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Science Starter Summarize the “Sliding Filament Theory” in 5 steps

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Presentation on theme: "Science Starter Summarize the “Sliding Filament Theory” in 5 steps"— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Starter Summarize the “Sliding Filament Theory” in 5 steps
What is a sarcomere? Why does your heart beat fast during physical exercise? Why do you “run out of breath” during physical exercise?

2 Today’s Agenda Science Starter Energy Source & Other Terms
Muscle Fatigue Lab Muscular System Worksheet At The Clinic…

3 Yesterday’s Exit Ticket
Draw sarcomere contracted and relaxed Myosin Myosin Actin H Zone Actin H Zone Z line Z line

4 Unit 4: Skeletal & Muscular System 4.7 Muscles & Oxygen

5 Energy Source -ATP is produced by CELLULAR RESPIRATION which occurs in the mitochondria -Creatine phosphate increases regeneration of ATP ***Only 25% of energy produced during cellular respiration is used in metabolic processes - the rest is in the form of HEAT. - maintains body temperature.

6 Why might products like pro-creatine claim to increase energy?
ATP = adenosine triphosphate ADP = adenosine diphosphate

7 Other Terms 1. Threshold Stimulus 2. All-or-None Response
3. Motor Unit 5. Recruitment 6. Muscle Tone 7. Muscular Hypertrophy 8. Muscular Atrophy 9. Muscle Fatigue 10. Muscle Cramp 11.  Oxygen Debt

8 Threshold Stimulus All-or-None Response
Minimal strength required to cause a contraction  Motor neuron releases enough acetylcholine to reach threshold All-or-None Response Fibers do not contract partially, they either do or don't

9 Motor Unit Recruitment Muscle Tone The muscle fiber + the motor neuron
The muscle fiber  +   the motor neuron  Recruitment More and more fibers contract as the intensity of the stimulus increases Muscle Tone Sustained contraction of individual fibers, even when muscle is at rest

10 Hypertrophy - muscles enlarge (working out or certain disorders)
Atrophy - muscles become small and weak due to disuse

11 Muscle Fatigue -  muscle loses ability to contract after prolonged exercise or strain
Muscle Cramp  -  a sustained involuntary contraction Oxygen Debt  -  oxygen is used to create ATP, and not have enough oxygen  causes Lactic Acid to accumulate in the muscles → “burn” and “soreness”

12 11. Origin and Insertion Origin = the immovable end of the muscle
Insertion = the movable end of the muscle The biceps brachii has two origins (or two heads).

13 Muscle Fatigue Lab Be sure to complete the background section before moving on You can complete part 2 or part 1 first Make sure to clean up when you are done! Yes #2 should be completed, create a line graph (there is graph paper on the bookshelf) If you finish, start the Muscle System Homework

14 At The Clinic 3eGNyWHJhUDA/edit

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