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Prenatal & Perinatal Care & Pediatrics A Good Fit with the New Payment Systems VBP, P4P, Integrated MMC Elie Ward, MSW Director of Policy & Advocacy NYS.

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Presentation on theme: "Prenatal & Perinatal Care & Pediatrics A Good Fit with the New Payment Systems VBP, P4P, Integrated MMC Elie Ward, MSW Director of Policy & Advocacy NYS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prenatal & Perinatal Care & Pediatrics A Good Fit with the New Payment Systems VBP, P4P, Integrated MMC Elie Ward, MSW Director of Policy & Advocacy NYS American Academy of Pediatrics

2 Population Health Requires Practice to take Responsibility for Health of Families in Practice Expects Treatment of the Dyad, Mom & Baby and in some cases Triad, including second caregiver if appropriate Integrated Care Includes the New Morbidities of Pregnancy and Healthy Births Practices Measured and Paid on Health of Families in their practice…Healthy Parents = Healthy Babies

3 Current Recommended Screenings All Accepted as Part of Health Care
Smoking Cessation Depression Screening Substance Abuse Screening Folic Acid Discussion & Recommendation These discussions are relevant in all primary care settings, Family Practice, Pediatrics, Ob/Gyn, Internists

4 New Perspective on Care
“If we are serious about improving birth outcomes and reducing disparities, we’ve got to start taking care of women before pregnancy…when she’s a baby inside her mother’s womb, an infant, and then a child, an adolescent and really taking care of women and families across their life course.” – Michael Lu, MD, Neonatologist Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA

5 Every Woman Every Time All health care providers serving women of reproductive age play an important role Every patient encounter is an opportunity to discuss pregnancy intendedness and current health Well woman care is important for all, but crucial for those with chronic conditions who would like to become pregnant

6 Children’s VBP Proposals

7 Children’s VBP Proposals

8 Why This Matters NYS has committed to have 80-90% of all Medicaid Managed Care in VBP contracts by 2020 Understanding What VBP means to your practice/program will make a significant difference in your chances to position your practice/program to thrive , no matter the size Recognizing the Requirements of a Good VBP Arrangement Now Puts your practice/program in a stronger position going forward

9 NYS Moves to PCMH Upper Levels
The State is exploring creating a NYS specific PCMH measure There are specifics related to Children There are specifics related to Healthy Women and Healthy Pregnancies In the near future all primary care practices working the Medicaid program will have to be at least a level 3 to enter VBP, and to get incentive payments from the state. The Bar is being raised

10 First 1,000 Days & VBP Top 10 First 1,000 Days pilots include three pregnancy, prenatal and post natal health integration programs All recognize connection between health pregnancy and healthy birth All recognize vital importance of maternal mental health All recognize value of healthy environment for Mom and baby All support dyad assessments and therapy

11 First 1,000 Days Top Ten Braided Funding for Early Childhood Mental Health Statewide Home Visiting Create a Preventive Pediatric Clinical Advisory Group Expand Centering Pregnancy Promote Early Literacy through Local Strategies Require Managed Care Plans to have a Kids Quality Agenda New York State Developmental Inventory Upon Kindergarten Pilot and Evaluate Peer Family Navigators in Multiple Settings Parent/Caregiver Diagnosis as Eligibility Criteria for Dyadic Therapy Data System Development for Cross-Sector Referrals

12 What First 1,000 Days Reflects
Recognition that prenatal and postnatal care & pediatrics must be practiced as population health Prenatal, Perinatal Care & Pediatrics are all “family” & “community” practices VBP forces integrated care The Social Determinants of Health are Central to Good Practice VBP & APC will forge new ways of practice and new ways to drive payment

13 The VBP in Prenatal, Postnatal Care & Pediatrics
Focuses on importance of Maternal Health in Multiple Domains Provides practical and concrete options for assessment referral &/or treatment to Address Maternal Health Challenges Offers a VBP formula for increased payment Builds Strength into Current Practice Reflects Bright Futures Principles, Goals & Objectives for Pediatric Care in the 21st Century

14 Achieving Readiness for VBP/APC
One step practices & programs can take now to put them in a better position to establish a Value Based Contract Relationship with Insurers is recognize the new realities Integrate Infant/Mother Care supporting the concept of addressing the Dyad to insure health for Mom & Baby Accept that we cannot have healthy babies w/o having healthy Moms. Concretize the stated partnership between prenatal care & pediatrics describes as parent/pediatrician for the health of the child/family

15 Conclusion VBP, P4P and APC are coming in the next few years
Opting to incorporate the concepts on integrated population health into care is a reasonable first step for practices/programs that must move forward toward the new payment models Seeing Moms frequently before birth for prenatal care and during a baby’s first year of life in pediatrics offers an opportunity to address significant negative impacts on the lives and Moms and babies, an opportunity practices can and should take.

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