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Presentation on theme: "SELLING YOUR WORK: IMPROVING YOUR BRIEFING SKILLS"— Presentation transcript:

Troy Miller, CCEA Tecolote Research Business Sensitive Information

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AGENDA Elements of Persuasion Ethos Pathos Logos Exercise Tecolote Research Proprietary 11/14/2018

The Greek philosopher Aristotle divided the means of persuasion into three categories Ethos Pathos Logos Tecolote Research Proprietary 11/14/2018

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ETHOS Ethos (Credibility) Means convincing by the character of the author Aristotle’s day Credibility came primarily from position and status Our Day Given our culture's privileges/rights of free speech and personal equality, we have enormous possibilities for the appeal from ethos Any speaker who is well versed in his or her subject and well spoken about it can gain credibility This kind of persuasion comes from what a person says and how a person says it, not from any prejudice of the author Tecolote Research Proprietary 11/14/2018

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ETHOS (continued) We tend to believe people whom we respect and trust Central problems of argumentation Project an impression to the audience that you are someone worth listening to (an authority on the subject) Someone who is likable and worthy of respect When a speaker is seen as trustworthy, knowledgeable, and interested in the audience, the audience will likely accept what the speaker says as true Tecolote Research Proprietary 11/14/2018

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ETHOS IN BRIEFING Three things inspire confidence in the speaker’s character Good Sense – Be sure to have your writing/speaking appear written by a person of good sense Omit filler words Use appropriate language Good Moral Character Don’t use self-aggrandizing jargon. It’s not about you; it’s about the insight you have, the perspective you bring to the table, it’s about the feedback you’re providing. That’s the value; not you. If you can avoid it, don’t refer to yourself at all. If you have to own a statement, you can show your good moral character by prefacing your first person reference with a qualifying phrase After speaking with So-and-So, I think we need to… As a program team we decided to… we recommend… we think… Goodwill a kind, helpful, or friendly feeling or attitude a kindly feeling of approval and support :  benevolent interest or concern Tecolote Research Proprietary 11/14/2018

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PATHOS Pathos (Emotional) Means persuading by appealing to the audience’s emotions. An appropriate emotional appeal can effectively be used to enhance an argument Language choice affects the audience's emotional response Appealing to pathos does not mean that you just emote or “go off” through your speaking Appealing to pathos in your audience means you establish in them a state of reception for your ideas Tecolote Research Proprietary 11/14/2018

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PATHOS IN BRIEFING Appeals to pathos can be effective in each stage of your presentation Express gratitude during the introduction and the closing Thanks for coming… Emphasize the importance of the topic I (we) think you will find this insightful… I hope this is well worth your time… Highlight important findings Here’s an interesting observation… This is important… Highlight your enthusiasm for the subject and/or the project I’ve really enjoyed this… This is my favorite part… Tecolote Research Proprietary 11/14/2018

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LOGOS Logos (Logical) Means persuading by the use of reasoning. This may be the most important technique when briefing technical work apparently it was Aristotle's favorite Deductive vs. Inductive Reasoning Deductive Reasoning All men are mortal Socrates is a man Therefore Socrates is mortal Inductive Reasoning The sun rose yesterday The sun rose today The sun rises every day what makes an effective, persuasive reason to back up your claims Giving reasons is the heart of argumentation, and cannot be emphasized enough Tecolote Research Proprietary 11/14/2018

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LOGOS (continued) Fallacies are weakness in an argument They don’t mean that the argument is incorrect, but they do mean that the argument is invalid (or lacks foundation) Types of fallacies Relevance The Matrix. There Neo is asked whether he believes in fate; he says that he doesn’t. He is then asked why, and replies, “I don’t like the thought that I’m not in control.” This is not an appeal to evidence, but to the unpleasantness of believing in fate: Fate would imply that the world is a way that I don’t want it to be, therefore there is no such thing. Ambiguity SEPM is the effort to manage the technical and programmatic aspects of a program and doesn’t have specific deliverables LOE is required effort to support program execution that does not have specific deliverables Therefore SEPM is LOE Presumption False Dilemma – when only two options are given when there are other possible options (Chad Dukes vs The World on Michael Sam) Complex Question – when the question relies on a questionable assumption and all answers appear to endorse that assumption. e.g. “have you stopped beating your wife” Tecolote Research Proprietary 11/14/2018

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LOGOS IN BRIEFING Fallacies in briefing It is okay to have weak arguments (fallacies). The important thing is that you identify them Frequently we identify weaknesses in our assumptions (e.g. next slide) Tecolote Research Proprietary 11/14/2018

12 RDT&E SE/PM Cost Estimate
Assumptions Contract expenditures follow the Navy RDT&E expenditure profile (benchmarks) Effort follows a traditional execution pattern with a ramp-up phase, a peak phase, and a ramp-down phase Negotiated contracts fairly represent contract execution SE/PM Budget is composed of all management accounts less STV and SSE Methodology Fit a Weibull Distribution to the calculated SEPM expenditure profile Tecolote Research Proprietary 11/14/2018

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EXERCISE college-commencement-address Tecolote Research Proprietary 11/14/2018


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