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Poaching in Africa Ms. Moore.

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1 Poaching in Africa Ms. Moore

2 Warm-Up: Dec. 17, 2013 Topic: Feeling warm and fuzzy yet?
Look at this image. Now take a minute and write how it makes you feel

3 What is it? So What is Poaching?
When an animal is being killed illegally because they have something of value (like their tusks or fur) Historically, poaching began back in the Middle Ages. Hunting was only allowed for the privileged (so the rich and powerful) Peasants would hunt deer and other animals in order to feed themselves, their villages, and their families What is it? NPR ARTICLE:

4 A list of a few in Africa and abroad
Lions Tiger Leopards Panda Cheetah Snakes Hyena Gators Buffalo Puma Crocodiles Apes Elephant Hippos Black Rhinos Fish Turtles White Rhinos Antelope Deer Bears Whales Dolphins Sharks Zebra Wild Dogs Gorilla Pangolines Giant Salamander And So many More…

5 In some cultures the bones, horns, tusks, and other animal parts are used in medicines and relics.
Thailand, Korea, Vietnam, and China are a few countries that have a market.

6 The poacher does not have a license.
The poacher is illegally selling the animal or animal parts for money. The animal is being hunted outside legal hours.

7 The hunter used an illegal weapon when hunting.
The animal or plant is on a reserve or in a sanctuary. The animal is hunted when it is not in season (e.g. breeding season is the closed season which means that the species is protected).



10 Canned-Hunts Paying to hunt animals
These “Hunts” are when animals are brought in from outside sources (privately owned, circuses, carnivals, unwanted/surplus animals, etc) Because they’re in enclosure (few yards to 1000’s of acres) the animals are unable to escape. They are hunted and killed for the sole purpose of providing hunters with a “trophy.” Canned-Hunts Paying to hunt animals

11 Every 20 minutes, the world adds another 3,500 human lives but loses one or more entire species of animal or plant life – at least 27,000 species per year. Black Rhinos: once over 100k now around 2700 exist Elephants: In 1930 there were 5 to 10 million now there’s less than 1% African Dogs: Only 4 to 5k remain and packs avg at 10 (used to be 100+) Lions: 10 yrs ago = 50k, now 10 to 15 k Cheetahs: 1900 over 100k, now 10 to 15k Just some Facts…

12 Encouragement…

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