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Name Me Please.

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1 Name Me Please

2 Cell Song Every Single Cell in my Body is happy
Cell Song Every Single Cell in my Body is happy. Every Single Cell in my Body is well. (2X) I thank you Lord, I feel so good. Every Single Cell in my Body is well.

3 The Cell

4 Definition of Terms What is a Cell? Organism – any living thing
It is the building blocks of life. Remember That all living organisms are made up of cells.

5 Who Discovered The Cell
The cell was discovered by Robert Hooke (1965 – 1703) an English scientist. He looked at a piece of cork under a microscope and saw hallow spaces with walls around them. He then called the hallow spaces cells.

6 The Kinds of Cell Prokaryotic Cells – are one celled organisms. Its has no nucleus, such as the bacteria. Eukaryotic Cells – are the true cells. It has a visible nucleus, a good example of these are the body cells.

7 Examples of Prokaryotic Cells

8 Examples of Eukaryotic Cells

9 Activity 1 Copy and Answer: Write (1) if the given is a prokaryotic cell and (2) it the given is a eukaryotic cell. Amoeba ___ Sperm cell ___ Muscle cell ___ Euglena ___ Egg cell ___

10 Evaluation 1. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
_______ are the building blocks of life. It has two kinds the __________ and __________. It was discovered by an English scientist named ______________ using a ____________ which magnified a piece of cork.

11 Give 3 examples of eukaryotic cells and 2 prokaryotic cells.
Assignment 1: Give 3 examples of eukaryotic cells and 2 prokaryotic cells.

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