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The Spirit of Reform & Jacksonian Democracy

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1 The Spirit of Reform & Jacksonian Democracy
Ch. 8 Page 266

2 Spoils System Practice of appointing people to government jobs on the basis of party loyalty and support Supported by Jackson He was the first president to force out large numbers of government employees in order to appoint his own followers

3 Northwest Ordinances Provided the basis for governing much of the western territory

4 Indian Removal Act Pushed through Congress by Jackson in 1830, it provided money for relocating Native Americans Popcorn “Policies Toward Native Americans” p. 269

5 Trail of Tears Cherokee living in GA resisted the Indian Removal Act
President Martin van Buren sent troops to remove them They forced people out of their homes and to what is now OK About 2,000 Cherokee died on this journey, which became known as the Trail of Tears

6 Manifest Destiny Idea popular in the US during the 1800s that the country must expand its boundaries to the Pacific Ocean

7 Mexican War & Cession TX became a state in 1845
Mexico did not recognize Tx’s independence The expansion of slavery into new land was a new problem that arose through this increase in land The US military strategy in the War with Mexico was to cross the Rio Grande, capture Santa Fe & CA, and invade Mexico City. The strategy was successful. See map on p. 310 Mexico ceded, or gave up, the land that is now CA, Utah, NV, and parts of NM, AZ, CO, and WY. They also recognized the Rio Grande as the southern border of Texas. In exchange, the US paid Mexico $15million and took over $3.25million Mexico owed to US citizens

8 Acquisition of Oregon The US & GB were arguing over Oregon
American missionaries had arrived there, hoping to convert Natives The missionaries spread the word about Oregon, persuading many people to move to the area President James K. Polk made a deal with GB, and we got all of Oregon, except for the southern tip of Vancouver Island

9 Gold Rush 1848- gold was discovered in CA
,000 “49ers” had arrived to search for gold The rise in pop created the need for a strong gov. CA applied for statehood. Compromise of see chart on p. 324

10 Western Trails Mountain men trailblazers carved out E-W passages that played a huge role in western settlement In doing so, the trailblazers made their living by trapping beaver and selling the furs. They also learned a lot about the territory and Natives The most popular route was the Oregon Trail

11 Exit Question What is something new that you learned today?

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