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WebQuest Cells Mrs. Perez.

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1 WebQuest Cells Mrs. Perez

2 Intro The invention of the microscope made it possible for people to discover and learn about cells. All living things are composed of cells which are the basic units and structures and functions in all living things. You will be discovering the wonderful world of cells.

3 Task You will research about the cell and its organelles, then you and a partner will select and organelle and compare it to a part of your school. You will create a video clip comparing the cell part to your school.

4 Process Visit the following websites:
1. Write down three microscope pictures that you looked at, record in your notebook. 2. Draw an animal cell and label in your notebook 3. Draw a plant cell and label in your notebook Find out information about the following organelles. Fill out the research sheet while you visit the different sights: Cell membrane Nucleus Chromatin Nucleolus Nuclear envelope Cytoplasm Mitochondria Endoplasmic reticulum Ribosomes Golgi Bodies Vacuoles Lysosomes Chloroplasts Cell Wall 5. Select an organelle from teacher. Write a script about the function of your organelle and how that compares to a part of the school. Film your script, edit your movie on movie maker.

5 Evaluation The Cell is Like a School Building: Movie Maker Challenge Science Project 4 3 2 1 Interest and Purpose Video has a clear and interesting purpose. Clever comparison. Video is interesting but purpose is somewhat unclear. Video is not very interesting and purpose is somewhat unclear. Video is not interesting and has no discernable purpose Accurate Content Content presented in the video was 100% accurate There were 1-2 mistakes in the content presented in the video There were 3-4 mistakes in the content presented in the video There were more than 4 mistakes in the content presented in video Videography-Clarity Video did not rock/shake/ and the focus was excellent throughout Video did not shake and the focus was excellent for the majority of the video Video had a little rocking/shaking, but the focus was excellent throughout Problems with rocking/shaking AND focus Relationship between school and cell The relationship between the parts of the school and the parts of the cell were clear The parts of the school were a little unclear as to how it related to the parts of the cell. Parts of the school were not clearly related to the parts of the cell. Did not compare school to cell

6 Conclusion I hope that you have learned a lot about cells and their organelles, now you are ready to look at them under the microscope!

7 Teacher If you need any help, please let me know. Have fun learning about the unseen world.

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