? On the phone? Who did you interview?

6 What We Learned Take 30 seconds for this slide
Keep WHAT WE LEARNED as the title of this slide. Content Ideas (some of these points can be listed on the slide, others you can speak to): Share key learnings about the lean startup process that came as a surprise Share key learnings about your business, that you obtained via customer discovery, that changed your perspective, solution, etc

7 Next Steps Take 30 seconds for this slide
Keep NEXT STEPS as the title of this slide. Content Ideas (some of these points can be listed on the slide, others you can speak to): Show a TIMELINE with your 2-4 key, near-term (6-12 months) objectives, e.g., build the team, prototype the product, raise funds, acquire 1st customer) Speak only to the one or two most critical next steps Finish with a call to action / an ‘ask’ of the listeners, i.e., what do you want them to do to help you? Suggestions include: introductions to key partners, suggestions for team members, etc. At the current stage of most DTX business, asking for money would not be appropriate at this time.

8 Name Phone Number Email website
Venture Name Just put this up at the end to cover for Q&A On this last slide, replace “Venture Name” with the name of your business and add contact information CONTENT IDEAS:  Typically none other than contact information. If there are aspects to your business which clearly differentiate it from other startups, for example, a signed development contract with a Fortune 100 company (which you will have discussed earlier), reiterate that fact. Otherwise, end the pitch with the previous slide, and on this slide, simply thank the audience for their attention and ask for questions. TIPS:  Only provide (and orally only) key take‐aways when there is some aspect of your business which is truly unique. Avoid trite comments, such as; great team, huge market, best technology, etc.  Avoid ending with words like; “I’m done” or “That’s all I have.”  Invite your audience to learn more or some other call to action statements. Name Phone Number website

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