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Mediastinum: Sternal angle angle Lower border of T4

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1 Mediastinum: Sternal angle angle Lower border of T4
It is the partition between the two pleural cavities and lungs. It includes a large number of structures It is subdivided into: -Superior mediastinum -Inferior mediustinum : anterior, middle and posterior Superior mediastinum: Esophagus Trachea Arch of Aorta Big branches of Aortic arch Brachiocephalic ( innominate) veins Upper half os superior vena cava Phrenic nerves Vagi nerves Middle mediastinum: Pericardium Heart Pulmonary trunk Ascending Aorta Lower half of SVC Upper part of IVC Bifurcation of trachea Posterior mediastinum: Descending thoracic Aorta Azygos and hemiazygos veins vagi ِ Sternal angle angle Lower border of T4

2 Esophagus: Trachea: Length -begins Ends Site and relations Esophagus
- Blood supply Esophagus Trachea Lt Vagus Rt Vagus Trachea: Length -begins Ends Site of trachea and bifurcation) -Relation -Main bronchi . length . width . orientation . divisions

3 Aorta: 1- Ascending Aorta: 2- Arch of aorta:
Lt common carotid artery Brachicephalic artery Aorta: 1- Ascending Aorta: Origin, end, branches 2- Arch of aorta: 3- descending thoracic Aorta: Paired Single Post intercostals pericardial Subcostal mediastinal Phrenic esophageal Broncheal Lt subclavian artery

4 Brachiocephalic veins: Azygos and hemiazygos veins:
Comparison between right and left veins: Begin by union of….. -length -end at …. by forming….. -Tributaries: one of them is internal thoracic vein Azygos and hemiazygos veins: Begin at the abdomen. -end at…… -Tributaries: 1- Posterior intercostal 2- Bronchial 3- Pericardial 4- Esophageal 5- Mediastinal Superior vena cava : Begin by union of….. At level of….right 1st costal cartilage -length -end at right 3rd costal cartilage by joining the heart -Tributaries: vena azygos at right 2nd costal cartilage Lt Internal jugular Lt Internal jugular Lt subclavian Lt subclavian Lt subclavian Rt Brachiocephalic. Lt Brachiocephalic Phrenic nerve SVC Vena azygos

5 Inferior vena cava: Pulmonary Trunk: -Origin - End -Origin -Divisions

6 Mediastinum: Lower border of T4 Sternal angle
It is the partition between the two pleural cavities and lungs. It includes a large number of structures It is subdivided into: -Superior mediastinum -Inferior mediustinum : anterior, middle and posterior Superior mediastinum: Esophagus Trachea Arch of Aorta Big branches of Aortic arch Brachiocephalic veins Upper half of superior vena cava Phrenic nerves Vagi nerves Middle mediastinum: Pericardium Heart Pulmonary trunk Ascending Aorta Lower half of SVC Upper part of IVC Bifurcation of trachea Posterior mediastinum: Descending thoracic Aorta Azygos and hemiazygos veins vagi ِ Lower border of T4 Sternal angle Esophagus Descending Thoracic Aorta

7 Lt Subclavian Lt CCA Esophagus Brachiocephalic vein and SVC Trachea Cardiac impression Esophagus Cardiac impression Aorta IVC

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